Maple West Tiger Tales
August 23rd, 2024

Principal's Updates
Dear Maple West Community,
As we approach the final days in August, We hope that you have been able to spend quality time with your family and friends this summer. As the 2024-2025 school year is upon us, we are so excited to welcome all of our families and students back for a GREAT school year! Here are some important dates that you will need to know:
August 27th
3:00-3:30pm- Virtual Open House for First Grade -Link will be sent by teacher via WITS
3:30-4:00 pm- Virtual Open House for Kindergarten- Link will be sent by teacher via WITS
4pm-5pm- Supply drop off for 3rd and 4th graders
5:30-6:00 PM- New Family Orientation in the MW cafeteria
August 28th
3pm & 5pm- Administrative Presentation
3:00-3:30pm- Grade 2 Virtual Open House - Link will be sent by teacher via WITS
3:30-4:00 pm -Kindergarten supply drop off
4:00-5:00 pm- Grade 1 and 2 supply drop off
September 11th
5:30-7pm -3rd and 4th grade open house
Kate Wendling, Principal
Lindsey Kubera, Assistant Principal
Main Office Updates
Please remember to send in a note indicating your child's dismissal plans. Dismissal plans from last year do not carry over into this year. If we do not receive a note we will assume your child(ren) will be taking the bus.
Class Placement Information
Student schedules and teacher assignments will be available on WITS on Friday, August 23. 2024.
Supply Lists
Supply list s for the 2024-2025 school year are currently posted on WITS and also the District website at the following link:https://maplewest.williamsvillek12.org/parents-students-clone/school-supply-list
Parent/ Student Handbook
The Maple West Parent Student Handbook contains everything you will need to know about our school logistics, procedures, and communication plan. You can access the Handbook below:
Health Office Updates
Medication Drop Off Information:
All medication, including non prescription medication, must have a written order from the student’s physician or licensed prescriber.
Prescription Medication must be in the container prepared by the pharmacist with the original label specifying the name and strength of the medication. (Note: the pharmacy label does not constitute a written order and cannot be used in lieu of a written order from a licensed prescriber.)
Non Prescription Medication must be in the original and sealed manufacturer’s container with the student’s name affixed to the container. All medication must be delivered directly to the school nurse by the parent or guardian. Non student is permitted to carry non emergency medication on the bus. Medication orders must be renewed annually and whenever there is a change.
PTA Updates
Join the Maple West PTA!
Membership is open for the 2024-2025 school year!
By joining the PTA you are supporting the Maple West Community. The PTA provides resources to the students and staff, sponsors field trips, hosts a number of school wide events and SO MUCH MORE! For a full list of what the PTA does, click HERE.
Sign up before September 30th to receive a pair of Maple West Socks!
To stay up to date on all things PTA, check out our website or follow us on social media.
Chalk The Walk
CHALK THE WALK, On Monday, August, 26th 2024
Join us for the 3rd annual Chalk the Walk! Help bring positive messages to the Maple West sidewalks as we welcome back the teachers and staff! Bring your own chalk and other blending/tracing materials. Enjoy music, food trucks and fun while you find your inspiration!
We are looking for some helping hands to make this event a great success. Shifts are short so you can enjoy the evening with your family too!
Popsicles at the Playground
We want to welcome our incoming kindergarten families (and new students to Maple West) for a fun evening on the playground! This is a great opportunity to meet and connect with other first time students and families to Maple West. Stop by to have a popsicle, play and even grab a photo, see you at the playground! If you don’t have a kindergarten student, please sign up to volunteer HERE
Tears & Cheers Breakfast
After your little one heads off to school on the first day, join us for breakfast on the playground for some Tears and Cheers!
Meet other parents, learn more about Maple West and enjoy some breakfast!