Timberline News
Week of May 22
End of Year Celebrations
Our End of Year celebrations continue this week. All visitors must check in using the Raptor system with a valid, government-issued ID/passport. If you signed up for a Fast Pass, stop by the front office to pick it up the day/time of the campus event you are attending. Thank you for helping us celebrate the end of the school year with your student!
Attendance Updates
ALOHA! 🌸It has been so exciting to see how our attendance has grown over the year, and now it is time to celebrate! SECOND GRADE is the big winner this week with 97.8%!!! The three consecutive week attendance winners with over a 97% average goes to 2 grade levels: FIRST GRADE with a 3 week average of 97.2% and SECOND GRADE with a 3 week average of 97.14%! Both grade levels earned extra RECESS and will get a Skittles ICEE treat on Wednesday afternoon. Two classes also earned the 9 week attendance party with 7 weeks of pawfect attendance each: Mrs. Snell’s and Mrs. Schaumburg’s classes. They earned a movie and popcorn party.
Thank you for your incredible efforts to get ALL Tigers to school!
PK: 90.98%
K: 91.79%
1: 97.2%
2: 97.8%🏆
3: 96.46%
4: 95.44%
5: 94.38%
On Monday, we will be having the luau with limbo for all students with perfect attendance for the quarter. Students with lei’s will get a Skittles ICEE treat and do the limbo during recess.
Wednesday morning, raffle winners will be called during the announcements.
On Wednesday afternoon, student attendance winners for the quarter wear their lei’s to lunch. Students will get to pick an extra treat from the counselors with their lunch, such as a ring pop, Goldfish crackers, etc.
On Thursday, Perfect Attendance winners for the ENTIRE YEAR will be awarded a medal during the Pep Session. We have 20 students who never missed a day of school!
Announcements from Mrs. Roderick
Medication Pick Up From Clinic
If your child has any medication in the clinic, please come pick them up by the last day of school. Any inhalers and Epi-Pens, will be sent home with your child on the last day of school. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Nurse Dunn
Leader in Me Family Survey
Starting May 8, 2023 our school will be giving the Measurable Results Assessment (MRA), a survey and reporting system from Leader in Me to track progress in our school. We have 3 parts of this data collection; a staff survey, a student survey for 4th and 5th graders, and a family survey. We hope you will participate so we can use the feedback to make our school an even better place for students and families!
WHAT: Online survey completed by one member of each household.
â—Ź Survey typically takes about 5 minutes to complete
â—Ź Questions relate to the experiences you and your child have at our school.
â—Ź Answers are anonymous--to encourage people to be honest and open, no names and other identifying information will be collected.
WHEN: The survey is now available for you to take through May 26th.
HOW: The survey can be taken from any computer, smartphone, or tablet with internet access
â—Ź Simply click on this link: https://www.leaderinme.com/s/timberline-elem-tx/familiesRepeated Information
Grade Level Newsletters
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, 5/22 - 3rd grade End of Year Celebration (8:30-10AM in cafeteria)
- Tuesday, 5/23 - 2nd grade End of Year Celebration (8:30-10AM in cafeteria); 5th grade Continuation Ceremony (6-8PM at CTMS)
- Wednesday, 5/24- 1st grade End of Year Celebration (8:30-10AM in cafeteria)
- Thursday, 5/25 - Pep Rally and Sharpen the Saw Club Day; Last day of school -Early Dismissal (11:45AM)
GCISD Information
STAAR Reporting
2023 Special Education Parent Involvement Survey for TEA
Have your voice heard! 2023 Parent Involvement Survey for the Texas Education Agency Does your child receive special education services? If yes, this is a reminder to complete your Special Education Parent Involvement Survey! If your child was selected for inclusion in this year’s sample, you should have received an invitation to complete the survey at www.ParentSurveyTX.com and a PIN code. If you cannot find your PIN, or need help completing the survey, call or email Gibson at support@gibsonconsult.com or (512) 580-6008. If you did not receive an invitation, your child was not selected in this year’s sample. Please complete the survey by May 19, 2023. Thank you for your participation.
Skyward Parent Portal Required Password Update
Starting May 15, all parents will need to reset their password in order to log in to Skyward Parent Portal. This is a standard security measure required by Skyward, the parent portal information system vendor used by GCISD.
Please do not change the password until May 15 or after since that is when the vendor will be requiring the new passwords.
Thank you for helping us to continue to keep our parent information site secure.
Seesaw for Families
Families of Kindergarten through 4th grade students who used Seesaw in the 2022-23 school year have the option to download your child’s Seesaw work. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRvSh2KEEVMP0Nm9UVHYh0D1FbrEt_KETqIJoTWESeS8DDA9nhF9Z290HrcnNLAU80J_hn_z6mQDJ_t/pub
Campus Information
Birthdays at Timberline
Students may distribute birthday party invitations only if they include the entire class. If every student in the classroom is not receiving a birthday party invitation, invitations will not be distributed at school.
COVID Updates
COVID Updates
According to the Texas DSHS: Students, teachers, and staff who have symptoms of infectious illness, such as influenza (flu) or COVID-19, should stay home and be referred to their healthcare provider for testing and care.
Home test may be obtained for your household at COVID test.gov
If a student or staff member tests positive, please complete this form to report your case to the District.
Staff and students may not be on campus while waiting on a test result.
In the case of a student who is diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual may return to school after five(5) days of isolation. Please contact our Timberline campus nurse, Belinda Dunn, with any questions at belinda.dunn@gcisd.net or 817-251-5780
Stay connected with Timberline events on our website: https://tes.gcisd.net/
Follow the excitement on Twitter:
Principal Mrs. Hilcher: @TESHilcher
Associate Principal Mrs. Alvarez: @TES_Alvarez
Assistant Principal Mrs. Schuler: @TESSchuler
Timberline Elementary: @TimberlineNews
Your favorite teacher: @TES[lastname]
All Timberline classrooms by checking out #TESleads