Edgewood NEWS
From Edgewood Elementary School, home of the Eagles!
School Hours
Tardy Bell: 8:45
Dismissal: 3:00
Text Alerts
Michigan City Area Schools Strategic Plan
Please take a moment to view MCAS Strategic Plan found below!
Weekly Information
Monday, November 11th is our first girls basketball game over at Pine. The game will begin at 3:45 and there is not an activity bus available. Please have your child at Pine by 3:35 for warm-ups.
Tuesday, November 12th is our next All Pro Dad meeting at 4pm. Please join us!
Thursday, November 14th is our Puff Pastry Delivery. Please make sure you are able to pickup your items between the hours of 5-7 pm as we do not have room to store your items.
Friday, November 15th is our Fall Picture Re-Take Day. All information for ordering is found below.
Fall Picture Re-Takes
Picture Re-Takes
Retake Picture Day is: Friday, November 15, 2024
Order Code is: 87541MU
Website: https://inter-state.com/
Your Unique Web link to order is: https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/87541MU
Students who ordered a package on original picture day but are choosing to get their picture retaken MUST bring their original picture package with them on retake day to give to the photographer. They DO NOT need to place a new order. If they forget their package on retake day, we will take their photo & write their name down but we won’t order a new package until the old one is returned.
Friday, Nov 15, 2024, 09:00 AM
Edgewood Elementary School, Boyd Circle, Michigan City, IN, USA
Attendance Notifications
MCAS has a new way to report absences for your child. If you are unable to call the building, please feel free to login to your PowerSchool Account, Click on "Forms", scroll down to the bottom and click on "Attendance Monitor". You will then see a button where it says "Report New Attendance" and then proceed filling out the information. Below are the instructions that are found directly on the MCAS Website.
This week is a popcorn week. All money and orders must be turned in first thing Friday morning. Popcorn is 0.50 per bag and there is a limit of 2 bags per person.
Important Everyday Reminders
**If you have a new phone number or address, please make sure to let our office know as soon as possible. It is imperative that we are able to reach you in case of any emergency. Thank you so much!
**Drop off/Pickup If you are dropping your child off late, or picking them up early, please make sure you are not parking in the fire lane at the front of the building. This area is reserved for busses, and for emergency vehicles. Thank you!
**If you are changing your child's dismissal plan, please make sure all phone calls and messages are made prior to 2:00. It is very hard to ensure messages are getting received after 2:00.
**If you are dropping your child off in the morning, please know that our doors do not open until 8:25. All parent drop-offs must be done at Door B. Our front entrance is reserved for busses.
**Birthday Celebrations: As a reminder, birthday treats from outside stores are not permitted. Here is the link to view MCAS snack and beverage standards. https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/Page/142 If you would like to order a birthday treat for your student from our food service department, please click here for the order form.
***Volunteers/Pop-Ins: We love having volunteers! Please make sure if you would like to volunteer, a background check must be on file. The form can be found here. Also, if you would like to "pop-in" on your student, the teacher must have a 24-hour notice. Thank you!
Sports Information
Girls Basketball will have their first practice on Tuesday, October 29th until 4:30. There is an activity bus available, as long as your child has signed up for it. Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4:30.
All games will begin at 3:45. We do not have an activity bus available on game days.
Games are as follows:
November 11th: Edgewood vs. Pine at Pine
November 18th: Edgewood vs Springfield at Springfield
December 3rd: Edgewood vs. Coolspring at home
December 6th: Edgewood vs. Joy at Joy
December 13th: Edgewood vs. Knapp at home
December 16th: Edgewood vs. Marsh at at Marsh
December 20th: Edgewood vs. Lake Hills at Lake Hills.
**This schedule is subject to change**
Any questions, please reach out to Coach Hunter at t.hunter@mcas.k12.in.us
Notes from the Nurse
Hearing and Vision screens were completed this week, all referral notices were either mailed to the home or sent home with students, please reach out to Nurse Eva with any questions or concerns. If you did not receive a notice, there were no concerns.
Just a reminder: fevers, vomiting or diarrhea require symptom free without use of medication to suppress it for at least 24 hours before students can come back to school. There are a lot of illness going around right now, flu, pneumonia, strep throat, COVID, ear infections, sinus infectons, so please take your child seriously if they say they have a headache or stomach ache and assess them before sending to school. Thank you.
Edgewood ESA Parent Group
Puff Pastry Delivery will be on Thursday, November 14th from 5-7. These items are delivered frozen and must be picked up promptly as we do not have the space to store them!
Tuesday, November 12th will be a Holly's giveback. This is available all day for dine in or carryout. Just show your coupon!
Edgewood ESA Parent Group
Holly's Giveback
Upcoming Events
November 12th-All Pro Dad Meeting at 4pm
November 12th- Holly's Giveback
November 14th-Puff Pastry Delivery
November 15th-Fall PIcture ReTakes
November 21st-Family Game Night at 5pm
November 25th-29th No School Thanksgiving Break
December 12th-One City One Sound
December 23rd-January 3rd Winter Break
January 6th-Asynchronous E-Learning Day
About us
Website: https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/edgewood
Location: 502 Boyd Circle, Michigan City, IN 46360, USA
Phone: (219) 873-2079
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edgewoodmcas
Mrs. Angela Kenney, Secretary - akenney01@mcas.k12.in.us Ext. 6200
Ms. Megan Methner, Counselor - mmethner@mcas.k12.in.us Ext. 6206
Mrs. Eva Williamson, Nurse - e.williamson@mcas.k12.in.us Ext. 6208
Mrs. Kasey Mansker, Student Success Coach- kasey.mansker@mcas.k12.in.us Ext 6257