OLIS CE Programs December 2018
Check out what's coming to OLIS CE in December
Mock Newbery Discussion #2
We’ll continue our discussion of the best children’s books of 2018. Please read at least half the books on the second discussion list. Voting for a Rhode Island winner and honor books will take place on January 15, 2019 using the balloting procedures of the real Newbery committee. The second discussion list will be available on October 9 at http://www.olis.ri.gov/youth/newbery/index.php.
Tuesday, Dec 4, 2018, 04:30 PM
Cranston Public Library: Central Library, Sockanosset Cross Road, Cranston, RI, USA
Assistive Technology to Support Low Vision and Blind Consumers
Assistive (also called adaptive) technologies are digital solutions that enable people with disabilities to live independently. Blind persons can hear computer-screen text, and people with visual impairments can enlarge text, enabling independent reading. People who are unable to manipulate a mouse can enter data, and those who cannot physically hear a computer prompt can view prompts.
A Visual Presentation and Discussion on:
1. Rhode Island Vision Support Resources & Digital Literacy Resources (PPT)
2. Tablets, Mounts and Accessories to promote a physically accessible space for clients.
3. Demonstration of Assistive Technology Devices: Hands on with Hand Held Portable
Magnifiers, Tablets and Vision Apps for reading, Table-Stationary Technology Devices for
low vision and blind access.
4. Questions-Discussion
Thursday, Dec 6, 2018, 09:30 AM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, USA
Family Code Night Training #1
The University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Library and Information Studies and John Pearce, Executive Director of Family Code Night, are teaming up to join librarians, students, faculty, and families for Rhode Island's first Library Family Code Night Event!
This workshop will train librarians and library staff to facilitate family coding events at public libraries using the Family Code Night curriculum. Family Code Night provides resources for creating events that ignite coding and computer science learning through family participation. Visit Family Code Night to learn more about their event kits and see examples of events.
Interested library staff can choose between 2 training sessions on December 11th (morning or late afternoon) at the Cranston Public Library, and are welcome to attend the RI Public Library Family Code Night Event that evening, also at the Cranston Public Library:
5:30-6:00 pm: Press Event/Speakers
6:00: Reception
6:30 - 7:30 Coding Event with Families
This event is sponsored by a grant from the Infosys Foundation to URI's GSLIS, which is bringing together public libraries, university faculty and students, and OLIS, to learn and launch pilot coding programs for diverse families at public libraries.
*There will be a repeat session of this training offered fom 4:00 - 5:30 PM, if you would prefer to register for the afternoon session.
Tuesday, Dec 11, 2018, 09:30 AM
Cranston Public Library: Central Library, Sockanosset Cross Road, Cranston, RI, USA
Family Code Night Training #2
The University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Library and Information Studies and John Pearce, Executive Director of Family Code Night, are teaming up to join librarians, students, faculty, and families for Rhode Island's first Library Family Code Night Event!
This workshop will train librarians and library staff to facilitate family coding events at public libraries using the Family Code Night curriculum. Family Code Night provides resources for creating events that ignite coding and computer science learning through family participation. Visit Family Code Night to learn more about their event kits and see examples of events.
Interested library staff can choose between 2 training sessions on December 11th (morning or late afternoon) at the Cranston Public Library, and are welcome to attend the RI Public Library Family Code Night Event that evening, also at the Cranston Public Library:
5:30-6:00 pm: Press Event/Speakers
6:00: Reception
6:30 - 7:30 Coding Event with Families
This event is sponsored by a grant from the Infosys Foundation to URI's GSLIS, which is bringing together public libraries, university faculty and students, and OLIS, to learn and launch pilot coding programs for diverse families at public libraries.
*This is a repeat of training offered fom 9:30-11:00 AM, if you would prefer to register for the morning session.
Tuesday, Dec 11, 2018, 04:00 PM
Cranston Public Library: Central Library, Sockanosset Cross Road, Cranston, RI, USA
Young Adult Roundtable: Collection Development & Readers' Advisory
Join us for a group discussion on maximizing your budget and your time to get the most out of your collection development activities. We'll share challenges and solutions, as well as creative ways to market your collection to match the right book with the right reader.
Please bring your collection development plan, an example of how you promote your collection.
Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018, 09:30 AM
Greenville Public Library, Putnam Pike, Greenville, RI, USA
Special Collections Roundtable
First up! Digitizing Collections: getting down to basics
What are the fundamental things you need to know and have prepared when starting a digitization program in your library? Stacie Parillo, Director, Naval Historical Collection, U.S. Naval War College, and Genna Duplisea, Archivist and Special Collections Librarian, Salve Regina U., will share their expertise on this topic. Stacie and Genna will go over basics of digitizing archival collections, including creating workflows, selecting and applying descriptive and technical standards, and working with interns. They will also review how to create a digital collections policy. If you have experience with digitization, please attend and participate in the discussion as we grow our community of expertise.
Next up! Digital Public Library of America: planning for a hub in RI
Nora S. Dimmock, Associate University Librarian for Digital Technologies and Boaz Nadav-Manes, Associate University Librarian for Acess Services and Collection Management, Brown University Library, will give an overview of the developing plans for a RI Hub of the Digital Public Library of America.
Thursday, Dec 13, 2018, 09:30 AM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, USA
Lunchtime Skills Series: Using Canva for Graphic Design
Registrants will receive a link to access the webinar the week before the program date.
Monday, Dec 17, 2018, 12:30 PM
Children's Services Roundtable: STEAM
Join us for this group discussion on integrating science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) programming into your regular offerings for kids. We'll share successful programs, challenges and roadblocks, and crowdsource questions and ideas for developing programming that meets community needs.
If you have offered STEAM programming, please bring:
- a program description
- a materials list and estimated cost
- set-up and space requirements
- a PR plan or PR materials
- how the program was or will be evaluated, and if there are any outcomes
Wednesday, Dec 19, 2018, 01:00 PM
Newport Public Library, Spring Street, Newport, RI, USA
OLIS Continuing Education
Email: nicolette.baffoni@olis.ri.gov
Website: https://olis-ri.libcal.com/calendar/olisce/?cid=8293&t=d&d=0000-00-00&cal%5B%5D=8293
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9316
Facebook: www.facebook.com/olisri
Twitter: @olisri