The Tiger Den
Hackettstown Middle School, January 2025
Dear HMS Learning Community,
Happy New Year to all! We were so excited to get all of our students back after winter break. To help our learners set themselves up for success in 2025, Mr. Bartol and Mrs. Swaim met with each grade level to review HMS expectations and provide some suggestions for a positive and productive year.
Thank you to NJ CAP for working with our 5th grade students this month to provide lessons around the topic of bullying. Students left with a better understanding of the underlying causes of bullying, recognizing the consequences of bullying behavior, and identifying ways to stand up for themselves and for the rights of others. In February, NJ CAP will return to work with our 7th grade students.
We concluded the month with another Fabulous Friday. Due to the delayed opening, staff and students had to quickly pivot to a modified modified schedule and I am very grateful for everyone's flexibility! In their Homeroom Advisory groups, students participated in an SEL lesson around the topic of Identity. Students reflected on just how many factors contribute to our identities. Some of these details are easy to spot, while others are less visible. Some factors help us interact positively with others and work toward our goals, while others may make these tasks more challenging. This is just one of the many reasons it is so important that we treat others with kindness and get to know people before passing judgement. We want every child in our school to feel respected, valued, and safe within our walls. It is in this type of environment that the most productive learning can occur! 💗
Wishing you all a healthy and warm February!
Yours in education,
Mrs. Swaim
🚩 Important Reminders
Whenever it is not raining and above freezing, students will be going outside for recess each day. Please remind your child about this expectation and stress that they should dress appropriately for the weather and bring a coat to school.
All wireless headphones should remain at home or in students' lockers. Students should only be using wired headphones during the school day.
Congratulations to our Students of the Month! 🤩
The Student Experience
5th Grade
Reviewing multiplying and dividing fractions with a jeopardy game!
Student Council
Our student council officers participated in a Student Council summit at The College of New Jersey.
Chorus: Bring a Friend
Chorus students were invited to bring a friend to rehearsal this month!
7th Grade ELA
7th Grade ELA
5th Grade ELA
Completing an 8-min timed writing on one of the following silly topics: Mr. Bartol, an ice cube, & a smoothie OR Mr. Bartol, a snowflake, & pancakes. 🤣
6th Grade Chorus
Students had a wonderful time singing and visiting with the residents of Health Village earlier this month.
6th Grade Chorus
What wonderful representatives from our building! 🥰
8th Grade ELA
Illustrating Romeo and Juliet
8th Grade ELA
Illustrating Romeo and Juliet
8th Grade ELA
Illustrating Romeo and Juliet
8th Grade ELA
Illustrating Romeo and Juliet
Mrs. Swaim crashes 6th Grade Band!
North Jersey Area Band Members!
6th Grade Science
Illustrating the Rock Cycle
Congrats to 15 HMS Students Accepted into Morris Area Honor Choir!
(Note: flyers & screenshots aren't translatable, so make sure to also include a text explanation)
Counselor's Corner
January was all about trustworthiness. We had the best time in classrooms as students tried to "market" different brands of tissues to the rest of the class! Fabulous conversations about honesty were had about their "advertisements," including the fact that we do not want someone to question whether or not they should trust us. Our HMS scholars discussed characteristics besides trustworthiness that are important to them in relationships with others. Furthermore, through scenarios, dialogue about making mistakes and genuine apologies occurred. Students reflected on their feelings and how they want to move forward with others when they break someone's trust or hurt someone. This month's Tiger Tags are white for trustworthiness. In the very near future, we will have prize drawings for students who have received any Tiger Tags so far this school year.
8th graders are already working on creating their 9th grade Hackettstown High School schedules! If you have not seen the HHS Google form yet, have your student go on over to their Google Classroom 8th Grade Counselor's Corner or go to www.hackettstown.org, Hackettstown High School, Guidance, and 8th Grade Scheduling Information. Together with your student, you may make changes on the Google Form. Be on the lookout for an email that will indicate your student's time and date of their meeting with a HHS School Counselor. These meetings will happen during school hours on Feb. 5th, Feb. 6th, and Feb. 7th and you are invited to attend! We would love for you to join your 8th grader during this meeting!
January 30th was the Hackettstown High School Scheduling Night for Parents/Guardians. We hope *our 8th grade parents were able to attend and found it to be an informative evening.
We are very proud of our students and their growth so far this school year. We have a wonderful group of students, teachers, administration, and community working together at HMS. We are so grateful for this community! Thank you for continually partnering with us and supporting our School Counseling program.
Mrs. Gitomer
Mrs. Keane
Grade Level Meetings
Announcing Students
of the Month!
Grade Level Meetings
Students v. Staff!
Grade Level Meetings
Students v. Staff!
🏥 Updates from the Nurse
Please remind your child to practice good hygiene habits to stay healthy during this time of year! Frequent hand-washing, coughing/sneezing into the elbow, and staying home if you have a fever are all steps that can be taken to minimize the spread of germs. If your child is going to stay home sick, please let Mrs. Carkhuff know and submit a doctor's note if you can!
5th Grade Parents: As you schedule your child's 11 year wellness visit with his/her doctor, please remember to keep a copy of their immunization record from that visit and share it with Mrs. LaPlante. All students who are starting 6th grade next year as 11-year-olds require the Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines for school enrollment.
Questions? Concerns? Reach out to Mrs. LaPlante at tlaplante@hackettstown.org.
📆 Mark your Calendars!
- 2/3: No after school clubs due to faculty meeting
- 2/4: Spelling Bees in ELA classes.
- 2/5-2/14: HS Counselors to HMS for 9th Grade Scheduling Meetings
- 2/11: NJ Cap Parent Meeting for Gr. 7 (Virtual 6:30-7:30)
- 2/13-2/14: Early Dismissal Days & Spring Conferences
- 2/14: Opt-Out deadline for NJ Cap for Gr. 7
- 2/17: District closed for Presidents' Day
- 2/19: All Star Band Field Trip
- 2/21: Club Photos
- 2/24-2/26: NJ CAP Lessons for Gr. 7
- 2/26: DARE Graduation in Auditorium
- 2/28: SEL Day
📞 Contact Information
Hackettstown Middle School
Principal: Mrs. Jessica Swaim, jswaim@hackettstown.orgAsst. Principal: Mr. Ryan Bartol, rbartol@hackettstown.org
Main Office: Mrs. Brenda Carkhuff, bcarkhuff@hackettstown.org
Website: https://hms.hackettstown.org/
Location: 500 Washington Street, Hackettstown NJ
Phone: (908) 852-8554
Twitter: @HackMSTigers