Fairview Fast 5
District News from the Fairview Park City Schools

February 6, 2023
A Message from Superintendent Keith Ahearn
In this edition of the “Fairview Fast Five,” you will see more stories highlighting the opportunities provided to students by our outstanding staff. You will also see information about Kindergarten registration which opens on February 17.
Students are at the center of the mission and vision of schools. Fairview Park City Schools is currently engaged in the strategic planning process to envision the future of our schools. Integral to this process is an ongoing discussion of our core purpose and defining the value we provide to our community.
A quality strategic plan analyzes data to identify the future obstacles the organization might face. The plan provides an honest assessment of the organization’s current capacity to confront those challenges and then creates a roadmap that aligns district resources to achieve student success in the future.
We need input from various community stakeholders to ensure our plan captures the essence of our community's expectations. To gather this input, I have scheduled two Community Strategic Planning Meetings. Interested participants need only to attend one session. We ask participants to RSVP at www.fairviewparkschools.org/strategicplan.
We are excited about the opportunity to engage stakeholders in a conversation about their hopes and dreams for the future of Fairview Park City Schools.
For more information, visit www.fairviewparkschools.org/strategicplan.
Community input essential to strategic planning process
Planning the future of the Fairview Park City School District involves input from the entire community. Starting this February, stakeholders have the chance to share their hopes and dreams for the future as part of an updated strategic plan.
The district invites stakeholders to a Community Strategic Planning Meeting this February to gather that input. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 15 at 6:00 PM in the Fairview High School cafeteria. The second one will be a week later on Feb. 22 at 6:00 PM in the Gilles-Sweet cafeteria. Interested participants only need to attend one meeting.
Fairview Park City School District Kindergarten Registration begins Feb. 17
For some families in Fairview Park, it’s time to start thinking about next school year.
The Fairview Park City School District is excited to announce that Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 school year will officially begin on Friday, February 17. The district offers families a no-cost, full-day kindergarten program at the Parkview Early Education Center on Mastick Road.
The online registration process is designed to be as simple as possible for families. To begin the registration process, visit www.fairviewparkschools.org/kindergarten. Students entering kindergarten must be five years old by August 1, 2023.
Career Night 2023 Community Volunteers Needed!
Would you be willing to invest in the career development of Fairview Park students?
The Fairview Park High School & Middle School PTA is planning the 2023 Career Night for Thursday, March 9 from 6:00-8:00 pm. The HS/MS PTA is looking for volunteers to showcase their careers and chat with students during this casual open-house event.
For 2023, we are really hoping to recruit more representatives of technology-related careers. If you know of anyone working in computer science, IT, AI, data analysis/science, computer modeling, cybersecurity, and related fields, please share the Career Night volunteer information with them.
We are open to any community member or friend/colleague of a community member showcasing their career, even if their child is not a student at the middle school or high school. If you are interested in discussing your career with students and their families during the 2022 Career Night on March 9, please complete the 2023 Career Night Showcase Interest Form. Organizers will reach out to those who submit the form with additional event details in early February.
If you have questions about the 2023 Career Night, feel free to contact HS/MS PTA co-chairs, Kim Crandall (kimcrandall51@gmail.com) or Kellie DuBay Gillis (kdubaygillis@gmail.com).
New visitor management system provides better accountability for schools
Thanks to a grant-funded initiative, visitors to any Fairview Park City School District building saw new changes in safety procedures starting Feb. 1.
The Raptor Visitor Management system allows the school buildings to identify and document visitors who enter the doors daily.
“We need to have better accountability and communication for ourselves in the event of an emergency response,” Fairview Park City School District Director of Operations Mike Matthews explained. “One of the components is better accountability for who is actually in the building at any given time. And, most importantly, who these people actually are.”
The new safety procedures require visitors to provide photo identification upon entry. Raptor scans the ID, and the information is checked against various national and local databases. If a potential issue arises, Raptor immediately informs school personnel.
AP Government class offers interactive look into political campaign process
How do you teach the complexities of the American election system while keeping it interesting and engaging for high school students?
That was a question for Advanced Placement Government teacher Grant Graves who, over the last two school years, developed a unique curriculum for students learning about this important process.
“We teach the students how elections work in the United States,” Graves said. “We talk about why certain candidates have certain policies based on their ideologies to get people to vote for them. We talk about single-issue voters and how parties have evolved over time.”
However, instead of a traditional lesson, Graves instead allows his students to lead the lesson and discussion by electing their own AP Government classroom president.
Upcoming Calendar
- February 7
- 5th grade parent night for incoming 6th grade students, 6:00 PM - FHS Cafeteria
- February 8
- Early Childhood PTA Meeting, 6:00 PM - Parkview EEC Gym
- Fairview Park City School District Board of Education Special Meeting, 6:30 PM - Warrior Room
- February 9
- Gilles-Sweet Elementary Family Game Night, 6:00 PM
- February 15
- Community Strategic Planning Meeting, 6:00 PM - FHS Cafeteria
- Parkview PTA Meeting, 6:30 PM - Parkview EEC Gym
- FHS Afterprom Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM - Warrior Room
- February 16
- FHS/MMS PTA Meeting, 7:00 PM - Warrior Room
- February 20
- EEC Daycare Closed
- February 22
- Community Strategic Planning Meeting, 6:00 PM - Gilles-Sweet Cafeteria
- Fairview Park Music & Theatre Association Meeting, 7:00 PM - FHS Orchestra Room
- Fairview Park PTA Council Meeting, 7:00 PM - Gilles-Sweet Elementary Library
- February 24
- Gilles-Sweet Elementary Sweet Pea Dance, 7:00 PM
- February 28
- Staff Development Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS (except grade 11)
- ACT testing for 11th grade students
- Parent-Teacher conferences by invitation only for Mayer Middle School, Gilles-Sweet Elementary and Parkview Early Education Center
- Fairview Park City School District Board of Education regular meeting, 6:30 PM - Warrior Room
- March 1
- District Band Concert (grades 5-12), 7:00 PM - FHS Auditorium
- Gilles-Sweet PTA Meeting, 7:00 PM
- March 2
- District Orchestra Concert (grades 5-12), 6:00 PM - FHS Auditorium