Jackson High School Newsletter
Friday, September 13, 2024
1. "Start with Hello" week begins on Monday. Please see the flyer below for our themed activities and dress throughout the week. Please remember that school dress code, which includes no hats and no hoods, still must be followed throughout the week.
2. The final due date for First Day Forms is coming up on Sunday, September 22. Please note that if these forms are not completed by this time, students may lose access to internet, email, etc. Please call the Main Office with any questions.
3. We are looking forward to Homecoming, which is coming up soon! See the flyer below for more information.
Thank you, and Go Bears!
Mr. Ziders
Tardy to School Reminders
Please note the passage below from our school handbook regarding tardiness to school. Note that the reasons given below will result in a student being marked tardy unexcused to school.
Miscellaneous Unexcused Reasons for Absences and/or Tardiness (AU or TU) In the past, students have had many excuses for being absent or tardy. In order to alleviate conflict between the students and the office, students and parents should note that all other reasons are unexcused (based on Ohio attendance laws), including, but not limited to: Children arriving to school by personal transportation. Oversleeping Missing the school bus Traffic jam Babysitting in non-emergency situations Staying out of school an unnecessary length of time because of doctor’s appointment, job interview, or driver’s license exam. Car trouble of any kind (The Jackson Local School Board of Education provides transportation which delivers students to school on time) Registering to vote and for the draft (students can do this at school) Running non-emergency errands for parents or anyone else Making repairs on one’s own or anyone else’s car
Parents/Guardians of student-athletes please register your child now for their Sports Season using the following link: https://jacksonpolarbears.org/2024/06/24/2024-2025-sports-registration/
Even if your child is a Winter or Spring Sport Athlete, now is the time to register so that you can get your physical uploaded, get updates from our Athletic Office, and have it done before the school year gets too hectic! If you have questions you are welcome to call us here at Jackson High School and we will help you! Thank you and GO BEARS!
School Picture Day
School picture day will take place on Thursday, September 26 in English classes. If a student does not have an English class at JHS, they can report to the Aux 1 gym for their picture during their lunch or study hall.
Graduation Date for the Class of 2025
As we announced in the Spring, our Graduation for the Class of 2025 will be held on Saturday, May 24 at 5:00 at Fife Stadium. Stay tuned throughout the year for more details!
Cell Phones
Please note that the Jackson High School staff will be making a concerted effort to reduce the use of cell phones in school this year. Please know that cell phones will not be permitted to be used in classroom settings throughout the year.
Research shows that student use of cellphones in schools has negative effects on student performance and mental health.
Cell phones distract students from classroom instruction, resulting in smaller learning gains and lower test scores.
Increased cell phone use has led to higher levels of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders in children.
We thank you in advance for your help and support with this initiative!
ID Badges
Dress Code
Please note the Jackson High School dress code below. There are no changes to the dress code from last school year.
- Apparel advertising activities considered illegal to young people that are related to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use, promiscuity and/or sexual implications are not permissible. Likewise, any garment or style of dress, which displays any obscene word, symbol, racial slur, ethnic epithets, gang affiliations, weapons, sexist attitudes, offensive illustrations, terrorist or violent messages is inappropriate.
- Clothing shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments; no bare midriffs, tops and bottoms may not be revealing in nature.
- Inappropriate and/or extreme accessories are not permitted.
- Items which obscure your identity such as hats, bandanas worn to cover the entire head, sunglasses, hoods on hooded apparel and headwear are not permitted to be worn in the building during the school day. Facial coverings, worn for health purposes and head coverings for religious purposes are permissible.
Please know that students entering 12th grade must have a Meningococcal (A, C, Y, W-135) vaccine. If the 1st dose of Meningococcal was administered before the 16th birthday, a second dose is required. STUDENTS may not be permitted to attend school until proof of these immunizations has been provided to the school or an exemption statement is on file at school. Immunizations may be obtained from your child’s healthcare provider, pharmacies, and the Stark County Health Department. Please submit a copy of your child’s immunization or complete an exemption form prior to the first day of school next year. You may submit an electronic copy to our School Nurse, Mrs. Lori Fisher at laf2jc@jackson.sparcc.org, drop off a copy of your child's records to the Main Office or mail a copy to Mrs. Fisher at school. Please contact Mrs. Fisher, should you have questions. Please know that exclusion from school will take place if correspondence is not received.
If you think you could qualify for free and reduced lunch status it is IMPORTANT that you fill out the application. In addition to free and reduced meals, your child(ren) may qualify for additional cost waivers for college entrance exams and other school fees. Contact your school counselor for more details, and visit the following webpage to access the form: https://www.jackson.stark.k12.oh.us/Page/161
The Backpack Food Program, a partnership with RiverTree Jackson, is a service we are
pleased to offer to the families of Jackson Local Schools. The goal of this program is to send
home a variety of easy, ready-to-eat meals and snacks for your child over the weekend.
There are no income requirements for this program. The bags will be delivered to your child’s
school and be ready for pick up each week.
To apply to be part of the Backpack Food Program, all you need to do is fill out the quick
application form by clicking the link below:
Student Opportunity Bulletin Board
The Jackson Local School District has a page on the District's website where information related to student enrichment opportunities (academics, arts, athletics) can be found. The website can be found by clicking on the link button below.
The materials provided herein are solely for informational purposes and do not constitute an endorsement by the Jackson Local School District of any individuals or organizations involved nor of the messages conveyed within these materials. Absent a specific and express statement to the contrary, please be advised that the activities promoted by these materials do not have an affiliation with, nor are they sponsored or endorsed by, the Jackson Local School District.
These will begin to be updated once students begin this school year.
Jackson High School
Email: miz2jc@jackson.sparcc.org
Website: https://www.jackson.stark.k12.oh.us/Page/732
Location: 7600 Fulton Drive Northwest, Massillon, OH, USA
Phone: 330-837-3501
Twitter: @mziders