Newsletter - week 8, Term 1
East Gore School 24th March 2022
Tena Koutou, Talofa, Namaste, Hello and Greetings
I was hoping to keep this weeks newsletter all about the what is happening around the school. Unfortunately, I have a little bit of information to share around Covid. I have also realised that I hadn't introduced Sarah Gilbert, our new Deputy Principal properly this year so you will find out a bit more about her below. Along with this, you can read what Room Rimu is writing about and Room Kauri and Totara are busy creating bee friendly gardens and picking apples from the apple trees. With these apples they made a delicious apple crumble with some custard to go on top. Lucky them, they didn't share it with the office.
We are definitely riding the omicron wave here at East Gore but I believe our parents and community are doing very well. I know I keep saying this but thank you for all the open conversations I am having with everyone and the questions people are asking. It can be a challenge to keep up with all the changes.
The key things to remember:
If you test positive - let the school know and all your household will need to isolate (unless you have had a previous case in your household. The office can talk you through this.). After your isolation time you can return to school if you are symptom free.
If you are a household contact - you need to isolate (unless you are a previous positive case) and everyone in the house needs to test on day 3 and day 7. If both are negative and showing no symptoms, then they can return to school.
I know this is all very confusing, so please just phone the office and we can talk you through it.
Just a heads up that if our staff become positive or a household contact we will do our very best to keep the school open by finding relievers or joining classes together. However, if we are unable to staff the school to a safe level for students we will have to look at closing classes (or the school) for a period of time. We are hoping to avoid this and will communicate this with you all if we are getting close to making this decision.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai (if kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive).
Wendy Kitto
Room Rimu Report
In Rimu we have started learning Drama so that we can be ready and confident to perform in our school production later this year. We have played some great games including charades, props and machines, you may even like to give them a go at home!
We have also been learning how to get readers to enjoy our writing. We have focused on writing interesting beginnings, using a variety of sentence beginnings and how to use precise language to show the reader something we want them to know without telling them. Can you see how we have practiced these skills below?
Quirky Turkey stared at Baa Baa with a look in his eye as he grabbed his things and curled up his fist. '`You made me eat poo!” said Quirky Turkey. As he stomped away he was thinking how to get revenge…
By Roslynn
“William” Miss Gilbert shouted “It’s your turn. I ran up to the bar and made it. “Phew I made it”. But now it is half my size. It went to 82cm. After Estella and Javanee went I got called to jump. I ran as fast as I could but I didn’t make it the first time, but I did make it the second time.
By William R
“Aargh!” Jayden shot down the stairs. My foot was covered in blood, Mum came and cleaned the wound and bandaged it up for two days. I couldn’t walk properly and I still remember what happened.
By Wian
A shiny, beautiful waterfall splashing down onto the cool rocks with leaves and flowers flying down the mountain. Orange, pink, white and blue water. The water was so cool to look at, but not very safe to ride. Don’t stand too close or you’ll drift away from the edge. The water is so cool to take a photo of.
By Indy
“Aaaaaa” why is it so dark everyone shouted. After everyone stopped screaming I said “Let’s play spotlight.”
“OK,'' everyone replied.
“I’m in” I said “ You have 10 seconds to hide.” After 10 seconds I snuck around looking for my friends. I got anxious walking around in the darkness, thinking someone was following me. Five minutes had passed by and I finished finding everyone.
By Javanee
“Harlee” Miss Gilbert shouted. OMG! It was my turn. I stared at the bar, me and Estella screamed “That’s half my height”. But still I gave it a go. We had three chances and I lost them all, but today we are doing running races so I could still make it to Eastern. I’m really excited because I really want to make it to Eastern.
By Harlee
Room Kauri and Totara made Apple Crumble and Custard today. The apples were from the school tree.
Room Kauri and Totara planting Lavender's and creating a Bee garden.
We have had a couple of cases of school sores (impetigo) this week. If you notice anything suspicious on your child/ren please get them checked as they are highly contagious.
Headlice cases have popped up across the school this week. If you could all check your child/rens hair and treat if necessary. We appreciate you help with the control of this.
If your any student is unwell we will ring home to ask them to be picked up.
Ministry of Health guidelines say that students must stay away from school 48 hours after the last vomit or diarrhoea episode.
Play is the Way - this terms focus is " It takes great strength to be Sensible"
Breakfast Club will open in the hall at 8.35am and finish at 8.50am - weetbix followed by toast will be on offer.
Contact Us
Email: office@eastgore.school.nz
Website: https://www.eastgore.school.nz
Location: East Gore School 3 Wentworth St, East Gore, Gore 9710, New Zealand
Phone: +64 03-208 5331
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eastgoreschoolgore