Principal's Weekly Update
November 2, 2024
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s):
Even though there was no school this past Thursday (in observance of Diwali), our students still took time to engage in some Halloween themed activities this week. In the insert photo to the right you can see one of Mrs. Barton's students piecing together a creepy (yet edible) creation, and in the final photo at the bottom, you see some of Mrs. Denkovich's students proudly displaying some Jack-o-lanterns.
With my Yankees making an early exit from the World Series (please don't ever mention that 5th inning), it's time for Madison to turn its attention to basektball. I've stated in previous letters that tryouts for our Madison teams would commence in November-- below you can see everything you need to know if your child is interested in trying out.
Basketball Information
Just a reminder basketball tryouts begin on Monday, you NEED to register online on Final Forms in order to tryout. If a student is already registered for Cross Country, they will just need to login to their account and add basketball (it saves all their info from season to season.) Visit the homepage of our website www.trumbullathletics.com and click on the “Register Now” button on the right hand side.
Boy’s Tryouts: Any questions please contact Coach Smolinsky: ssmolins@trumbullps.net
Monday November 4th (2:45-5:00)
Wednesday November 6th (2:45-5:00)
Monday November 11th (2:45-5:00)
Girl’s Tryouts: See Ms. Nappi with any questions
Thursday November 7th (2:45-5:00)
Friday November 8th (2:45- 4:00)
Tuesday November 12th (2:45-5:00)
iReady Fall Assessment Results:
Families may obtain a copy of their child’s Fall iReady Math and Reading scores online in the Campus Backpack section. Click here for directions on how to access Campus Backpack in the Infinite Campus Parent portal.
There is NO SCHOOL ON TUESDAY, 11/5 since some of our schools are used as polling places for Election Day. As you prepare to vote (if you haven't already), let me share one last reminder about the referendum related to financing the Hillcrest rebuild. As I've said before, educators in Trumbull hope that this is the first step in a process which benefits many of our schools. Madison is also a high priority, and, most likely, the town's next priority. A "Yes" vote on Tuesday would put that in motion. A "No" vote would stop this plan in its tracks.
Clubs & Activities:
Science Club meets Monday, November 4th in Room 217. We will be making ghost rockets! Please sign up on the door. Space is limited. If you do not sign up, you will not be able to attend.
Attention 8th Grade NJHS Members: There will be a mandatory NJHS meeting on Thursday, November 7th, from 2:30 - 3:20 PM in the cafeteria. Attendance will be taken.
NOW running through Friday, November 8th, NJHS and KARE are teaming up to sponsor a Food Drive to benefit the Trumbull Food Pantry. We will be collecting non-perishable food items, paper goods, toiletries, and cleaning supplies. Collection boxes will be located in the Main Lobby, near the gym, outside the Faculty Room, and outside Rooms 225 and 232. Please donate if you can!
The Mary J Sherlach Center is hosting "Coping Strategies for Youth" six weekly group sessions starting on November 7th, 2024. Please see the informational flier for more information.
Yearbooks are on sale for $38. Also, we are now offering Yearbook Recognition Ads which are the perfect way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones. The revenues from Recognition Ads help our school create a better yearbook. Go to jostens.com to order today.
This is one of my favorite weekends of the year, as we set our clocks back and gain an hour in the wee hours of Sunday morning. It is always interesting to see how everyone really does seem extra well-rested on the Monday which follows this. The fact that it will be brighter again in the morning also helps us all to get going for our very early daily start time. One last note before I sign off-- around mid- day on Wednesday I will be heading for Nashville, TN for this year's national AMLE Conference (American Middle Level Educators). I will be joined by my administrative colleagues from Hillcrest. Mr. Coppola is staying in Trumbull, CT to ensure that Madison runs smoothly in my absence. The conference runs through Saturday morning, so-- I will do my best to be as responsive as possible to any emails, but please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Coppola with any concerns. In next week's letter I can share some of my chief takeaways from the conference. Have a great weekend, and make the best of that extra hour !
Take care,
Peter Sullivan