Hawk Happenings
News from the Holy Rosary/Juan Diego Community
Message from the Principal: Dec. 7th
Thank you to all who met the Fulcrum financial assistance deadline last Friday. This is so important for our community, as we are typically awarded between $50,000 and $65,000 in individual scholarships every year!! It is the main reason that we are able to continue our commitment to educating all children, regardless of a family's financial ability. The Fulcrum Foundation is a huge supporter of our school and, with additional grants, provides over $125,000 per year to help fill the gap in tuition assistance within our annual budget.
If you still need to apply for the scholarship, please contact the office immediately so that we can see what the options are for getting you financial assistance for next year. For all families who applied, we will be scheduling financial aid contract meetings in the spring to get you signed up for the 17-18 school year. Remember, we will not be offering any financial assistance (or financial contract meetings) if you did not complete the application/verification process through Fulcrum. It does not matter whether you are awarded a scholarship, only that you submitted your application and made it through the verification process (with any necessary documents).
Katie Dempsey
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday: Parent Service Club Meeting, Lock-Down Drill
Thursday: All School Mass at 9 am, The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
Next Week:
Wed (12/14): Christmas Concert at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium.
Fri (12/16): Noon dismissal...no extended care.
Holy Rosary Hawks Start the Basketball Season!!
Middle School Boys Take on St. Pat's!
What Fantastic Parent Support!
Coach Smith and his 4th Grade Crew!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
- Jeff Smith and Bridget Yaden for coaching the boy's basketball team for 4th grade.
- Gabe Farias for coaching the 7th/8th grade basketball team.
- Laura and Scott Puryear for procuring "new" (gently used) laptops for our technology lab, as well as a giant Christmas tree for our auditorium.
- All the parents and staff who have helped decorate doorways, hallways, and the auditorium for Christmas...especially Jackie, Marseille, Sonia, and Gaby!
- The people who so generously donated (no amount is too small) to our Annual Fund. Remember, we have a matching grant of $25,000 to use between now and the end of December. So, if you haven't donated, get that year-end tax gift in!
School Survey: Rate the School!
It should take less than 5 minutes and is completely anonymous! We appreciate the feedback! The survey will be open until December 12th.
Need Volunteer Hours?? Calling All Bakers!
Remember, your baking time counts for volunteer hours, so add it to your monthly "volunteer hours" sheet!
How is Your Attendance??
If you have gotten in to a habit of coming to school "just a few minutes late", please try to make a new start for the new year. Start a new habit and give your child/ren the best start you can each and every day...get them to school with plenty of time for them to get settled and be ready to learn by the time school begins! Their success depends on it!
Calendar Changes!! Please Make Note!!
- Christmas Program Changed to December 14th (Wednesday). The survey results were overwhelmingly in favor of this change. Thank you for voting!
- Monday, January 2nd - School Closed in Observance of New Year's Day
- Adult Spanish Classes will now be held with Señora Nolting on Fridays from 4 pm - 5:30 pm.
From the Development Desk!
Crab Feed/Auction, January 28th
Crab Feed tickets are now on sale! We are excited to offer online ticket sales. Please visit the following site: https://hrrsjda.ejoinme.org/crabfeed2017tickets. You can purchase single, couple tickets, or a table. If you want to sit near someone in particular, please indicate that in the notes.
As a reminder, each family is required to provide an item valued at $100 for the Crab Feed/Auction. Are you looking for ideas for auction items? Please visit the event website for ideas: https://hrrsjda.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/AuctionCrabFeed2017/ProcurementDetails/tabid/825568/Default.aspx We have procurement forms in the office if you would like to solicit local businesses for a donation. Deadline for auction items is January 6th. After January 6th, families will be assessed a $150 fee.
In this week’s communication folder I am including business sponsorship opportunities. Do you work for a company that would consider sponsoring our Crab Feed/Auction? Or do you know a business who might? Sponsorships help make our event successful as it eliminates many of the event expenses up front which in turn provides more funds directly benefitting our school.
Auction questions/ideas email: smckinney@hrrsjda.org.
Annual Fund Appeal!
There is still time to donate to this important fund. We are excited to share that we are getting closer to our $100,000 goal. Our Annual Fund Appeal has raised $73,511! Through the month of December we will have matching funds available. So any donation made will be matched dollar for dollar.
Would you consider donating at a level that is appropriate to your family? Every gift counts!
To donate online, please go to www.hrrsjda.org and click on the yellow, "Donate Now" link at the top right corner or just click this link:https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/o5kPfZnwU-9YPZxE8gatew
We appreciate your support! Please consider an end-of-year gift today.
Thank you to all of the families, staff, and friends of Holy Rosary that have donated so far. Thanks to the following families that have recently donated to this fund:
Melissa Kennedy & Dave Boynton
Cami Catlin
Melissa Curtis
Stephen Barkley
Kaelyn Holguin
Jillian Sibblies
Susan Gonzalez
Our Lady of Guadalupe Painting Raffle!!!!!!
Wednesday, Nov 30, 2016, 08:00 AM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, United States
Bilingual Rosary - St. Leo's Parish
This Sunday, December 4th there will be a bilingual rosary celebrated after the 10:30 Mass at Saint Leo's Parish in Tacoma. All are welcomed! The rosary will start at around 11:45. Please meet us in the worship space for more details. We would love to have Holy Rosary families come to show off their Spanish and participate in a rosary during this advent season. We hope to see you there!
Sunday, Dec 4, 2016, 11:45 AM
St Leo's Church, South 13th Street, Tacoma, WA, United States
Tamale and Atole Sale
Wednesday, Dec 14, 2016, 06:00 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, United States
Christmas Program - CHANGE OF DATE!!
Wednesday, Dec 14, 2016, 06:30 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, United States
Christmas Vacation - Early Dismissal (No Extended Care)
Friday, Dec 16, 2016, 12:00 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, United States
No School in Honor of New Year's Day
Monday, Jan 2, 2017, 08:00 AM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, United States
Holy Rosary Regional School/Juan Diego Academy
Contact Me:
Berenice Williams, Office ManagerEmail: office@hrrsjda.org
Website: www.hrrsjda.org
Location: 504 S 30th St, Tacoma, WA, United States
Phone: (253)272-7012
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HolyRosaryTacoma