Pacelli Post
Educating the Heart and Mind

October 23, 2024
On October 31, next Thursday, the students will participate in Ghoulish Games and wear their costumes to school. I have several guidelines that I would like the children to follow in regard to choosing a costume. First, the costume needs to be age appropriate. This includes not wearing revealing clothing or anything too graphic or gory. Second, for safety and identification reasons please do not have any costume or mask that covers the face or any heavy face paint. Third, no weapons. Toy weapons like swords, guns, or knives are banned. Costumes should allow the student to move freely without causing tripping hazards or be an obstruction in class. Props that hinder walking or navigating the hallways should be left at home. These guidelines help maintain a positive atmosphere while allowing the students to participate in the afternoon’s activities. In the morning, they will participate in their normal morning classes.
Dear Parents/Guardians:
We feel that it is a good time to review some information about sick students. We have been seeing an uptick in illness such as croup, pneumonia, and vomiting. If your child gets sick, it is often most
appropriate to keep him/her home from school. Once you have followed up with your child’s healthcare provider, please follow their instructions for return to school in addition to our illness policy.
A child who is sick will not be able to perform well in school and is likely to spread the illness to other children and staff. Please make arrangements for childcare ahead of time so you will not be caught without a place for your child to stay if he/she is ill.
Our school policy states that you should not send your child to school if he/she has:
1. Fever (>100.4 degrees) in the past 24 hours
2. Vomiting in the past 24 hours
3. Diarrhea in the past 24 hours
In addition, if your child has a bad or continuous cough please keep him or her home and follow up with a health care provider.
If your child becomes ill at school and the teacher or school nurse feels the child is too sick to benefit from school or is contagious to other children, you will be called to come and take him/her home from school. It is essential that the school have a phone number where you can be contacted during the day and an emergency number in the event you cannot be reached. Please be sure that arrangements can be made to transport your child home from school and that childcare is available in case of illness. If your daytime or emergency phone number changes during the year, please notify your child’s teacher immediately.
These guidelines are meant to serve the best interests of all the children in our school. If you have
questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact your child’s health office.
Calling the Our Lord Christ the King and Pacelli community! Remember how much fun you had at Junefest this past summer?? The next one will be here before we know it!
We are currently looking for parish/school members to chair Junefest 2025! It is a GREAT way to get involved, give back to this amazing community and meet new people! If you’re interested in being a part of this FUN, rewarding experience, please contact us and we will answer any questions you may have!
A new system is in place so that the prior year chairs will be assisting new chairs in the planning process, in an advisory role. This will help streamline tasks and logistics and minimize workload for the new chairs - both during the planning and the festival weekend. We will work with you hand-in-hand, and are excited to get started! Please email jenhardin24@gmail.com to connect. Thank you!
Your Junefest 2024 Co-Chairs:
Jaime and Andrew Lorey
Carolyn and Kris Durstock
Jen and Matt Schildmeyer
Purchase your Pacelli Basketball Warm - Up and shop Spirit Wear with Links Below:
Several coats, jackets and sweatshirts were found after Grandparents/Special Friend Day. Some of them were left by adults visiting and students themselves. Please check to see if any belong to your children or family members who attended. You can contact the office with any questions.
Jr. High Fall Dance: Get Your Game On, October 25th, 7-9pm in the gym
Our Junior High Dance/Social committee is excited to host an unforgettable evening for our 7th and 8th graders! Join us for a night filled with music, dancing, carnival games, a photo booth, and plenty of snacks. Click here if you still need to purchase your tickets!
Help us create an amazing experience for our students! We are still in need of volunteers for the following shifts:
- Game Hosts (7 spots available): 6:30 - 9 PM
- Cleanup Crew (1 spot available): 9 - 10 PM
Click here to sign-up to volunteer at the Jr. High Dance!
Volunteer Opportunities - Your Chance to Get Involved!
Take a look at these volunteer opportunities to see where we could use your help:
Mother-Son Social Event on November 17th at 1:30 PM at Velocity eSports: Tickets Available Now!
Get ready for a fantastic day, Pacelli Moms and Sons! Our event chairs, Molly Fristik and Crystal Leugers, have planned an exciting afternoon at Velocity eSports, located at Newport on the Levee. Tickets are $30 per person and include games, food, drinks, and one complimentary adult beverage for each mom. Please note that tickets must be purchased by Wednesday, November 13, as they will not be available at the door. Grab your tickets today and join us on November 17th!
Urban Air Pacelli Day November 1
Looking to burn off that Halloween candy energy? Join us for a Pacelli Day at Urban Air in Oakley on Friday, November 1st—a day when there's no school! Enjoy discounted tickets, and remember, a portion of the sales will be donated back to our school! What a great way to spend your day!
OLCTK + Pacelli Athletic Boosters Fund Drive is On
Just in time for basketball season, our Athletics Booster Drive is on!
Help us support Our Lord Christ the King and Cardinal Pacelli Athletics by becoming an Athletics Booster!
Your money helps us keep our equipment updated, uniforms fresh and invest in improvements that impact our entire community.
There's a level for everyone - thank you for your support! All levels include entry to all Pacelli home games October 2024 - start of October 2025 (so, through the girls' volleyball season).
*Deadline to have your name included on the banner/email is 10/31. The Boosters link will remain open until mid-November, but in order to get the banner printed and hung we will only include names registered on 10/31 or before. Thank you!*
Interested in becoming more involved and volunteering with our Athletics team? Email Tara Veith at tveith06@gmail.com or reply to this email to find the role that's right for you!
- October 24 - Picture Retake Day
- October 24 - Spirit Wear Day
- October 25 - Jr. High Halloween Dance
- October 31 - Halloween - Ghoulish Games
- November 1 - All Saints Day - No School
- November 4 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - No School
- November 5 - Election Day - No School
- November 8 - End of Trimester 1
- November 8 - Veterans' Day Celebration
- November 14 - Spirit Wear Day
- November 15 - Report Cards Emailed to Parents
- November 17 - Mother/Son Outing
- November 21 - Beauty and the Beast Auditions for Grades 2-8
- November 23 - 8th Grade HSPT
- November 26 - Spirit Wear Day
- November 27, 28, and 29 - Thanksgiving Break
- Principal Email: martin_j@cardinalpacelli.org
- Website: cardinalpacelli.org
- Location: 927 Ellison Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45226
- Phone: 513-321-1048
Cardinal Pacelli School's Mission
Cardinal Pacelli, parish school of Our Lord Christ the King, is driven by Christian values, committed to academic excellence, strengthened by a nurturing community and dedicated to educating both the heart and mind, while serving the Lord.