The Buzz
Spring Term - 26th January 2023
Message from the Executive Head Teacher
Partnership is one of our principles and is at the heart of our vision for HPP. Each day I work across both schools and I see such strength in partnership with pupils, parents and staff.
High expectations are an integral part of life at HPP and we can only help the pupils to achieve their very best by working together at all levels.
Weekly parents volunteer their time to come and work with our children and this week we have been lucky to have parents providing workshops for the children to enjoy in RE and science - thank you so much.
Key to the success of HPP pupils is the curriculum. It is clear, consistent and coherent but to ensure this remains the case, all teachers from across HPP spent a session working together to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of all of our pupils; partnership in action at HPP.
Collaboration and successful peer learning is seen everyday at HPP and as children move through HJS I am delighted to see they are honing these skills to ensure they leave us fully prepared for the adventures ahead.
HJS Principles
Each month the school will focus on a different principle. This month's is:
Stars of the Week
3M - Amelia Gourley
3E - Sienna Kimber
3S - Martha Richards
3T - Austin Price
4B - Emilia Elijose
4W - Victor De Andrade
4S - Francis Clarke
4P - Evan Watkins
5N - Jaya Kaur
5R - Skye Campbell
5H - Elijah Thompson-Cooper
5B - Alexander Hodges
6GK - Emilio Alvarez-Tebbey
6G - Albert James
6C - Aleks Musievski
6L -Bobby Didd
School Council Behaviour Awards
The school council behaviour award is given to one child in each year group by a member of the school council for their outstanding behaviour and positive attitude towards learning. Last week's winners are:
Year 3 - Alex Haran
Year 4 - Olivia Louw
Year 5 - Nathan Wibden
Year 6 - Adam Mohammed
Attendance Information
The class with the best attendance last week is 5N
The class with the least numbers of lates last week is 6C
Messages from the Office
Please can we remind you to name all items of clothing/belongings please. We have a huge number of coats and water bottles left in the playground every day and we are unable to reunite them with their owners as they are all unnamed.
We have introduced a box which will live in the playground outside the medical room of all water bottles which remain unclaimed at the end of the day so if your child has lost theirs, please check here first.
(DATE CHANGE) - World Book Day - Wednesday 1st March 2023 📚
As World Book Day, coincides with any NEU industrial action, we have made the decision to change this to Wednesday 1st March
Last term, Miss Kennedy and Miss Smith delivered a wonderful Parent Workshop all about reading. We know many of you were keen to have the information from this and have been asking where you can access it. You can find it either on our website or by clicking on this picture.
Hampton Infant School Nursery
We are now taking Nursery applications for our lovely new nursery for September 2023 entry, date of birth range 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2020.
To apply, please visit our website under Admissions for further details and complete the application eform or use the below link:
The closing date is Friday 3rd March with offers going out by Friday 5th May.
Year 5 News
5H enjoyed their visit to the River Thames and the Garrick Temple as part of their learning about the River Thames
Year 6 News
Year 6’s drawing club has been very popular. It is run by 3 students in 6C - Amelie, Alex and Annie - who this week awarded certificates during the year group assembly for the winners of their first competition.
On Monday, as part of their RE topic, Year 6 had a presentation by Mrs Kaur on Sikhism. The pupils learnt about the 5 Ks, the Gurdwara and how the Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the central holy religious scripture of Sikhism.
Another visit from Brentford Football Club highlighting the importance of inclusivity and racial awareness.
Virtual Tour
Contact Details
Location: Hampton Junior School, Percy Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 020 8979 2545