Little Mountain Messenger
September 2024
Principal's Message
Hello LME Families,
We had a great first week of school! I am very proud of how well our staff and students have adjusted to our school start time change. Thank you for helping us make this transition so smooth! As we have made some changes this year a few FAQs have come up:
FAQ 1: Why did we switch to the “Meet the Teacher” format instead of our traditional “Welcome Back Days”?
Each year we try to maximize our teacher workshop week schedule and find a healthy balance of professional development and teacher work time. This year, we are supporting the MN READ Act, and are providing additional time for teachers to meet these requirements. Utilizing a “Meet the Teacher” format, allowed us more flexibility to provide teachers with important training and professional development.
FAQ 2: Why are some bus students allowed to enter the building before our parent drop-off students?
With our new start time change, the bus routes have changed as well. Some buses will
arrive and need to drop students off promptly in order to start their next route. We have staff prepared to supervise these students, but not enough staff to supervise additional children until 7:35. Thank you, parent drop-off families, for being patient and not dropping your children off until 7:35. If this is a challenge for your family, please reach out to Magic Adventures for before school care information.
Thank you for partnering with us on your child’s educational journey. It’s going to be a great year at LME!
Nicole Croteau
LME Principal
Important Dates
9-13 Homecoming week (Dress up days below)
9 - Comfy, Cozy Day
10 - Sports Day
11 - Beach or Bright Colors Day
12 - Class Color Day
- 1st grade - Red
- 2nd grade - Orange
- 3rd grade - Yellow
- 4th grade - Green
- 5th grade - Blue
13 - Magic Pride Spirit Day (Homecoming Football Game @ 7:00pm - High School Stadium)
*First Fire and Lockdown Drills will be practiced during school hours.
19 - School Pictures at Little Mountain
24 - PTO Meeting (5:00pm - LME Media Center)
Every Meal Weekend Meal Program
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Healthy eating is so important for children. At Little Mountain, we work hard to ensure
students receive a healthy breakfast and lunch each day to support their developing
brains and bodies. Research shows that children who eat regular, nutritious meals are
more likely to attend school and be engaged in learning.
We are excited to partner with Every Meal to offer a free weekend meal program to all
our students.
Every Meal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to fight child hunger
through community and school partnerships. They strive to make a difference in
children’s lives by focusing on food gaps like weekends, school breaks, and summer
when they can’t receive food in school.
● Free for all families
● No qualifications required
● Students enrolled in the program will receive a 4-5 pound bag of nutritious,
nonperishable food each week
● Every Meal does not collect information from families; privacy is protected
● Families may choose to participate in the program anytime throughout the
school year
● Families may choose from a variety of different weekend food bag options
● Please contact Nichole Rengel to participate or for more information
○ nichole.rengel@monticello.k12.mn.us
○ #763-262-2606
Nicole Croteau, Principal
Nichole Rengel, Social Worker
Queridos Padres/Guardianes,
La alimentación saludable es tan importante para los niños. En Little Mountain,
trabajamos duro para asegurar que los estudiantes reciban un desayuno y almuerzo
saludables todos los días para apoyar el desarrollo de sus cerebros y cuerpos. Las
investigaciones muestran que los niños que comen comidas nutritivas con regularidad
tienen más probabilidades de asistir a la escuela y participar en el aprendizaje.
Estamos emocionados de asociarnos con Every Meal para ofrecer un programa de
comida de fin de semana gratuito a todos nuestros estudiantes.
Every Meal es un 501(c)(3) organización sin ánimo de lucro con la misión de combatir el
hambre infantil a través de asociaciones entre la comunidad y la escuela. Se esfuerzan
por marcar una diferencia en la vida de los niños al enfocarse en las brechas de
alimentos como los fines de semana, las vacaciones escolares y el verano cuando no
pueden recibir alimentos en la escuela.
● Gratis para todas las familias
● No se requiere calificar
● Los estudiantes recibirán una bolsa de 4-5 libras de alimentos nutritivos y no
perecederos cada semana.
● Every Meal no recopila información de familias; la privacidad está protegida
● Las familias pueden participar en el programa en cualquier momento durante el
año escolar.
