The Disney Digest
August 1, 2024
A Note from the Office...
One Team, One Dream, One Family
Dear Disney Families,
We are excited for our first day of the 2024-25 school year, where we will work toward our vision and mission as one team and one family. As we prepare to welcome our new and returning families to Disney, I want to welcome you by sharing our commitment of the Disney staff family to engage, encourage, educate and empower your child to work towards their greatest potential. We hope that ALL of our children will feel welcomed, included and challenged to be their Dolphin BEST each and every day. We had so much to celebrate last year with meeting attendance goals as a district and as a building, increased state assessment scores and district scores, and so many individual student recognitions of success. We look forward to continuing in building our legacy of excellence partnered with our amazing Disney families.
To help prepare you for the upcoming year, I have included some important information for a smooth transition into the new year.
Doors Open: 6:45 AM
Breakfast: 6:45-7:20 AM
School Starts: 7:20 AM (Students are considered tardy after 7:20-See Tardy Procedure BELOW)
School Dismisses: 2:20 PM
Office Hours: 6:45-2:45
In this edition, you will find the following information:
- Carline Arrival Procedures
- Carline Dismissal Procedures
- Transportation Department Info and Bussing
- Breakfast/Lunch Prices and Procedure
- Meet the Teacher Times
- Classroom Assignments
- Volunteer information
- SPS University Save the Date
- School Supply List
- Upcoming events
I look forward to meeting with you and your children in person very soon. In the meantime, enjoy the sun and fun of summer!
Your partners in education,
Dr. Lori Elliott
Disney Principal
Mrs. Sandbothe
Assistant Principal
3rd, 4th, 5th PM Pick Up
K, 1st, 2nd PM Pick UP
Disney Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
- 2nd grade student and their siblings will now use the east side parking lot for dismissal (by the gym). See specific information below.
- Tardies will be handled with a computerized system. Parents MUST walk child into the office if they arrive after 7:20.
- Carline is hands free and smoke free.
K- 5 Arrival
Doors Open at 6:45AM (Door 18 and 15 for carline)
Breakfast is served in the Diner from 6:45 AM to 7:20 AM
There will be ONE drop-off line for carline in the morning. Car tags will be given at Meet the Teacher event on August 16th. If you are not able to attend, your child will have it in their backpack for the first day of school.
- All cars will enter Redrex St. located on the North side of Disney property or Weller off of Republic. Drivers who enter on Bates. will be directed to the end of the line from Redrex. Please follow this entrance for the safety of all students and staff.
- Cars will turn right on Warmwater St. and follow to Kingsley Rd.
- Cars will veer onto Kingsley Rd, which runs along the East side, backside of the Gym, and wrap around to Bates St., southside of Disney.
- Drivers will enter the South parking lot on Bates, closest to the gym and follow the right lane closest to the building to Door 18 and Door 15.
- Students will exit the passenger side of the vehicle for their safety. Drivers must remain in the car. Staff will be available to assist students with getting out of the vehicle.
- It is helpful to have your child ready with all belongings as you enter the parking lot.
- Your child is capable of opening the door, and staff are available to assist where needed.
- Merge to outer lane and move out of the parking lot in this lane, keeping car lane moving forward. Be respectful mergers as needed.
- Exit the parking lot using the first entrance (closest to Fremont). You may use Wells to get on Republic Rd. (right on Bates, left on Wells) and then turn right on Fremont. Please do not cut through the parking lot or use the entrance of parking lot to exit. We have staff who are still arriving and need that outer lane to move past carline.
- Door close precisely at 7:20. If you arrive at or after 7:20, please proceed to a parking spot and walk your child into the office to follow tardy procedures.
- Pull forward with traffic and follow staff guidance.
- Keep your hands-free from cellular use while in car line to keep staff and students' safety a first priority.
- Follow the procedure. Cutting corners or show disrespect to staff teaches your child this is appropriate behavior.
- Feel free to say good morning and wave at staff!
- Dropping your child off outside of the "Drop Off Zone". This will create unsafe territory for your child and drivers.
- Waiting to drop your child off in one given spot due to inclement weather.
- Cutting through the parking lot to exit quickly.
- Holding up traffic with gathering items at the last minute.
- Using your cell phone while carline is in motion.
- Parking across the lot and walking your child to the door. Drivers will be directed to go back to their car and participate in carline if they park and walk their child to the Diner Door.
Drivers will not be allowed to use the bus lane for drop-off at any given time between 6:45-7:20 am.
Drivers will be directed to participate in carline appropriately by entering on Redrex St. only. Drivers will not enter from Bates. Drivers will be redirected to proper procedure.
We ask that you are a courteous example for your child and treat other drivers, our staff and our neighbors while entering and exiting our property respectfully. License plates will be reported to officials if drivers put the safety of our students or staff in harms way.
