Maynard Public Schools
December 9, 2024
Superintendent's Message
Radon Testing at Green Meadow
Dear Maynard Community,
We have been working with our team to clarify information regarding radon at the Green Meadow Elementary School. Below are answers and links with additional information to help better understand the current situation.
Is there any data that can be shared about lung cancer risks with short-term exposure to radon? All I can find seems to be about radon in the home and long-term exposure
EPA’s Radon in schools site is a good resource.
Besides opening the windows, are there any other protective measures families can consider? For example, perhaps mask wearing until the 90 day test results are back?
Per the Hazardous Material consultant, no, there aren’t any other protective measures, like wearing masks, that families need to consider.
Will the original classrooms tested and/or additional areas be tested?
Yes, all the Classrooms will be tested, along with the Gymnasium, Cafeteria, Library, and Admin / Staff spaces.
Will any proactive steps be taken regardless of whether a room has tested high?
The school will continue to follow the recommendations of the Hazardous Material consultant and EPA to ensure the existing building is a safe learning environment for the students and staff.
Can teachers be asked to ventilate periodically during the day or some other method of proactively trying to reduce levels?
Yes, the District will ensure the ventilation measures occur throughout the day.
What is the plan to test all other classrooms in the kindergarten/preschool wing?
The plan is to test all the Classrooms, along with the Gymnasium, Cafeteria, Library, and Admin / Staff spaces.
Will you consider the EPA’s stance that levels above 2.0 pCi/L warrant consideration and act to reduce of radon levels below this benchmark in all occupied spaces.
Per the Hazardous Material consultant, levels above 4.0 pCi.L is when EPA recommends schools take action. This information is also found in the EPA’s Radon in schools site.
Please do not hesitate to email should you have any questions. I will gather any questions and confer with our experts and provide a response.
Thank you for your patience as we work through this step of the building project.
Brian Haas
Maynard Public Schools