MacArthur Notes
February 28, 2025
Principals' Update
Dear MacArthur Families,
Happy Friday! We hope you had a wonderful week away and a great start to our longest stretch of learning between now and April Vacation. This week was capped off by our assembly today focusing on our Read Across America plans.This is a reminder that If you are interested in serving as a guest reader, we ask that you have an active CORI on file in the office. Please visit Mrs. Santana in the office to complete your CORI check at your earliest convenience to be able to read in March.
We will kick off Read Across America on Monday with some DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read) as an entire school community. In addition, we invite all community members to wear their MacArthur Spirit Wear on this Monday (instead of Friday), as our themed Friday Spirit Days begin next week.
March 7th - Cozy up to a good book! (Pajama / Small Stuffy Day)
March 14th - Reading Knocks our Socks Off! (Wear your favorite socks!)
March 21st - Wild about Reading! (Animal Print / Mix and Match Day)
March 28th - Character Dress Up Day! (Dress up as your favorite book character)
This Week at MacArthur: Our Student Council sponsored Decades Day was a fun way to see the creativity of our students and staff. We also wrapped up our 5th Grade Penny Drive Fundraiser. Thank you to all who donated to support the 5th Grade End of the Year events.
Next Week: Spirit Day on Monday! Wear Blue and Yellow. Pajama Day for Read Across America on Friday. See the entire schedule of themed Fridays above!
Saturday, March 8th is the 6th Annual Parenting Awareness Conference sponsored by the Office of Pupil Services. Registration can be found here at Parenting Awareness Conference Registration Link Registration opens at 8:00 a.m. and the day begins with a Keynote Address by Brendan Mahan from ADHD Essentials. His topic is: “Parenting as Leadership (Being a Leader instead of a Boss).
Finally, Ramadan begins this evening. It is observed by Muslims worldwide through fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. We are here to support our students who will be observing over the next month. Please reach out if you have any questions. Ramadan Mubarak to all who are celebrating!
In Partnership,
Mr. Kmiec and Mr. Howes
Lunch Menu
Waltham Recreation
Waltham Food Pantry
Upcoming 5th Grade Fundraiser - Save the Date!
Save the Date
5th Grade Fundraiser @ Orange Theory
Saturday, March 16th @ 1:00 pm
Parenting Awareness Conference - March 8th
The 6th Annual Waltham Public Schools Parenting Awareness Conference will be held on Saturday, March 8th at Kennedy Middle School. Registration opens at 8:00 a.m. and the day begins with a Keynote Address by Brendan Mahan from ADHD Essentials. His topic is: “Parenting as Leadership (Being a Leader instead of a Boss).
The first set of sessions are from 9:05 - 10:35 and are scheduled to include the following presenters:
Susan Maxwell, LICSW, Program Manager of Child Therapy Services & Sean Hoxie, LMHC, Clinical Therapist for Children and Adolescents @ Newton Wellesley Hospital
Courtney Begley, Youth and Young Adult Mental Wellness Program Coordinator @ Families for Depression Awareness
Jennifer-Ann Caruso, Waltham Public Schools Kindergarten Teacher from Northeast Elementary School
Emily Torres-Cullinane, Chief of Community Engagement Division @ Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General
Dr Mary Jo Rendon, Waltham High School Assistant Principal and Soledad Valencia, WPS Attendance Liaison.
The second set of sessions are from 11:15 - 12:45 and are scheduled to include the following topics presenters:
Brendan Mahan, our Keynote Speaker
Courtney Begley, Youth and Young Adult Mental Wellness Program Coordinator @ Families for Depression Awareness
Emily Torres-Cullinane, Chief of Community Engagement Division @ Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General (Spanish Session)
Elizabeth Garreau, Clinical Director, Nicole Diaz de Cardona, In Home Clinician, and Louis Duquette Holmes, Counselor from Wayside Youth and Family Support Network
Jessica Herwick, Waltham Fields Community Farms
Medjine Lucien, Career Exploration & Training Program Coordinator, Waltham Partnership for Youth
Parents can also visit many local organizations who will have information tables at the event. Confirmed organizations: Baker Center, ALPHA Agency BELPAC, Boys & Girls Club, Calmer Con, Representative from Congresswoman Katherine Clark’s Office, DCF/Foster Care, Families for Depression Awareness, MetroWest Nutrition and Therapy, National Grid, Opportunities for Inclusion - Adult Family Care, WPS/OPS table/Health Information, OUT Metrowest, Outreach Attorney General’s Office, REACH Domestic Violence, Waltham Family School, Waltham Fields Community Farm, Waltham Land Trust, Waltham Partnership for Youth, Waltham Special Education Parent Advisory Council, Wayside
Our day concludes at 12:45 with lunch and door prizes donated by area businesses and includes restaurant gift cards, gift baskets and children’s games.
Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole and ASL interpreters will be available and child care - for school aged children - will also be available.
For more information, please contact Dr. Nadene Stein at 781-314-5428 or
Registration can be found here at Parenting Awareness Conference Registration Link
PTO Notes
Our new PTO Spiritwear store is open! Visit the website here to purchase your Spiritwear and have it shipped directly to your house!
Save the Dates!
RaffleMania - Friday, March 28th
We are looking for volunteers to make this event a success! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0C48AFAB2CA6F58-54544227-rafflemania#/
We also are in need of basket donations to raffle off for this event! To donate a basket, please fill out the Sign Up Genius above or reach out to Amanda Walsh at a.schubert54@gmail.com
2nd Annual MacArthur 5K & Fun Run - Saturday, April 12th
Registration is now OPEN for our 2nd Annual Road Race!
Register here today! https://secure.getmeregistered.com/get_information.php?event_id=140753
Sign ups to volunteer for this event will be available soon or please reach out to Amanda Walsh at a.schubert54@gmail.com if you are interested in helping out!
MacArthur Elementary School
Absence Line - (781) 314-5722
Email: kevinkmiec@walthampublicschools.org
Website: walthampublicschools.org/macarthur
Location: 494 Lincoln Street, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: 781-314-5721