Taunton High School Update
November 22, 2024

Principal's Corner
Due to the shortened week, we will not have a weekly update newsletter next week. We have school Monday and Tuesday, and then we have time with family and friends to enjoy the Thanksgiving Break. I want to wish all of our Taunton families a Happy Thanksgiving!
November & December Save the Dates!
Saturday 11/23 Homecoming Dance 6:00-9:00 PM
Sunday, 11/24-11/25 Skills USA Fall Leadership Conference (Marlboro)
Monday, 11/25 Bridgewater State University On The Spot Admissions
Wednesday, 11/27-Friday, 11/29 No School-Thanksgiving Day Break
Wednesday, 12/4 Student Leadership Speaker Dr. Matthew Arau of Lawrence University
Students in Music participate in Upbeat Leadership Workshop A, B, C Blocks
Student Leadership Seminar for captains, club leaders E & F Blocks
Thursday, 12/5 Bristol Community College On The Spot Admissions
Thursday, 12/5 DECA Mock Districts 5pm-8pm (Presentation Room)
Saturday 12/7 Lights on Taunton Green (Band/Chorus Performing)
Sunday 12/8 Taunton Christmas Parade (Band Performing)
Thursday, 12/12 UMASS Dartmouth On the Spot Admissions
Thursday 12/12 THS Choral Concert 7 PM
Friday, 12/13 Term 2 Progress Reports
Tuesday, 12/17 THS Jazz Band/Small Ensemble Concert 7 PM
Wednesday, 12/18 School Council Meetings 5:00 PM
Thursday, 12/19 THS Band Concert 7 PM
Monday 12/23- Tuesday, 12/31 No School December Vacation
Tiger TV #1
The first edition of Tiger TV is now available for viewing. Enjoy and congratulations to our student journalists.
8th Graders of the Month
Grade 8 Students James Agnetta, Aria Goulart, Lysa Jean, Jeremy Mendoza, and Damian Sproul were nominated by their teachers as helpful, compassionate, kind, and positive leaders here in our school. These students deserve to be recognized and we have invited them to our exclusive LinksGiving with our Link Crew leaders to celebrate!
Support the Class of 2025!
You can support the Class of 2025 by purchasing Taunton Tiger merchandise and apparel! The sale includes purchasing your Class of 2025 yard signs!!
Guys and Dolls
Taunton High School Drama Club performed Guys and Dolls this past weekend. The production was a tremendous success, and we couldn’t be more proud of the entire cast and crew.
THS is incredibly lucky to have such amazing talent both on and behind the stage.
Homecoming Dance Reminders!
The Homecoming Dance (November 23rd 6-9 PM) is an official Taunton High School event and as such all rules and regulations of the school apply, including proper attire. All dance/prom regulations from the Student Handbook (p.23-24) apply. All in attendance are responsible for their behavior in compliance with those rules and the following rules regarding the Homecoming Dance. Non-compliance can result in the student’s removal from the event. No one will be admitted to the dance after 7:30 p.m. After arrival, students who exit the building will not be readmitted unless accompanied by a staff member. Students may leave the dance without guardian permission.
Food Truck Opens!
The Taunton High School food truck made its debut this week, visiting downtown Taunton!
The kids had a fantastic time in the annual Spirit Week Dodgeball tournament. Competitive play and excellent sportsmanship all around. Well-done, Student Government!
Powder Puff
The seniors were victorious during the annual Powder Puff competition. Student Government organized the event. All of the students had a fun time!
Seniors Decorate Main Lobby!
I think our seniors did a great job, decorating the main lobby this year. Take a look at their design! Can you find our friend, Mr. Fox?
Staff Gets into the Spirit!
Our amazing staff had fun getting into the spirit week fun. Who will win the Staff Tiger Cup, for showcasing the most support this year for students?
The softball field is in the process of being re-done with a beautiful turf field. The project started this week!