Grapevine High School Mustang Band
Newsletter for November 11th-14th
Director's Notes
Upcoming Events
Monday 11/11: Veteran's Day Performance. 7:45 AM call time in the auditorium. Dress code is all black. (Wind Ensemble and select percussion only)
Tuesday 11/12: Wind ensemble start at 8:00 AM
Wednesday 11/13: Percussion only rehearsal from 7:00-8:20 AM. Wind ensemble start at 8:00 AM
Tamale Pickup at the GHS Band Hall (4:00-6:00 PM)
Thursday 11/14: Wind ensemble start at 8:00 AM
Saturday 11/16: Percussion only Lone Star Classic Drumline Contest. Itinerary is linked here. Performance at 3:18 PM at Marcus HS Stadium
Passport Reminder
Sign-ups for the Ireland trip are now closed. If you are traveling with us to Ireland be sure to double check your passport! It can take weeks or months to have one made or to have one renewed!
The GHS Band will be switching from Rooms/Thrillshare to SportsYou for communication. Please refer to the attached PDF for sign-up instructions.
All-Region Music
Access your instruments All-Region music here. This music will be used to audition for the Region 31 High School all-region bands. It will also be used as your Spring band placement and your Fall semester exam.
Freshman Cuts for All-Region Music
Freshman cuts for the All-Region are available here. These 9th grade cuts are also used for determining GHS spring band placements. Auditions will be held towards the end of the fall semester. Happy practicing! 😁
Leadership Meeting
Leadership team, we will have our next meeting Monday, November 11th at 4:10 PM. The meeting will be held in Mr. Rees' office.
The photos that were captured of the band during picture day are ready to be viewed and ordered!
TSS Photography offers a wide array of photo packages and photo items (like those fun photo pins, and necklace charms!).
Here is the link to order those fantastic pictures of your band member!
Concession Volunteer Opportunities Available
Mustang Band families run the concession stands during all Freshman, Junior Varsity and Varsity home games. It takes many volunteers to make sure we are covering all the shifts available to us in order to maximize this revenue opportunity. Volunteering in the concession stand is a great way for band families to get involved and meet new friends and is the biggest fundraiser for the band. Please remember we are asking all families to cover at least FOUR shifts this year.
Please use the SignUpGenius links below to choose your volunteer opportunities.
Freshman/JV Concession Stand Sign Up Genius
Varsity Concession Stand Sign Up Genius
We look forward to seeing you in the concession stand, serving with you and contributing to our GHS Band’s success this year!
Booster Notes
Don’t be sad about missing the Homecoming Dance! We’ll be dancing the night away instead at GHS on Saturday, December 14th from 7-9pm! So save those mums, and those cute HoCo proposals until then! More details to follow soon!
This week, we add Market Street/Colleyville to our list of SPONSORS. They have generously given $400 of Market Street gift cards to our Band. Please give them your business and thank them for their support!
If you own a business or know of one you think would be interested, please let them know the GHS HS BAND needs their support and provides wonderful marketing opportunities!
Want a flyer to help seek out SPONSORSHIPS? See the flyers below.
Questions? Please contact GHS Mustang Band Parent & Volunteer, Laurie Ackermann. I am happy to deliver flyers to you. Contact Laurie and tell her how many you want.
Sponsorship Flyer
Sponsorship Levels
The GHS PTSA gathers all of our parent volunteer hours every month. No time is too little to submit- if you volunteered even a half hour handing out popsicles, they want to know!
This will be the same link you will submit your volunteer hours to every month (by the 10th).
Thanks for all the time you spend supporting our students! We couldn’t do it without your support!
Band Fees
The FIFTH and final installment of band fees was due on September 1st and is now past due. You can make a payment here. All band fee payments have been updated in Cut Time as of 10/12. Please login and check your Cut Time account for current fee payment status. If you have any questions, or if you see any payment data that is not accurate, please email treasurer@grapevinehsband.com.
Please visit the calendar and familiarize yourself with the rehearsal schedule and event calendar for the entire school year.
Private Lessons
Lessons are available for all members of the band program. Please click here and set up lessons if you have not already.
The Grapevine High School Band has over 90% of students enrolled in private lessons. It is such an important part of our student's musical development!
Check Your CutTime Account
Students/Parents should login and double check their profile on CutTime is correct. Login assistance can be found here. CutTime has replaced Charms and is one of our primary forms of communication and it is important to have accurate information. As we graduate students into the next grade, please verify that your school and grade are correct. CutTime is not an option to make a band payment.
If you have any questions, currently are not receiving the emails from CutTime, or have trouble logging in to your account, please contact Mr. Slate (brandon.slate@gcisd.net)
Raiseright (Personal Fundraiser
Start Raising Money NOW!
RaiseRight is a great way to raise money for your individual band account!