WMS Back to School Newsletter
August 2023
August 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
We are excited for a fresh start and we're looking forward to all of the things that a new year brings! Here's a few things that you need to know as we prepare for the new school year:
Student Schedules- FOCUS
Schedules have been posted on the Parent and Student portal. Please understand that we are unable to make team changes and class changes due to the already careful planning and scheduling. If there is something incorrect on your child's schedule, please email the registrar at kristinnicotra@wsdr4.org.
Student Drop-off/Pick- up
Students are not allowed to be dropped off before 7:15 a.m. each morning, as there are no adults on duty until that time. Please plan accordingly to make arrangements for your child so that they are not in the building before 7:15 a.m.. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but we also want to make sure we are able to adequately supervise students. Due to our location, we will need the cooperation of our parents and Holt High School student drivers to make sure that our drop off and pick up routines are safe for everyone. The buses use Campus Dr. to drive up from Holt High School, so anyone dropping off or picking up a student should turn into the Berrey-Place parking lot and enter the line on the side of the WMS building. Please do not drop students off in the front parking lot- use the side lot instead. Please see the map posted below for details.
8th grade Required Immunizations
All incoming 8th graders must have updated immunizations including the Tdap and MCV4 on file. If WMS Nurse Denise Hoehne has emailed you, please email her your child's updated records as soon as possible at denisehoehne@wsdr4.org , or stop by WMS to drop off a copy. Any 8th grader without the required immunizations on file will not be allowed to attend school until this is turned in.
Every student is issued a WSD Chromebook to use for school related tasks. With this privilege comes added responsibility, and we expect our students to abide by district expectations while using their device. Click here for the 1:1 Access Initiative Handbook to learn more about the expectations and tips to keep your child's Chromebook in good condition. Parents are encouraged to purchase Chromebook insurance each school year to cover the cost of potential repairs. The cost is $20 per school year, and it covers 2 repairs on either the screen or keyboard. Repairs to other parts of the computer would incur an additional fee. Click here to pay for Chromebook insurance online.
Important Dates and Reminders
*August 19- First Day of School
*August 28-Sept 8- Building activities fundraiser- Local Merchant coupons
*September 4- No School- Labor Day
*September 7- Back to School Night: 6th grade 5:30 -6:05 pm, 7th grade 6:10-6:45 pm, and 8th grade 6:50-7:25 pm
As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child, please be sure to reach out to your child's administrator or counselor- we're here to help!
WMS Pick-up and Drop-off Procedures
Important Back to School Information
8th grade Cross Country starts on Wed. August 23!
Want to find a way for your 8th grader to get involved at WMS while also getting in shape? Encourage them to join Cross Country! Email Coach Blanton at janetblanton@wsdr4.org to let her know if your student athlete would like to be a part of the team to be included in future emails. Remember to complete the sports physical and turn it in before the first practice in order to be eligible to participate. See below for the fall cross country schedule. Reach out if you have any questions!
WMS PTA Information
The WMS PTA needs you! Want a way to get involved in your child's school? Be sure to join the WMS PTA will be at our Walk About Day this Thursday!
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, Oct 18- PTA Fun Night
Saturday, Nov. 4- Vendor Fair
Child Nutrition Information
Meal prices:
Breakfast K-12 ~ $2.00
Secondary Lunch 6-12 ~ $3.15
Reduced Price Meals
Breakfast ~ $0.30
Lunch ~ $0.40
Applications for free & reduced price meals are available here or at any school office. In an effort to assist families as we transition back to paid meals, the USDA has increased the income guidelines used to determine eligibility. Click here to see the income guidelines. If you believe your family would qualify for this program, please fill out an application. Applications can be returned by the following methods:
Returned to your child's school
Scan & email - marysanzottera@wsdr4.org
Fax - 636-327-3961
Mail - Child Nutrition Services, 101 Support Service Dr., Wentzville, MO 63385
If you have questions or need assistance filling out the application, please call the Child Nutrition office at 636-327-3858 ext. 21330.