PCHS Pirate Post
August 2, 2024
Registration for Returning Students
Registration for Returning PCR-3 Students
It is time to complete your Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year.
- Tuesday, August 6, 12:00-7:00 pm: Seniors/Juniors
- Wednesday, August 7, 12:00-7:00 pm: Sophomores/Freshmen
If you are out of town and cannot make it either day, the good news is most everything can be done online. If you need to come in, you are welcome to visit us in the office before school begins between 7:30-3:00.
Re-Enrollment Process
If you have not completed this yet, we strongly encourage you to complete this before August 6th. This can be done at home and will save you time at Registration.
Proof of Residency
Part of the re-enrollment process is providing your current Proof of Residency.
If you are unsure of the type of document you need to prove your residency, please check here (from our website)
What Else Can I Expect at Registration?
I have enrolled my student...Now what?
🟧 View Schedule (available Tuesday morning via the portal)
🟧 Pay Fees - Class dues and any previous year charges. CAN BE PAID ONLINE
🟧 See the Nurse - Drop off Medication; Update Immunization Records
🟧 Visit the Information Table - Pick up a School Calendar; Free/Lunch Applications; Communication Info; Club Information; and more!
🟧 Order your 24-25 Yearbook! ORDER ONLINE
🟧 Parking - for students with their license and a car. Apply online. Pay online. (see below) Provide/upload an image of the student's license and the insurance card for the vehicle will be driving.
Students who plan to drive this year will need to apply online. You will need to upload an image of the student's license, and insurance card on the vehicle.
Once the form is complete, you will see the link for payment.
Payment is completed in the same place you pay for class dues and fees.
Class dues and Class Fees
Here is the fees schedule for 24-25.
Platte County High School
- Kiel Giese, Principal
- Michelle Howren, Associate Principal
- Matt Messick, Assistant Principal
- Dr. Mandi Tolen, Assistant Principal
- Gabe Middleton, Activities Director
Email: giese.kiel@pcr3schools.org
Website: https://pchs.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/
Location: 1501 Branch Street, Platte City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-858-2822
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PCR3HS
X (Twitter): @PCHShalls
Michelle Howren, Assistant Principal
Matt Messick, Assistant Principal
Dr. Mandi Tolen, Assistant Principal
Gabe Middleton, Activities Director
Location: 1501 Branch Street, Platte City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-858-2822
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pchshalls/