Good News Bulletin
May 31, 2024

Congratulations, Class of 2024!
The Class of 2024, clad in red and white, graduated under a bright blue sky on Saturday, May 25.
Graduating seniors Meghan Benkendorf and Lily Settoon were the masters of ceremony and Principal Bret McClendon introduced the valedictorians, each of whom shared a short speech explaining, one by one, what they had learned in each grade from kindergarten through 12th grade and more. The speech for 11th grade was saved until the end, as Band Director Carson Powell read the speech that was to have been given by Jake Burdick, who passed away a week earlier.
Jake was remembered by his classmates in several ways, including the choir singing "We'll Meet Again" with a special arrangement created by friend and classmate Joey McKeown.
The valedictorians, all of whom finished their high school years with a 4.0 grade-point-average or higher, were: Ryken Angel, Jake Burdick, Athena Cantrall, Caleb Dunn, Caden Farnsworth, Hailey Gelroth, Leslye Gonzalez, Samuel Johnson, Noah Jones, Sophia Lovato, Jordan Martinez, Joey McKeown, Giovanna Perrault, Lauren Rohlwing and Amy Ward.
Superintendent Dan Snowberger addressed the students and presented a special plaque to Ryken Angel, who became a fifth-generation graduate of Elizabeth High School. His family members have been associated with Elizabeth Schools for more than 100 years, and the current high school sits on ground that was donated by the family.
Assistant principals John Everhart and Cory Robinson recognized honor students and scholarship recipients. In all, the 151 members of the Class of '24 earned $3.67 million in scholarships. Four members of the class will serve in the U.S. military.
After the seniors made their way through a congratulatory line of administrators and Board of Education members to receive their diplomas, they moved their tassels from one side of their mortarboards to the other, signifying their graduation. Then they tossed their caps in the air and made their way up the stadium stairs, flanked by family and friends celebrating their first steps into adulthood.
Baseball seniors honored; Evans signs letter of intent
The Elizabeth High School baseball team celebrated Senior Day with six graduating players' families on May 1. One of them, shortstop/pitcher Mason Evans also celebrated with family and teammates his commitment to play baseball at the next level by signing with McPherson College in Kansas.
Seniors are listed below. Thanks to Head Coach Ryan Robinson for sharing the information and photos.
Mason Evans
Ethen Gardner
Noah Guhl
Landen Moore
Graydon Warren
Jackson Zander
Podcast: Girls soccer coach doubles up with flag football
Summer Katzoff has been coaching sports for more than two decades, including the last 11 as the head coach of girls soccer at Elizabeth High School. She’s also a co-sponsor of student council and, of course, a teacher. If that weren’t enough, last fall she added girls flag football coach to her resume.
It took until the end of the school year to find a free moment or two with her to chat about her teams and her approach to helping student athletes build skill and confidence, but trust me, this interview was worth the wait.
To make sure you hear all of ESD's interviews with coaches, just search for Elizabeth School District and hit the follow or subscribe button in Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite podcast app.
Correction: School record-breaking relay lineup
On May 18 at the state track and field meet in Lakewood, the Elizabeth High School boys 4x400 relay, which broke a 20-year-old school record for the boys' time, won second place with the runners pictured above: Malachi Mariscal (senior), Caleb Dunn (senior), Jaden Francis (sophomore), and Cooper Connelley (senior).
Last week's Good News Bulletin included an incorrect lineup of relay participants.
Thanks to Drew Francis for the photo.
Upcoming Events
May 25 – EHS Graduation, 10 a.m.
June 3-7 – EHS STEAM Camp
June 10 – Board of Education meeting, 6 p.m.
June 24 – Board of Education meeting, 6 p.m.
Building Community
EHS Football Booster Club golf tournament is July 29
The annual EHS Football Booster Club Golf Tournament is set for July 29 at Spring Valley Golf Course. Check-in begins at 7 a.m., with a shotgun start at 8 a.m.
The cost to enter is $150 per person/$600 per team and includes green fee, cart, range balls and lunch. All proceeds go to the EHS Football Program.
Prizes will be given for the three best team scores, longest drives for men and women, and closest to the pin along with a putting contest.
To register, call 303-646-3599 or go to elizabethpr.com. The registration deadline is July 22.
Elizabeth Education Foundation corner
The Elizabeth Education Foundation partners with Elizabeth School District in numerous ways throughout the year to support students and teachers. This volunteer-led, independent fundraising foundation provides scholarships for graduating seniors, classroom grants for teachers, and the STARS Awards for outstanding citizenship among students.
Learn more about the EEF at its website.