The Pioneer Press
April 19th, 2024
What's Happening in Science at Pioneer?
The 6th grade classes have finished up their thermal energy unit. This unit focuses on the Definitions of Energy: Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles of matter. The Amplify curriculum has many simulations for students to connect the motion of particles speeding up or slowing down when the energy is changed.
The 7th grade classes have finished their unit on earthquakes where they learned about Seismographs as well as P-waves and S-waves. Now the 7th grade is learning about the periodic table and chemical reactions.
In 8th grade we are wrapping up our unit on magnets and electricity. Next we kids will be making a simple circuit matching game to learn about closed and open electrical circuits. Other classes are working on a STEM project with Balloon Cars as we finish up the Force and Motion Unit.
PTA Leaders Needed for the 2024-2025 school year!
Consider whether you would like to join the PTA board or know another candidate who would be an asset to the PTA. Follow the link to nominate yourself or someone else. Email the PTA with questions
The Pioneer PTA is currently seeking family and community members to join the board for the 2024-2025 school year. The PTA is an independent nonprofit and needs a board to work with the school and shape the direction and vision of the PTA. We are looking for executive board and activity coordinators/chairs to help make a strong PTA.
The PTA can support school events, field trips, classroom needs, provide staff support, and more depending on the interest and ability of our board. We already have strong nominees for most of our executive board but do need a Secretary and would love to fill our board with others who want to work with the school to support our students. Board members can be parents, teachers, or anyone who wants to support the school. Please let us know if you have ideas or questions.
Lauren Burket is the nominating committee chair and would be happy to chat directly if you have any questions 434 987-2086,