Francone Elementary
August 2024

February 2025
A Note From the Principal
Falcon Families,
It is with mixed emotions that I share with you that, after twelve years here at Francone, I will soon be transitioning to a new role in CFISD, as the Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Curriculum & Instruction. Being a part of your child's educational career has been the honor of a lifetime, and I am grateful for the many special memories I have built with our Falcon families over the years-from elementary graduations to seeing them return to walk the halls as high school seniors! As the transition takes place in the weeks to come, CFISD will maintain communication and share with you when there is a new leader stepping into the role of Principal. Francone is a very special place, and I know our Falcons will continue to SOAR!
With that, I want to be sure and highlight the many ways our Falcons made me proud this month:
- Jorge Gutierrez represented Francone in the District Spelling Bee. He demonstrated great confidence and sportsmanship and certainly made us proud!
- We welcomed all of our families to our "One Book Night." We transformed the school to represent the parts of "The D.A.T.A. Set" and had a great mix of learning and fun! We would like to recognize the 200 Falcons who turned in their report to show that they completed the book. Congratulations to one of our "finishers" Perla Sales who received a new bicycle donated by Westway Baptist Church!
- Two Francone 4th graders, Perla and Nathalia, were spotlighted by CFISD! Take a look HERE to see how they used their voice to advocate for a cause!
- We had three students receive a blue ribbon in the Rodeo Art Contest. Congratulations to Ashley D (3rd grade), Briella S. (5th grade) and Abigail A. (1st) who each had their work displayed at the Visual and Performing Arts Center.
- Our Falcons came in third place in the district-wide STMath Competition. We have achieved 1,173 puzzles per student this year!
Take a look at the rest of our newsletter to read about our other upcoming events. Be sure to stay informed about the great things happening on our campus by following us on Twitter (@FranconeElem) or "liking" us on Facebook. We appreciate your partnership!
Melissa Martin
Abigail's Blue Ribbon Rodeo Art
Ashley's Blue Ribbon Rodeo Art
Briella's Blue Ribbon Rodeo Art
Our Bicycle Winner at One Book Night
One Book Night
One Book Night
Upcoming Events
Feb. 4th- Spring Pictures
Feb. 5th- ELAR Benchmark for Grades 3-5 (Please refrain from early check-outs today for those grade levels, if possible). No lunch visitors or lunch drop-offs. 101 Days of Kinder Celebration (see flyer below)
Feb. 7th- Father/Daughter Dance (An event for our Francone girls and their fathers/father-figures. Space is limited. Be sure to buy tickets in advance via SchoolCash at your first opportunity.) Last Day to purchase a Field Day shirt
Feb. 11th- 5th Grade Science Benchmark for 5th Grade (Please refrain from early check-outs today for those grade levels, if possible). No lunch visitors or lunch drop-offs.
Feb. 13th- Valentine's Exchange at the end of the day (Please send only sealed, small store-bought items that students can successfully place in their valentines bag and transport home easily).
Feb. 14th- Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Feb 17th- Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Feb. 19th- 3-5 Math Benchmark (Please refrain from early check-outs today for those grade levels, if possible). No lunch visitors or lunch drop-offs.
Feb. 20th- Electives Fair at Campbell (See Below for Details)
Feb. 28th- Go Texan Day in Houston- Students are invited to wear their western gear (boots, hats, etc.).
Curriculum Resources
Counselor's Corner
Are you interested in getting involved on our campus? We have lots of opportunities to do so! You can help us run our SOAR Store, sign up to be a part of our Mom Volunteer Program, or serve as a Watch DOG (Dads of Great Students). Our Falcons love seeing their parents on campus, and we are ready to welcome our SOAR Store volunteers right away!
Additionally, our counselors oversee our GT testing. Please see below for information on requesting GT Testing for your child.
Backpack Buddy Program
If your family would benefit from a weekend food assistance program, please click on the Backpack Buddy flyers below.
General Reminders
Francone Elementary
Website: https://francone.cfisd.net/
Location: 11250 Perry Road, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-897-4512
Twitter: @FranconeElem