
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12
Morning Devotion
Each morning at CCS is started with singing and scripture! This special time is led by Mr. Yearwood, faculty members, and volunteer students. Here are a few of the verses used this past week.
This week Mr. Yearwood continued our focus on the fruits of the spirit by speaking each day on PATIENCE.
- Matthew 8:1-4
- Romans 8:18-26
- Genesis 6:14,17
- Romans 8:25
Current FTN Prayer Focus
Prayer Countdown
We’ve reached the under 2-week mark in our countdown to the Feed the Need packing party!
This week we are praying specifically for Mighayel, a seven year old boy in Bangladesh where our meals will be delivered.
Our scripture this week has been Luke 12:24.
“Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!”
Prayer Focus for the Week:
- Please pray and thank the Lord for all that He is doing in our school.
- Pray for the safe and timely delivery of the meals we will be packing.
- Pray for Mighayel and his family.
- Pray for our nation and those that we will be working with.
We are thankful for you and we are thanking God for all of the blessings that He continues to provide CCS! To Him be all the glory!
See the most up to date report of our progress at https://p2p.onecause.com/ccsftnTime to Order DECEMBER Hot Lunches
Our hot lunch menu for December is now ready!
Notice the last day to order is November 21st. This is earlier than usual due to Thanksgiving Break.
Go to https://cullmanchristian.gradelinklunch.com/ to order.
Make sure you select the dot beside the menu item and then press "add lunch."
After all lunches are added, BEFORE YOU PRESS SUBMIT, please check and make sure that it is showing the day and the price of $6.00 for EACH DAY. If there is a day that does not show the date and the price, then it will not process correctly.
Looking Back on Last Week
Extra Reading Time
Mrs. Freeman's 2nd grade students enjoy sneaking in a few extra minutes of reading in between class assignments. Finding a few minutes here and there, at school and at home, is a great way to maintain and strengthen reading skills.
Benefits of Exercise
Students in Mrs. Haynes' Life Skills class have been studying the benefits of exercise. On Tuesday the focus was on strengthening. Next up will be conditioning and stretching. Developing healthy habits, both spiritually and physically, is so important!
Royal Visitor in 1st Grade
On Thursday, Ms. Alabama Elite Legend, Midge Dabria, visited Mrs. Rice and Miss Yearwood's 1st grade classes. While there she talked about the importance of reading and brought lots of new books for the students to enjoy.
Tools of the Trade
Lunch Leaders
Lunchtime is a great time for a brain break and some socialization. Sometimes it gets a little messy, but students are doing a fantastic job keeping everything cleaned up in our lunch areas on both campuses. Taking responsibility and doing the little things, like cleaning up, is a great way to build and show leadership.
Good work, Lions!
Bounce House Fun
Lower school students who met their Feed the Need goal spent some time playing in the bounce house. This is always a favorite!
The next individual prize deadline is this Thursday, November 21st.
For the upper school students, Frios was the hit of the week for meeting Feed the Need individual goals.
The next individual prize deadline is this Thursday, November 21st.
Time Out
Looks like the 2nd graders caught Mr. Yearwood taking a time out at Mrs. Vermillion's beach!
Kid Crafted
Mrs. Griffin's JrK, PreK, Kindergarten, and 2nd Grade students have been working on some Christmas ornaments and decorations for the Tinsel and Timber benefiting First Source for Women. They did a great job!
Socratic Seminar
Dr. Nix's dual enrollment English students took some time on Friday to build their speaking skills using the Socratic method. This exercise helps students develop their critical thinking skills and encourages participation in learning. Students are required to answer questions and explain their thoughts out loud to peers.
Soil Testing
Plans are underway for some exciting things coming soon for CCS. This week, as a preliminary step, a crew was on site to take some soil samples at the Beech Avenue campus. More information will be released soon. For now, please continue praying for our school and for us to follow God's direction as our school grows.
It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. -Deuteronomy 31:8
Home Game Tip Off
The Varsity Basketball Teams tipped off for the first home games of the season on Friday against Sumiton Christian. Congratulations to the Varsity Girls on their win!
The next home game will be Tuesday, November 19th verses Cleveland. The games are scheduled to start at 5:00 pm. As always, free admission for all CCS students!
See More Photos from November 12-16, 2024
Dates to Remember
Praying Parents
Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024, 08:00 AM
1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Upcoming Items on the Calendar
- November 18 - Basketball at St. Bernard
- November 19 - Make Up Day for Fall Portraits
- November 19 - Basketball at Home vs Cleveland (VG,VB)
- November 21 - Nutcracker Field Trip (3rd Grade)
- November 21 - Last Day to Order December Hot Lunches
- November 21 - Robotics After School
- November 21 - Basketball at Home vs West End
- November 23 - Youth Basketball @CCS
- November 23 - Basketball at Vina (VG,VB)
- November 25 - Basketball at Falkville (VG,VB)
- November 26 - Basketball @ Southeastern (VG,VB)
- November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday
*Mark your calendar for December 14th for the Jingle Bell Jamboree Variety Show
Looking Ahead
Archery Begins!
This year's Archery Sign-Ups and Parent Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 21st at 5 PM in Mrs. Harper's 3rd grade classroom.
Permission forms have been sent home with students. If you didn't get one or need another copy, Coach Ayers will have them available at the Beech Campus and Mrs. Yearwood at the Depot Campus.
Christmas Parade
Mrs. Wilkins will be sending out additional information about our starting location, as soon as she gets it. Please let her know if you and your student plan to participate.
Feed the Need Update
God is already doing big things with Feed the Need and we are excited to report that we have reached 54% of our goal!
When we reach 75%... Teachers will wear uniforms and students will have a dress down day!
The time deadline to earn the next individual prize and weekly drawing entry will be this Thursday.
For more information about this project, email candase.wilkins@cullmanchristian.com, ory.hampton@cullmanchristian.com, or come into the school.
There will be one big last final drawing for lots of prizes the week after we return from Thanksgiving break.
Coming Soon!
The CCS Drama & Chorus group will be presenting A Holiday Variety Show: Jingle Bell Jamboree on Saturday, December 14th at 6:00 pm in the Depot Park campus auditorium. This event will include talent acts performed by students in grades 4-12. Admission is $5 per person (or $20 per family maximum).
Mark your calendar and make plans to attend!
A few other items...
ACEA Academic Testing Competition
Sweatshirt/Sweater/Coat Reminder
It finally feels like November! This week and next are looking like we will have some colder weather.
This means warmer clothes and lots of items that make their way to the lost and found!
As a quick reminder...
- Sweatshirts - May be worn in the classroom. Must be solid navy, white, or baby blue. Must have collared shirt underneath.
- Sweaters - Same guidelines as sweatshirts.
- Coats - May be any color, but may not be worn in the classroom.
Please be sure label all of your child’s items. This will help make sure that they make it back home to you.
Pictures with Santa
Santa, Mr. Delbert, will be at the Beech campus on Friday, December 20th for pictures! Mark your calendar now for this fun opportunity.
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu