News From The Abernethy Office
At the end of November 18th, 2022
Parent- Teacher Conferences
Monday and Tuesday are Parent-Teacher Conferences. These are non student days as teachers will be conferencing all day, from 8:00am to 8:00 pm. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the building will be closed as no staff are working. These are no school days for all. I know it may not have been clear with other messaging, so I wanted to make sure all families knew that Monday and Tuesday, there is no school for students, and Wednesday through Friday, the building will be closed and there will not be any staff working. We look froward to seeing all students back at school Monday, November 28th.
For conferences, we will have the front door unlocked for you to enter through. You do not need to ring the bell.
When you come in through the front door, please check out the Lost and Found! There are a lot of water bottles, sweatshirts and other belongings that I am sure one may be missing!
Also, check out the teacher wish lists!
Please make sure that if anything changes regarding your conference time, that you contact your teacher to let them know. We are looking forward to having you all here for conferences!
Scholastic Book Fair
The Book Fair will be open on Monday and Tuesday until 3:00! Come and check it out!!
Don't forget the Annual Appeal is still going on! Everything counts and everything is appreciated!
What a great day today! The students really came with their dance moves and energy!
Today was a great day to have a Dance Party! I just wanted to share some pictures that will pretty much sum up our day! Thank you to all family members who stopped by to watch, or even to help! I think I am definitely going home tired, but it was so worth it!
Kindergarten Clay Project
Our Kinder's have been working of their leaf bowl projects. Today was painting day!