Linda Vista View
August 2023
Welcome Back to School!
August Events
9 - Primary grades Registration
10 - Upper grades Registration
15 - TK and Kindergarten Meet Your Teacher event/tour
15 - New student campus tours
16 - 1st day of school
16 - Parent BooHoo/Yahoo! event @ 8:15 @ the lunch tables
21 - iReady Diagnostic assessment window opens (Reading & Math)
22 - Back to School Night
23 - Dinner at Chipotle fundraiser!
25 - Fire Drill
29 - PTA Room Parent Meeting
Registration for ALL students on August 9-10
Prior to this date, please complete your child's Data Confirmation (7 steps) on the Parent Portal in Aeries.
- Emergency card (2 copies signed)
- Over the Counter medication permission form (signed)
- Page 1 of the Parent/Student handbook (signed)
- If your child has medication to be kept at school, bring the completed physician permission and medication.
TK/Kindergarten Meet Your Teacher Event
New Student Welcome Tours!
School Supplies
1st day of school
- Parents will be allowed to walk on campus and line up with their child. Teachers will be on the blacktop to pick up the students to take them to their new classroom. This is only allowable on the first day of school. After this, for campus security, parents will remain outside the gates.
- 1st-6th grade students should be on the blacktop by 8:00.
- TK & Kindergarten students should be on the Kinder playground by 8:10.
- If you are choosing to park, you will need to arrive early and park in the surrounding neighborhood. Please be patient!
- If you are choosing to drop off, please utilize the drop off lane and pull all the way forward in the red zone before stopping to have your child exit the vehicle.
- We would love for parents who are able, to join us at the lunch tables after your student enters their classroom. We will have great conversation and coffee and donuts provided by our PTA.
Parking Lot Procedures - for Safety & Efficiency!
CLICK HERE for our Parking Lot Flow map.
Some things to remember during drop off & pick up:
- Please do not rush. We know parents are in a hurry to get to work/drop off other students, etc., but nothing is worth risking an accident or injury to anyone.
- Please follow the parking lot map for drop off lane and drive thru lane. Never allow your child to exit from the drive thru lane. This is extremely dangerous.
- Please only drop off when your car is in the red zone.
- Please pull all the way forward in the drop off lane so that as many cars as possible can safely drop off students as quickly as possible.
- Please teach your child to open their own door and get out on the curbside. This is so important for their safety! (We understand that many of our TK students will take some time to learn how to exit their vehicle independently, but all K-6th grade students should exit on their own.
Spirit Days - Every Friday
We would love to see students showing their Linda Vista Spirit every Friday by wearing a school shirt or sweatshirt. We will have some shirts available for purchase on Registration Days.
Stay tuned for information on our new online site for purchasing spirit wear! Orders will be shipped to school and we will deliver items to classrooms.
Back to School Night
Restaurant Fundraisers!
August 23rd - Chipotle on Chapman Ave. from 4-8pm CLICK HERE
September 21st - Rubio's on Tustin outside the mall CLICK HERE
Room Parent Meeting
Join us on Tuesday, August 29th at 6:30pm for a Room Parent meeting with more information.
From the PTA
You can help by joining our PTA and/or making a donation. We are asking each family to make a donation of $200 for the year. This can be done all at once, or in as many payments as needed. CLICK HERE to join the PTA and make an additional online donation. You can also bring in cash or a check to our office, if you prefer. This year, you will receive a Linda Vista window sticker when you join!
In addition to the family donation, we will also be doing a Turkey Trot fundraiser in November, which is a great opportunity to invite grandparents, family members, and local businesses to help support our school programs as well.
Here are some other ways you can support our school that are FREE:
- BoxTops - Download the app & set up Linda Vista (Orange) as the recipient, then simply take a pic of your receipt each time you shop!
- Ralph's/Kroger donation - If you shop at Ralph's, you can set up your Rewards account to provide a donation to Linda Vista (Orange). Every time you shop, a percentage will go to our school, thanks to Kroger. This costs you nothing!
- Matching funds - Does your company provide matching funds when you donate to a non-profit? Ask and find out! If so, we can get you the Tax ID# and any information you might need. Let us know!
School Communication
Additionally, each month there will be a Linda Vista View Newsletter, like this one. The link will always be emailed to you & is available on our school website.
If you ever have a question about an event, please contact the office.
Contact Linda Vista
Location: 1200 North Cannon Street, Orange, CA, USA
Phone: (714) 997-6201