Weekly Newsletter
Immaculate Conception & St. Joseph
August 29, 2024
School Picture Day September 5 for IC & September 6 for St. Joseph
PK-12 please be on the look out for order forms being sent home today Thursday, August 29 and Friday, August 30 for PK. Online ordering is also an option.
School Shirt
If you have not done so please sign your student up for a official school shirt provided by the PTO.
Important Reminders
Bus Information
For kindergarten students riding a Waterloo bus, an adult must be waiting for that student each day. He/she cannot be dropped off if the bus driver does not see that someone is there.
Only Students routed on a Waterloo bus may ride.
Spirit Days
Wednesdays will be “Spirit Days”. Students may wear any kind of crew neck IC/St. Joseph,
Don Bosco
shirt with uniform pants. The shirt can be specific to a particular sport if desired (for example, wrestling, football, volleyball). It can be long- or short-sleeved, t-shirt or sweatshirt. Collared uniform shirts need not be worn underneath. No hooded sweatshirts.
Parents should call the school office before 7:30am if your child will be absent. If you call before 7:00am, please leave a message on voicemail.
St. Joseph Center (319) 233-5980
Immaculate Conception Center (319) 296-1089
If you have a planned absence, the K-5 and 6-8 Absence Request Forms can be found on our school website.
Before-School Supervision
The doors for St. Mary Center will be open at 7:10. All preschool students riding the transfer bus need to be dropped off at 7:15, as the transfer bus leaves at 7:20.
If it is after 7:20, you can drop your child off at the IC doors and your child may go directly to his or her classroom. Students arriving after 7:30 must stop in the office before going to their classroom. Students not in their classroom by 7:30 will be marked tardy.
Dismissal Information
Write dismissal information in your student’s agenda PK-5. Example: to ABC, walk home, parent pick up, Bosco bus, Waterloo bus. If you know which bus, please include that information.
Students being picked up at the end of the day in Gilbertville will be picked up in front of IC Church.
From the Knepper Family
Dearest Don Bosco and Immaculate Conception community,
On July 18, our hearts broke into a million pieces with the loss of our beloved, husband, father, teacher, and doer of all things. However, those pieces did not fall on the ground. They have been so beautifully held together by the power of our most amazing community that has been there for us every step of the way. There are so many people to thank, I don't know where the list begins and ends. We are overwhelmed with gratitude. Please know that all of you have had a very important part in keeping our broken hearts from falling to the ground.
Thank you to Fr. Diehm for being with us during the most difficult day. Thank you to Fr. Huber, Father Gossman, Vincent, Christopher, and Dominic Pranger, Sue Reiter, Laurie Thome, Ann Schmitz, Jennifer Wayson, and the choir for the beautiful funeral Mass.
With Deepest Gratitude,
Nichole, Joel, Zachary, Rachel, and Leah Knepper
Vocations Crucifix Program
The Vocations Crucifix Program is a prayer devotion for the increase of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life. As a school system within the Archdiocese of Dubuque, one of our expectations is an awareness of vocations. Through the Vocations Crucifix Program, families will have the opportunity to intentionally pray with their families in front of a traveling crucifix with the intention of an increase in vocation.
When you sign up, you sign up for a week. By signing up, you are accepting the crucifix as a family to pray for vocations for that week. The Vocations Crucifix Program will start Monday, September 16. Pick up and drop off for the crucifix and resource folder will take place on Monday. The office will give the crucifix and resource folder to your child to take home on Monday at the end of the school day. Please specify the number of resource folders you’d like based on the number of people in your family or based on whomever else you might like to ask to join your family. The crucifix and resource folder(s) should be returned to the school office the following Monday by the start of the school day.
You can sign up for a week on the Signup Genius attached below. If you have any questions, please email Jenna Rohret at jrohret@boscocatholic.org
Classroom Saints
As we continue to grow as a vibrant Catholic School, we are excited to introduce classroom saints. Each classroom will be assigned a different saint, with a wall plaque to correspond. During each school year, your child will have an opportunity to learn about their classroom saint. The hope is that the stories of these men and women will inspire the students in their own faith life. We encourage you to ask your child about their classroom saint, and have them teach you a little about them!
Mrs. Rohret
Catholic Order of Foresters
The Catholic Order of Foresters youth members can play 1 round of miniature golf free on Sunday, September 8, from 4:30 PM to 8 PM at Palmer’s Family Fun at 1666 W Airline Hwy,. Waterloo. For $7 youth may upgrade to a bracelet that gives unlimited golf, jumping pillow, 3 tokens to batting cage & 2 go kart tickets. 7 and older can drive a go kart & 2 & older can ride a go kart with their parent using the child’s ticket. Adults & non-members can buy the bracelet for $13. See Donna Delagardelle at the entrance for tickets.
Nurse's Reminder
State law requires that ALL medications (prescription and over the counter) be in their original containers. Any prescriptions sent to school that are not in their original containers cannot be administered. A signed form from the parent with directions on administering the medication is also required.
September 2024
5- Picture Day at IC and DB
6- Picture Day at St. Joseph
6- K-2 Family Tailgate Night
9- Booster Club Meeting 6 PM
13- Grandparent/Grand-Friend Day after Mass -9:40
18- Youth Group
20- Professional Development (No School)
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the World!
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Don Bosco High School
405 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667