First Day of School Drop-Off
On the first day of school, Kindergarten parents ONLY may walk their child in the building. Parents will remain with their child in the Diner until 7:10. Kindergarten teachers will walk the students to the classroom. Parents may walk with their child until they reach the Kindergarten hallway, then use the southside door, between the gym and music room to exit. Parents should not walk all the way to the classroom with the child. One of our goals is to empower our students to feel safe in our building and build courage, connection and independence. Parents will have lots of tears as well as the Kindergarten students. Remember, children will model your emotions! Be brave mommas and poppas. You can do hard things.
On day 2, you must use the car line.
Kindergarten, 1st Grade & 2nd Grade DISMISSAL
K-2 students will gather in the Gym for dismissal. All siblings of a K-2 student will also dismiss to the Gym. (i.e. Taylor Swift, a Kindergarten student has two brothers who are in 2nd and 4th grade-Taylor's brother's will go to the gym to sit with Taylor and be picked up in this dismissal line.)
Car tags will be distributed at Meet the Teacher . Your child's assigned dismissal number AND name will be written on the car tag. Hang your car tag on your rearview mirror until your child is in the car.
Car line will begin at 2:20 PM.
- K-2 carline will enter on Redrex St. ONLY. Turn Right on Warmwater and then veer onto Kingsley. As Kingsley turns, drivers picking up K-2 students will follow the flow of traffic into the EAST parking lot (Gym parking lot). Drivers will stay to the right side of the parking lot.
- As students are called, they will line up and wait for staff direction to approach the Loading Zone. The Loading Zone is designated by orange cones.
- Students will be allowed to enter cars in the Loading Zone only. They must enter the passenger side of the car.
- Drivers are to remain in the vehicle. If a child needs assistance with buckling in a booster seat or seat belt, please move into a parking spot and exit the car in the parking spot. Do NOT get out of the vehicle in the carline.
- Drivers will continue to move forward with the flow of traffic even after the child is in the car. Do not merge out of line.
- Drivers exit either LEFT on Bates/Kingsley and go back to Fremont through Redrex OR exit straight onto Weller to enter Republic Rd.
- IF you are late to pick up your child after 2:30, please find a parking spot by the main office and pick your child up in the office.
- Encourage your child to practice entering and exiting the car safely by themselves as much as possible. An adult will be there to assist and empower student independence as they grow throughout the year.
- Use the parking spots if you need help assisting your child to buckle up properly.
- Use ONLY the exits identified. We have a large carline population and we are working to maintain a smooth and safe traffic flow.
- Stay hands-free from cellular devices while carline is in motion.
- Ask your child, "what was the best part of your day today?"
- Slowing the flow of traffic by using carline as a parent/teacher conference.
- Using your cell phone when students are loading
- Using other exits. We are all in a hurry sometimes, but our goals are still the same: Every child and every staff member is safe at Disney.
Drivers will be directed to go back to their car and participate in carline if they park and try to pick up their child from carline.
Drivers will not be allowed to use the bus lane for pick-up between 2:10 and 2:35.
Drivers will be directed to participate in carline appropriately by entering on Redrex St. only. Drivers will not enter from Fremont. Drivers will be redirected to proper procedure.
We ask that you are a courteous example for your child and treat other drivers, our staff and our neighbors while entering and exiting our property respectfully. License plates will be reported to officials if drivers put the safety of our students in staff in harms way or disrespectful to staff.
3rd, 4th, 5th Dismissal
All 3rd-5th Grade students who are car pick-ups will report to the Diner EXCEPT siblings of Kindergarten and First Grade students. If your 3-5th grade student has a sibling in Kindergarten through 2nd grade, your child will report to the Gym and will be picked up in K-1 pick-up line.
Car tags will be distributed at Meet the Teacher. Your child's teacher will provide you with a car tag providing an assigned dismissal number and last name. Hang the tag from your rearview mirror until your child is safely secure in the car.
Car line dismissal will begin flow at 2:20 PM.
- 3rd-5th carline will enter the South parking lot from Fremont and/or Weller. (see map below).
- Enter the South parking lot using the 2nd entrance (closest to the gym). Cars will alternate turning into the parking lot. (West then East)
- Pull forward to the Loading Zone at Door 18. The Loading Zone is between the Diner Doors and the Dumpster zone.
- Your child should be familiar with who is picking them up and the color of car. Your child will be standing under the awning waiting for staff to direct them to the car.
- When in the Loading Zone, your child may load into the vehicle on the passenger side. Continue to proceed forward in the carline. Do not pass other cars.
- To exit the parking lot, use the entrance closest to Fremont. To access Fremont, turn RIGHT on Bates. To access Republic Rd, turn LEFT on Bates and turn RIGHT on Weller.
- If you arrive after 2:30, your child will be in the main office for pick-up. Please find a parking spot and walk in to pick up your child.
- Keep your tag visible and pull forward until your child is in the car.
- Encourage your child to open and close the car door independently. An adult will be available to help.
- Please wait patiently for your child to load in the "Loading Zone".
- Merging around traffic to exit.
- Using your cell phone while carline is in motion.
- Trying to make a left on Fremont. Utilize Weller to Republic then right on Fremont.
Drivers will be directed to go back to their car and participate in carline if they park and try to pick up their child at the Diner Door.
Drivers will not be allowed to use the bus lane for drop-off at any given time between 2:10-2:35 PM.
Drivers will be directed to participate in carline appropriately by entering on Fremont Avenue or Weller Street only. Drivers will be redirected to proper procedure if attempts are made to use other methods of entry.
We ask that you are a courteous example for your child and treat other drivers, our staff and our neighbors while entering and exiting our property respectfully. License plates will be reported to officials if drivers put the safety of our students in staff in harms way or disrespectful to staff.
Transportation & Bussing
If your child is riding the bus, please be sure to request Transportation Services by clicking HERE. You may also go to Click on Parents/Guardians and choose Transportation from the heading dropdown menu. Scroll down to the right side menu and choose Bus Enrollment Form.
Communication regarding routing should begin next week sometime. It is imperative that you communicate directly with the Transportation Department regarding changes or needs in Transportation.
Bus Delay Tracking
Please expect delays during the first few days of school. If you are concerned about a bus delay, please utilize the Bus Delays link on Transportation's website. You can find it HERE. The Transportation Department contact is 417-523-0500.
Students will receive tags on the first day of school to help them check their bus number/color to ensure they are getting on the proper bus. Encourage your child to know their bus number for arrival and departure. It is helpful to write it on a luggage tag to attach to their backpack as well, if you would like to be proactive.
Disney's Classroom Teachers
Starting on the left:
Mrs. Gott
Mrs. Moore
Mrs. Walker
Mrs. Williamson
First Grade
Starting on the left:
Mrs. Snider
Mrs. Brown
Mrs. Shevey
Second Grade
Top Left: Mrs. Breshears
Top Right: Mrs. Kennedy
Bottom Left: Mrs. Biellier
Bottom Right: Mrs. Morris
Third Grade
Starting on the left:
Mrs. Hughes
Ms. Reinke
Ms. Carr
Mrs. Saxton
Fourth Grade
Starting on the left:
Mrs. Blakey
Mrs. Adams
Mrs. Schmitz
Mrs. Hoffman
Fifth Grade
Starting on the left:
Ms. Graves
Mrs. Graffi
Mrs. Fogle
Teacher/Classroom Assignments
Your child's teacher/classroom assignment can be found in HAC. The official date for posting is August 5th for 1st -5th grade. Classroom placements are set. Kindergarten will have their official placement on August 12th.
Home Access Center (HAC) is the web-based portal where parents and guardians of SPS students can view student information online such attendance, classwork, grades, and transportation. Parents can log in to HAC by visiting If you do not already have an HAC account, please contact 417-523-3600 and Ms. Shayla, our administrative assistant will get you set up!
Need to Enroll for the 2024-2025 School Year?
Order Now...The First Spirit Wear Deadline is Tomorrow, August 3rd!
School Supply Lists for the 2024-2025 School Year
Nutrition Information
Breakfast and lunch is available for all students. We HIGHLY encourage ALL families to take the time to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch form. We understand many families feel they may not qualify, but it does provide information for the state regarding our families' needs in our area. The federal and state education department provide funding based on these numbers. Although it seems cumbersome, we ask that you continue to help Disney receive the appropriate amount of funding per student by completing this form. Application for Free/Reduced Meals HERE
Meal Prices & Payment Options
Breakfast, lunch prices can be found on under the Parents/Guardians tab, then choose Nutrition. The menu choices are found on the right. This is also where students can view lunch menus and parents can make payments.
I have included a link HERE.
August Breakfast Menu HERE
August Lunch Menu HERE
Disney's Giving Tree
We Can't Wait to See You!
Volunteer Information
Interested in Volunteering?
Sometimes our visitor versus volunteer process is a little messy. Please use the link below to help you understand what is needed to complete the Volunteer Process as well as what constitutes as volunteering.
Calendar of Events
August 5th: 1st-5th Teacher Assignments posted and official on HAC
August 9th: KAPS (Kindergarten Assessment & Placement Screening) @ 8 am (Registration above)
August 12th: Kindergarten Teacher Assignment posted and official on HAC
August 16th: Meet the Teacher K :9-10am; 1st-5th 12:00-1:30 (Come & Go event)
August 19th: First Day of 2024-2025 School Year
August 30th: PTA Meet & Greet @ Bricktown 12pm
September 5: Cardinals Night for Disney @ 6:30 pm
September 13th: SPS U + Disney Fall Fest 5-8pm
September 26th: Fall Picture Day
October 10: Disney PTA FUN-Raiser