● Las familias pueden elegir entre una variedad de diferentes opciones de bolsas
de comida de fin de semana
● Por favor complete el formulario de inscripción o contacte Nichole Rengel.
○ nichole.rengel@monticello.k12.mn.us
○ #763-262-2606
Nicole Croteau, Principal
Nichole Rengel, Social Worker
Every Meal Enrollment Form
Student Handbook
All families must review our 2024-2025 student handbook. Please select this link to review the handbook and fill out the Student Handbook Google Form.
We would like to give you a friendly reminder that if you wish to have lunch with your child(ren), you must make arrangements at least 3 days in advance with the classroom teacher. Lunch visitors will not be allowed until after November 1. This allows our staff and students time to learn routines in our cafeteria. Thank you!
MTSS Program and GT Structure
We want to take a moment to share some important information about our school-wide Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) program, which is central to our commitment to supporting the diverse needs of all our students. MTSS is a comprehensive framework designed to ensure that every student, regardless of their academic or social-emotional needs, receives the support they require to succeed.
MTSS is more than just a program; it’s a systematic approach to identifying and addressing the individual needs of our students. Whether your child is struggling with academics, behavior, or social skills, or they are excelling and need additional challenges, our MTSS program is structured to provide the necessary support. This may include in-class interventions/extensions, push-in or pull-out services, or even special education when appropriate.
We also want to clarify the role of our Gifted and Talented (G/T) program within the MTSS framework. The G/T program is specifically targeted to students in 4th and 5th grades. While the MTSS model allows for differentiated instruction and enrichment opportunities for all students, the G/T program offers additional resources and specialized instruction to our advanced learners. This ensures that students who demonstrate exceptional abilities are provided with opportunities to explore their interests and develop their talents in meaningful ways.
Additionally, we are creating small group opportunities during WIN (What I Need) time for all students, allowing for deeper instruction in challenging subjects for students. Professional development for our staff is ongoing, ensuring they have the tools to effectively meet the needs of all learners.
As part of our overall commitment to student success, we are also aligning our efforts with the READ Act legislation. This legislation requires us to prioritize foundational reading skills, helping ensure that every child is reading at or above grade level. While literacy is a key focus, our MTSS framework ensures that we are addressing the full spectrum of student needs, including those of advanced learners.
This schoolwide model is designed to meet the needs of every child, and we are excited about the growth and learning that will take place this year. We appreciate your support and partnership as we work together to create an environment where all students can thrive.
2024-25 School Hours & Attendence
Little Mountain School Hours 2024-25
School Day - 7:50am-2:20pm (Students must be in the classroom by 7:50am)
Office Hours - 7:00am-3:00pm
- TARDY - 7:50am-8:00am arrival
- AM ABSENCE - 8:00am-11:00am arrival
- PM ABSENCE - 11:00am-2:20pm departure
- PM TARDY - 2:10pm-2:20pm departure
Use Parent Portal for absence requests or call the LME Attendance Line at 763.272.2610. Please call the LME office at 763.272.2600, if you have any questions. Thank you!
Reminder: DROP OFF STUDENTS may not exit their vehicles until 7:35am, thank you for your help in making our morning drop off efficient and safe! Please DO NOT drop your students off early and leave the parking lot, you need to wait in the drop off line with your student(s) in your vehicle.
STUDENT DROP-OFF will be 7:35am-7:45am.
STUDENT PICK-UP will be 2:20pm.
Safety is our number one priority, especially during our arrival and dismissal times. If you pick-up your student(s) at the end of the day, please be patient, follow staff cues, and pull ALL the way forward. Thank you! You should have received your pick up sign by now, if you haven't, or need an extra sign, please email lisa.sawatzke@monticello.k12.mn.us to request one. Please view the map below for instructions. Thank you for your cooperation!
Little Mountain Spirit Wear (Order before Sept. 20th)
September Photos
Little Mountain Elementary
Address: 9350 Fallon Ave NE, Monticello, MN 55362
Email: lisa.sawatzke@monticello.k12.mn.us
Phone: 763.272.2603