Indian Peaks Elementary: Moose News
December 20th, 2024
A Week in Photos!
Winter Break
A reminder that there is no school from Friday, December 20th to Tuesday, January 7th. Students return to school on Tuesday, January 7th.
There is no Late Start in January.
Winter Reading Challenge
The Reading Challenge is back!
Students can read books on either MyOn or Sora, two of our online library systems, and have their minutes tracked. Schools with the most minutes read earn a prize that goes towards school needs.
Click Here for more information: Winter Reading Challenge
Student iPads
If your student brought their iPad home during the break, please remind them to bring it back fully charged on January 7th. ACCESS Testing starts after the break, which requires that students have their iPad. Thank you for your support and cooperation with this!
Indian Peaks Robotics Tournament
Indian Peaks will be hosting the district Elementary Robotics Tournament on Saturday, January 18, 2025. We are excited to host this event and bring families into our school to highlight student learning!
We are in need of volunteers to help this event run smoothly. If you are interested in volunteering for the tournament, please click the link provided to see how you can help: Indian Peaks Robotics Tournament 24-25
Training will be provided the day of the tournament for all volunteer assignments.
We are also in need of donations for our concession. If you are interested in providing items for the concession, please contact Dora Villavicencio at the front office for a list of items needed.
Silver Creek Dance Team
Silver Creek Dance Team is hosting a Mini Raptors Clinic on January 25th at Blue Mountain Elementary. The program offers reduced prices for students who qualify for Free and Reduced lunches. Athletes will receive a t-shirt, bow and learn choreography to perform at a basketball game! Here is the link for more information: Silver Creek Dance Clinic
Important Dates
January 14-17th - ACCESS Testing
Friday, January 17th - 5th Grade Longmont Symphony Orchestra Field Trip
Saturday, January 18th - Indian Peaks Robotics Tournament
Monday, January 20th - Martin Luther King Day: No School
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all of our students and their families a wonderful holiday break. Enjoy time with family and take the opportunity to celebrate one another. I look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 303-772-7240.