Arbor Intermediate School
October 2024 Issue
School Leadership Team
School Leadership Team
Heather O’Donnell, Principal
Jeffrey Montgomery, Assistant Principal
Amy McLaughlin, Counselor
Karen Hoeg, Secretary
Corinne Fender, School Nurse
Elyssa Barba-Bey, Attendance Clerk
Kenneth Dzurilla, Custodian
A Message from the Principal
Dear Arbor Families,
October has been an exciting month for Arbor students and staff. We began the month with our Week of Respect, where students participated in discussions and activities based on learning to respect one another and themselves. Hispanic Heritage Month continued with students completing projects and classroom activities celebrating the historical and cultural contributions of the world’s Spanish speaking countries, and all those who identify as members of the Hispanic and Latinx community. We held our annual Breakfast with your Child event the week of October 14 and Mrs. McLaughlin, our school counselor, also invited parents in for the first Coffee with the Counselor event, where she discussed assisting students with anxiety as it relates to the intermediate level. We also held our first Family Fun Night on October 24. I want to thank all those who signed up to decorate their cars to make this a great experience for our students and their families. I also want to recognize the PTO for their efforts in making this a fun event and the Arbor Fire Hose for joining us to make it a memorable night.
There are a number of dates to save coming up as well. Our Halloween celebrations in the classrooms will happen on Thursday, October 31. Students can come dressed to school, but should leave props, costume masks, and face paint at home. Schools will be closed November 1st, 5th, 7th, and 8th. Parent/Teacher conferences will be November 20th and 21st from 6-8pm, and November 22nd from 12:30-2:30. Parents can sign up for conferences on Genesis beginning the evening of October 25.
Heather O’Donnell
Counseling Corner with Mrs. McLaughlin
It has been a wonderful (and busy) start to the school year!
We celebrated the Week of Respect by expressing ourselves with clothing themes to highlight the importance of kindness and positive relationships both in and out of the classroom. We encourage parents to continue these conversations at home, discussing what respect looks like in different situations and how we can all work together to create a caring community.
Classroom lessons have begun! This month’s lesson focused on small, medium and big problems along with small, medium and big reactions. Students engaged in good conversations on why it is important for our reaction to match the size of our problem.
Lastly, we held our first Coffee with the Counselor event. At this talk, we discussed Anxiety in Children.
Tips were provided on how we can approach our children with anxiety as well as coping strategies our students can use. Please check it out in the link below:
We will be conducting our Name the Mascot Election in November! Keep an eye out for the results!
Week of Respect
Arbor students created their own shirts with positive messages for Week of respect!
Nurse's Corner
Welcome to Fall!!! October is Dental Health month. You should brush your teeth twice a day, using toothpaste containing fluoride You should floss once a day You should see the dentist every 6 months Avoid sugary foods and drinks. Choose heathy snacks Drink plenty of water
New Staff Spotlight- Denice Michalchuk
I graduated from Monmouth University in 2020 with a BA in the Fine Arts and Education. Since I was young, I loved to explore different mediums of art in my free time. With the experience I've gained, I teach drawing, painting, ceramics, printmaking, digital art, sculpture/3D art, and more. Another of my hobbies is playing video games, my favorites are Pokémon and Stardew Valley. I am recently engaged to my high school sweetheart, and we live with our two cats, Toro and Flora, as well as many different types of fish and plants that I enjoy taking care of.
Breakfast with your Child
Trunk Or Treat
Scholastic Book Fair
The PTO worked hard to make the 2024 Book Fair a huge success. Students had the opportunity to attend the book fair and add to their personal libraries. A special thanks to all the staff, parents and community members to helped with the book fair.
PHS Choir Council visits Arbor
The PHS Choir Council came to Arbor for a workshop with choir students! It was an amazing workshop and it was so great to see our youngest choir students singing with our high schoolers! The students did an awesome job helping to lead warm-ups and activities!
Check out the Student of the Month Winners- September
Upcoming Events
Arbor Day Wear Black and Gold 10/25/2024
Evening Conferences 11/20/2024
Evening Conferences 11/21/2024
Daytime Conferences 11/22/2024
Spirit Day- Flannel Day 11/27/2024
PTO Holiday Shoppe 12/2/24-12/6/24