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St Francis of Assisi News
Term 3 Issue 13 5th September 2024
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
Next Thursday, 12th September, we will acknowledge R U OK? Day as a whole school community. Whilst it is only one day of the year, it places emphasis on the importance of having regular, meaningful conversations, building trust and normalising talking about what’s really going on. Hopefully, so when the people in your world find themselves struggling, they know there's someone they can talk to.
Whilst it is aimed at being a National Day of Action - Ask R U Ok? any day of the year as 'a conversation can change a life'. Stay tuned for information regarding what our children will be doing on R U Ok? Day.
Last Monday, the staff joined with three other Catholic Schools to participate in the Resilience Shield. This professional learning was aimed at equipping staff with both knowledge and strategies around the '6 Layers' of their Resilience Shield which include, Innate, Mind, Body, Social, Professional and Adaptive. Each of these layers were explored in depth along with some simple strategies to help staff cope with the ever increasing demands of not just work, but life. The presenter, Ben Pronk is an ex-military SAS Commander who shares the research behind resilience and strategies to strengthen both mind and body. The book is a wonderful read and I would highly recommend it for parents wishing to understand more about how to improve their own personal resilience, and that of their children.
Last Wednesday, our Year 6 children looked amazing at they competed for the very first time in the new P&F supported school uniforms. The 6's had a great day competing in either Basketball, Badminton or Flagbelt Rugby. Besides all the fun they had competing, they also were the best looking school going around! A sincere thanks to the P&F and all parents who contribute to fundraising as the tops looked fantastic and our children wore them with pride. Thanks to Miss K for coordinating and our parent volunteer coaches, Troy Shannon and Lottie Hutchinson. Also, to Mr Gorman and Mrs Bond for sharing their respective Badminton and Rugby expertise.
On Tuesday, our Year 3-6 children participated in our annual Jumps and Throws, as well as Champion's Race. The Jumps and Throws consist of Long Jump, Turbo Jav, Shot Put, 200m and a Champions 100m race. These field events go towards faction points as well as individual Champion Girl and Boy awards for each of the 3-6 Year levels. There were some outstanding individual performances and we look forward to the athletics carnival tomorrow where we will announce the winners.
Tomorrow, Friday 6th September, we will be holding our annual SFOA Athletics Carnival. All children in PP-6 will be participating in a number of events for their faction. A rough outline of the events has been sent out as well as attached below by Miss K. Please note, we cannot be exact for start times of races so we recommend arriving well before your child is scheduled to race to ensure you don't miss it.
Thank you to Miss K for the work she has put in coordinating this year's carnival. The Pitch Inn Food Truck will be on hand for hot food orders for parents as well as a coffee van. It looks like a chilly forecast so be prepared!
- All children come to school in their faction shirts, they are permitted to wear faction coloured merchandise such as the items sold by the P&F. NO FACE OR BODY PAINTING (a small bit of coloured zinc on the face is acceptable).
- Sports shoes and sports shorts
- Parents are to use the toilets behind the Music Room (Junior toilets)
- Students will access the toilets near Year 4 (Senior toilets)
- The focus is on participation and teamwork - therefore parents are asked NOT to approach teachers to take their child after an individual event. We are promoting community and taking a child home after their individual race is not the right message to be sending.
- Parents are not allowed into the tent areas. Each tent is manned with staff members who know your child. Please allow your child some independence to support their faction.
- Lunch will be a short 15min break and the KINDY CHILDREN & SIBLINGS WILL RUN DURING THIS TIME. Parents of Kindy children may wish to keep their child with them - please ensure you sign them out with the teacher.
- The head judges decision is final. Please DO NOT approach the teacher at the finish line to protest your child's position in the race. It is about participation and doing your best - not the Olympics.
- At the end of the carnival, parents are asked to please help take down tents and pack away (many hands make light work).
- If you are taking your child from the oval, please see the classroom teacher to sign them out.
Once again, a big thank you to the P&F who have contributed to the purchasing of a new 'Conveyor Style Toaster', one often seen in the buffet breakfast of elite hotels! This has been ordered and will be operational for breakfast club to return in Term 4. A special mention also to the Knowles Family who have also contributed to the cost of the new toaster. Our children are very fortunate to have great parents who fundraise or donate the cost of these items, as well as staff who volunteer to run breakfast club every Tuesday/Thursday morning (thank you Miss Julie, Mrs Bowden, Mrs Baker and Mrs Hubkova).
