Edmondson Update
A Message from Mr. Berg - Friday, May 10th, 2024
School Day Times
W - 9:00am - 3:10pm
The main doors will open at 7:45. Students may not arrive before 7:45am.
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Summer Devices
Edmondson Elementary School is piloting a program this summer where students in current grades 2-5 will take home their Chromebook and charging device home for the summer, and then return those items to their school in August. See below, the RUP (responsible use policy) must be completed in order for your student to take the device home for summer.
Edmondson 2nd-5th grade parents and guardians,
Thompson's Tech4All (1:1) program supports TSD's Strive 2025 Strategic Plan by providing students with the digital tools of their future. Through access to digital tools, TSD is creating learning conditions that enable students to reach their fullest potential. We're excited to have your student join us for a summer filled with learning and growth. To ensure a seamless experience, here's what you need to know about the digital aspect of our programs:
1. Chromebook Distribution:
Your student will take home their Tech4All Chromebook and charger on the last day of the school year. This device is essential for accessing our learning tools over the summer, including SORA, Khan Academy, and iReady and Lexia lessons.
2. Guidance and Resources:
As a guardian, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with resources from Securly and Common Sense Media to set healthy tech use guidelines at home. Resources like The Smart Talk or Family Tech Planners can also be helpful.
3. ACTION ITEM: Responsible Use Policy (RUP):
Before your Chromebook can go home, families are required to acknowledge our Responsible Use Policy in Infinite Campus. Instructions are available in our HowTo guide.
4. Continuing Education All Summer
We encourage your student(s) to continue their learning throughout the summer. Our Summer Activities Guide for elementary and middle school students offers a variety of fun and educational activities. Tell us about your learning and you could even win a prize!
Tech Support:
If your student has any technical problems with their TSD device, our HelpDesk is here for you! Call 970-613-7777, Monday through Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm. Check out some Quick tips and tricks for Chromebooks to set you up for success.
ACTION ITEM: Optional Insurance Offering:
To protect against potential damage, we’re offering optional insurance for Chromebooks. Sign up by May 24th, for coverage through Aug 2025. See this link for more information.
Transferring Schools: If your student is transferring to another school within the TSD school district, your student will bring their device to their new school.
Device Return:
Please ensure your student brings their Tech4All device and charger with them on their first day of the new school year.
We trust you to use the resources and information provided on our Tech4All website to not only set the parameters for your family but to treat your device with care so they are returned to school in working condition. Thank you for your cooperation and support in making this a productive learning summer for your student(s).
Thank you!
John Berg
Edmondson Elementary School
Stallion Stampede Information!
Hello Edmondson Families,
Field Day is next week on Thursday May 16th! We could use more help with running stations, set-up and clean-up. You must be a registered volunteer to help with the stations. Here is the link to sign-up.
PLEASE REMEMBER on Field Day to:
1- Send your student to school with a water bottle labeled with their name.
2- Remember this is May, it may be a little chilly in the morning, so bring a jacket.
3- Please have your student wear appropriate PE shoes & clothing as we will be doing a lot of running. No crocs, flip-flops, boots, or sandals.
4- Sunscreen MUST be applied at home before students come to school-or you may bring your own to put on your child. We cannot apply sunscreen on at school, and will not have any available per district policy.
5- Spectators are welcome to come watch your student. If you want to take your student at the end of the end of the before the last bell you MUST check them out at the front office!
STEM Learner Profile Winners
Congratulations to our STEM Learner profile winners! Way to be Innovators!
BStrong, BFit Race!
Congratulations to our BStrong, BFit club for completing their race!! The girls did an AMAZING job and they all finished strong! Thanks to Mrs. Danford, Mrs. Mulder, and Mrs. Taggart for coaching this year!!
MVHS Spring Carnival
WHERE: MVHS patio and cafeteria
WHEN: Saturday, May 11th, 2024 from 12:00pm-4:00pm
Games, prizes, food, and more!
All proceeds go to help the cheer squad with camp and competition costs.
