Sonoma Elementary Newsletter
February 7, 2025
A Note from the Principal
Hello Sonoma Families,
Thank you for another fantastic week at Sonoma! I hope everyone stayed safe on Thursday with the icy roads. Reminder we have a ½ day of school on February 21, 2025 with dismissal at 12:00. We also have no school on February 24th.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for February 13 and February 20. If you haven't signed up yet, please do so—it’s a great opportunity to see all the amazing things your child is learning at Sonoma. SchoolBookings
Spring Scholastic Book Fair runs from February 13-20, and we need volunteers to help make it a success! If you're available, please sign up using this link: VolunteerSignup - Online volunteer signup sheets - Spring Book Fair signup sheet
We value your feedback! As we continue working to make Sonoma even better, we encourage you to take five minutes to complete the Harper Creek Community Schools Parent Questionnaire - Grades K-8 Survey . Each school has its own link, so if you have children in multiple buildings, please wait for your school to share its survey link. The questionnaire will also be available during conferences.
County wide hearing and vision testing will be February 10-12.
On our Sonoma website, a “button” is available for Sonoma family support referral. Please fill out this form to refer your student to the Student Support Specialist/Counselor/Social Worker at Sonoma Elementary. The Student Support Specialist will follow up with your concerns and make contact with any additional appropriate staff that will be helping support your student regarding these concerns (ex: MTSS coach, principal, Title I coach, etc.). Sonoma Elementary Family Referral Form
Upcoming Events:
📸 Class Pictures have been rescheduled for Thursday, February 13.
🍿 Popcorn Friday is February 14.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Kevin Faraci
Interim Principal
Sonoma Elementary
Important Dates!
- PTA Meeting- Feb 3rd 6-730pm
- Class Pictures- Feb 6th
- Valentines Dance <3 - Feb 7th 6-8pm
- Hearing/Vision Screenings- Feb 10-12th
- Popcorn Friday- Feb 14th
- Conferences- Feb 13th 4-8pm OR Feb 20th 4-8pm
- LEADer of the Month Breakfast- Feb 19th 8:15am
- HALF DAY- Friday Feb 21st Dismissal @ noon
- NO SCHOOL- Monday Feb 24th
Sonoma Elementary