There are still two weeks remaining of the Winter Uniform. Please ensure children are adhering to our uniform policy before we move to Summer Uniform at the beginning of Term 4. Of late, I have noticed a number of parents taking their child to the hairdresser and returning with lines or bolts in their hair. A reminder that these are not appropriate and can be done during the school holidays. The same goes for hair below shoulder length, I am asking children to tie this up. All parents agree to a uniform policy at enrolment and it is part of being a member of the SFOA community.
This year marks the 20th year on this site as Brighton Catholic / St Francis of Assisi! We will be marking this occasion on Friday 25th October (Term 4) with a liturgy at 1:30pm followed by a sundowner in the new covered area. We would love to see current/former parents attend. Please RSVP via the link on the invite for catering purposes.
Australia has had a great Paralympics campaign with them currently in ninth place with eleven gold medals. Some unbelievable performances by our athletes, including the recent amazing story of Alexa Leary in the pool. I'm sure we may see some of the same determination and desire at tomorrow's Athletics Carnival!
Best wishes
Jason Baker
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
Crazy Sock Day
Thank you to all families who took part in Crazy Sock Day last week . A total of $357 was raised for Wheelchairs 4 Kids!
St Francis Feast Day and Mission Fete
Notes will be coming home from classes in the last few weeks of term about the St Francis Feast Day and Mission Fete. Please make note of the day - Friday 11th October. We will start the day with a Whole School Mass - all parents and caregivers are encouraged to attend our special, school feast day Mass.
Teachers will be asking for volunteers to help with the Mission Fete and for donations for the class stalls - please ask your child if they have any notes from their teacher!
Pope St Gregory 1 (Feast day - 3rd September)
Pope Saint Gregory I, also known as the Great, was the Pope of the Catholic Church between 590 and 604 AD. Gregory was born around 540 in Rome. Gregory’s family had great wealth and influence in the city. His great-great-grandfather was Pope Felix III who reigned from 483 to 492. Gregory was well educated and excelled in all his studies, and he became an expert in law. He excelled so much he became the Prefect of Rome, just as his father had been. Gregory was only 33 years old. After Gregory’s father had died, Gregory had the family villa in Rome converted into a monastery. Today the monastery still stands as the San Gregorio Magno al Celio.
In 590, Pope Pelagius II died, and Gregory was proclaimed pope by acclamation. This was not something Gregory wanted, but he accepted the role. Gregory made clear he preferred the monastic life in a series of writings, referring to himself as a servant of God. Pope Gregory was famous for his missionary work. He sent people out to bring others to Jesus and into the Church. It was Pope Gregory who sent St. Augustine (of Canterbury) and others, to England in 597 to convert the people of England to Christianity.
Pope Gregory made many changes to the Mass, some of which remain today - the position of the Our Father in the Mass remains where Pope Gregory placed it. Pope Gregory was well known for his devotion to the poor, giving generously of the riches donated to the Church by the wealthy people of Rome. Everything from money to land was given to the poor in some way. He made clear to the bishops, and priests that their duty was to the poor people of Rome and beyond. He ordered his clergy to go out into the streets to find and care for the poor in person. Any clergy who were unwilling to go into the streets and help the poor were replaced.
Pope Gregory suffered from arthritis in his last years. He died on March 12, 604 AD. He was immediately proclaimed a saint. Saint Gregory’s relics remain in St. Peter’s Basilica to this day.
Confirmation Photos
A message was sent out on SEESAW last week to families with an attachment providing access to the photos from Confirmation. Viewing the photos does NOT mean you have to purchase them. Please order online, before the end of October.
"One is as much as he is in the sight of God, and no more." St Francis of Assisi
Miss Dee Campbell
SFOA Athletics Carnival
Please see below for the SFoA Athletics Carnival Program. There are no times for the events, therefore if you are wanting to come and cheer on your child, please arrive earlier than expected in case we are running early.
Please use SFoA toilets near the library and NOT IMCC.