Summer Food Program
Free to everyone ages 18 months- 18 years
Adult price $4.47
Peakview Academy and Winona Elementary:
Days- Monday - Friday
Dates- May 28th-July 31st
Serving time- 12:15PM-1:15PM
Fickel Park:
Days- Monday-Friday
Dates- May 28th- July 31st
Serving time- 11:30am-12:30pm
Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer Program
The Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program (S-EBT) is starting this summer 2024! Summer EBT helps families buy food during the summer months. If you qualify, your family will receive $40 per child/per month to purchase groceries with funds placed on and EBT card. This amounts up to $120 per child.
You are eligible if your school aged children participate in : SNAP, TANF, or Medicaid OR if your child qualifies for free or reduced lunches based on income.
Why should I apply for meal benefits?
Even though we're far into the spring semester, you are still able to submit a free and reduced meal application for your students if you have not already! Yes, meals are free for all students this year. BUT, a huge benefit to applying and being improved for free and reduced meals is the chance to have fees waived for your students.
Another benefit to applying and being approved, is being eligible for Summer EBT as explained above. For more information on how to submit a meal benefits application, please call 970-613-5146.
Annual Family Check In
Please follow the link below and complete the Annual Family Check-In for the 24-25 school year. This is a very important step for the next school year. It gives you a chance to update any of you or your student's information such as address, phone numbers, and emergency contacts. It also completes your students registration for the 24-25 school year. Thank you!
Preschool 2024-2025
Are you interested in your child being ready for kindergarten? The Thompson School District's Integrated Early Childhood Program provides quality preschool experiences for three and four year olds at 15 different sites around the Loveland and Berthoud area. If your child will be 3 or 4 years old by October 1, 2024, your child may be eligible to participate in the Thompson School District's Early Childhood Program. We ask all interested families to complete our Preschool Interest Form available on our preschool website. If you have any questions about our program, please call 970-613-5052.
May Breakfast Menu
Monday, May 13th: French toast sticks
Tuesday, May 14th: Breakfast chicken sandwich
Wednesday, May 15th: Yogurt parfait
Thursday, May 16th: Cowboy bread
Friday, May 17th: Croissant sandwich
Always provided: fruit cup variety, cereal variety, mixed dried fruit, juice, milk variety
May Lunch Menu
Monday, May 13th: Bean and cheese burrito
Tuesday, May 14th: Pizza stick with marinara sauce and steamed corn
Wednesday, May 15th: Hotdogs
Thursday, May 16th: Waffles and sausage with maple syrup
Friday, May 17th: Thompson-Fil-A chicken sandwich
Lunch substitutes: Club wrap or peanut butter and jelly sandwich
All lunches include: Fruit and veggie bar, goldfish crackers, and milk
Drop off and pick up reminders
How to Pay Student Fees
If you qualified for free/reduced these fees may be waived. Please contact Ms. Addie in the front office if you think your students fees should be reduced or waived. 970-613-6300
Join the PTA!
We are committed to engaging and empowering the Edmondson community, including each child, family, staff, and community member, by providing opportunities and supporting them in maximizing their potential in school as well as outside of school.
Maximizing Edmondson's opportunities for potential.
We are so excited to bring back some events we haven't been able to have in a long time like the Family Halloween Dance and Family Movie Nights!!!
PTA is involved in many events and decisions surrounding your child’s educational community. By paying the annual dues (only $6.25 per year) you become a voting member with an official voice in these decisions! Feel free to reach out to Nicole Taggart with any questions or concerns - nicolejtaggart@gmail.com
Follow us on Facebook!
Visit out Website!
You can find our monthly schedule, lunch menus, and much more!
Get your Edmondson Gear!
Here is the link:
NOCO Emergency Alert
Larimer County Fire Departments have asked us to share this information. This emergency alert will alert those who sign up for it with emergency notifications from Larimer county. Please text NOCOALERT to 888777.
Check In/Check Out Procedures
In order to check out your student you will need to show a valid photo ID. Students will NOT be released to anyone who does not produce an ID. The person must also be listed as a parent/guardian OR as an emergency contact in our system. Students will not be released to an unauthorized adult.
Volunteer Information
Class DOJO
Boys and Girls Club
Laurene Edmondson Elementary School
Email: addie.bleed@tsd.org
Website: www.thompsonschools.org/edmondson
Location: 307 West 49th Street, Loveland, CO, USA
Phone: 970-613-6300