Mid-October Updates

October 15, 2024
Hello Eisenhower Families,
Our Eisenhower team works hard to create a welcoming environment in which every child and family feels comfortable. A few years back, as a collective team, we made the decision to move away from celebrating Halloween to celebrate the fall season instead. Classroom teachers will be communicating their plans directly with students and families if they have not yet done so.
Fall is definitely here as there is a chill in the air. Unless the temperature is below zero and/or the windchill is -10 or below, students will be going out for a 30 minute recess each day. Please be sure to send students to school prepared to go out for recess each day. If you need resources for winter gear, please reach out to one of our school social workers.
Miss Josie: josephine.gall@ahschools.us
Ms. Higby: nicole.higby@ahschools.us
In partnership and appreciation,
Principal DeRung
PTO Food Night Tonight
PTO Nominate a Teacher Sept Results
Ben Stegeman
Mr. Stegeman earns respect and admiration by serving as a role model for his students and the whole building. He always has the best interests of students in his mind.
PTO is doing this each month so be sure to nominate a staff member for October.
Spirit Shop
We are excited to share that the Eisenhower Elementary Spirit shop is open and has new designs!
Visit https://eisenhowerelementary.brandingwearhouse.com/page/spirit-wear
All items are printed and fulfilled by The Branding Wearhouse and shipped to you!
All orders are non-refundable so please check your order before purchasing.
Remember new students get a free solid color, short sleeve eagle pride t-shirt in their class color -these are on the way!
Grade Level Shirt Colors 24/25:
Kindergarten - Blue
1st Grade - Charcoal
2nd Grade - Red
3rd Grade -Blue
4th Grade - Charcoal
5th Grade - Red
Kindness poster contest
This year's theme: Kindness Takes All of Us (needs to be written somewhere on the front of the poster)
- Use 11x17 paper from school
- Follow poster directions, must have theme written on it
- Write your name, grade and Eisenhower on the back of your paper
- Posters are due to your teacher by October 25th
Hike for Ike
We raised $16,007.14 beating our $15,000 goal!!
We’re extremely thankful for all our parents, teachers, friends/family, and students who supported our school with donations. Our Hike for Ike event was a BLAST! We loved seeing the families mingle and the kids having fun–even when the sprinklers came on! All funds raised will be used to support Eisenhower Elementary this school year and fund our soccer field.
Feedback on the event or fundraiser can be sent to eaglesightingcr@gmail.com
We also invite you to join us for our next PTO meeting
November 7th 2024 @ 6pm
Art Room -Room 124 or Google Meet
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/oqe-kyqf-gxr
Upcoming events
PTO Culver's Food Night - October 15
MEA No School - October 17-18
Kindness Poster Due - October 25
This e-newsletter is published by Eisenhower Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.