Students are to stay for the whole day to support the factions and other students.
I look forward to a fun-filled day!
Meagan Kruenert
Sports Teacher
This week's shout out goes to Khaleesi-Leigh Ellis who volunteers her time before school each Thursday to help at St Vincent De Paul. A few weeks ago, our former Mayor and now Member of the House of Representatives was also volunteering, MP Tracey Roberts. It is great to see a young person voluntarily giving up their time to help others - a shining example of service, just like St Francis of Assisi! Keep it up, Khaleesi-Leigh.
Dear Parents,
School fee reminder statements will be sent out to ALL families next week. We have commenced contacting families who have not made any payment so far this year. Please remember that families who are not on a payment plan need to finalise their full school fees by the 31st October 2024. If you have any queries, please contact myself on 08 9562 9528 or email finance@stfrancisbutler.wa.edu.au
As always we are grateful to those families who continue to support our children by paying their school fees regularly.
All families on Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) need to provide the school with their current card to continue receiving the discount for 2024. If your card has expired, please bring in your new card to the school office ASAP. If we do not receive your HCC you will be charged the full fees.
Kind regards,
Geneve Bastian
The P & F have had a great few weeks with the Fathers' Day stall, raffle, and the Sports Carnival Accessories Stall. All were a huge success and raised valuable monies for the P & F.
We would like to thank those who donated to the Fathers' Day Raffle this year. The prizes were amazing:
Repco Clarkson
4 Mates Jindalee
Calm Massage Butler
Bunnings Mindarie
Good Guys Clarkson
Moore Mechanical
The upcoming events for Term 3 are:
Spooky School Disco - Friday 13th September
The Spooky School Disco is on Friday 13th September. Spooky costumes are optional and there will be a prize for best dressed. Further information is provided on the note sent home and on the Facebook page.
Community Lunch - Friday 20th September
The end of term community lunch will be held on Friday 20th September. A note with all the details was sent home this week. Orders can be placed with Cash or via QuickCliq.
We look forward to seeing you at these events and thank you for your support of our school community.
Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthday over the next two weeks:
Theodore Miranda-Becker, Eamon Guelfi, Ava Bisgrove, Sophie Russell, Cleo Horrocks, Zoe Liron, Paige Goldie, Nyah Childs, Arie Boschman, Charlie Muir, Isaac Rapi-Beddall, Hunter Marais, Kuach Kuach, Indiana Schmidt, Leo Ward, Samuel O'Hare, Genesis Peter Limbo, Leon Gilsenan.
We wish you all a wonderful day!!
Friday 6 September - SFOA Athletics Carnival / P&F Subway lunch
Thursday 12 September - R U OK Day
Friday 13 September - Merit Assembly (8:45am) / Kindy Hospital incursion / Yr 5 EEC Incursion / Lunch with Leadership / P&F Disco
Wednesday 18 September - Year 6 Business Expo
Friday 20 September - Grandparents Day Performing Arts Assembly (11:30am) / Community lunch (12:30pm)
Monday 23 September - Friday 4 October - School holidays
Monday 7 October - Students return for Term 4
Friday 11 October - St Francis Feast Day / St Francis Liturgy (8:45am) / Mission Fete (11:30am)
Please see below for the latest Camp Australia newsletter.
Applications are invited from students entering Year 7 2025 for Instrumental Music & Choral Scholarships. Apply online, applications close on Friday 20th September 2024. For more information, please see the details below.
The Uniform shop is open every Tuesday morning from 8:00am-9:00am during school term 3.
Where: Operating out of the demountable at the rear of the school!
Ph: (08) 9204 1701
Email: mailto:sales@jfe.net.au
Address: 1/85 Guthrie St, Osborne Park 6017
Mon-Thur: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Email: admin@stfrancisbutler.wa.edu.au
Website: www.stfrancisbutler.wa.edu.au
Location: 1051 Connolly Drive, Butler WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9562 9500
Facebook: facebook.com/stfrancisbutler
Instagram: https://instagram.com/stfrancisbutler
Email: standrewsclarkson@gmail.com
Website: http://www.standrewsclarkson.com/
Location: 53 Belleville Gardens, Clarkson WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9407 7512
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/standrewsclarkson/