John Reed Weekly News!
May 20, 2022
Principal's Message
Next Friday - May 27th - we will have our LAST assembly! This will be an awards assembly, and your child's teacher will reach out to you if you can expect your child to be receiving an award. Our Kinder students will also perform a song.
Please continue to remind your students of behavior expectations - treating others with respect and kindness, NO CELL PHONES, be responsible, and be on time and ready to learn.
Thank you!
Principal Young
From the John Reed Office
Student Store - Tuesday, May 24 - Student Council Student Store. Located in the library, room D3 from 12:00 - 12:30 PM. Please stop by and check it out.
Monday, May 23 - School Site Council Meeting 5:00 PM
Tuesday, May 24 - Student Council Hawaiian Day / PTA KONA ICE Day - Afterschool
Thursday, May 26 - Field Day 9:00-11:00 AM
Friday, June 3 - Last day of school, Minimum Day, Report Cards Sent Home / 5th Grade Promotion 11:00 AM
Masks are optional for all, but highly recommended.
COVID Vaccines - As students are getting vaccinated, please stop by the office once both vaccines are complete and let us make a copy for our records. We don’t need to have a copy until both vaccines have been administered. Please know, these vaccines are not mandatory or required at this time. This is simply for your student’s record. Please contact the office at 707-792-4845 if you have any questions.
TK Butterfly release
TK Butterfly release
TK Butterfly release
Sonoma County Library
John Reed Elementary School
Location: 390 Arlen Dr, Rohnert Park, CA 94928, USA
Phone: (707) 792-4845