Rose L. MacDonald School
September 6, 2024
Important Dates
September 9th~School Committee Meeting 6pm MSHS Learning Commons
September 10th~ Lifetouch Picture Day (Online code: EVT29JNTC)
September 19th~Curriculum Night (details below)
September 25th~Half Day of School, dismissal at 12 pm
October 7th~School Committee Meeting 6pm MSHS Learning Commons
October 14th~Columbus Day- No School
October 15th~PTO Sponsored Boosterthon Fun Run
What will my child be learning about this year? How can we support our children as learners? These are some of the questions that will be answered at curriculum night. Parents and guardians (not students) are invited to attend this event. Important topics of curriculum and expectations for each grade level will be addressed. Teachers will speak about the programs and materials used in each content area as well as the timeline for skills and topics that are covered during the school year.
In order to accommodate our families’ schedules and support parents in visiting multiple classrooms, we have modified the schedule. Classroom teachers will be presenting the same information during two different sessions. Therefore, parents only need to attend one of the sessions.
The schedule for the evening is as follows:
· 5:15-5:45 pm Grade 1, 2 & 3 Session 1
· 6:00-6:30pm Grade 1, 2 & 3 Session 2 (same information as session 1)
Welcome Our New Staff Members To RLM!
Corey Wharton School Psychologist
Jenny Worden Sub-Separate Teacher
Arianna Moffat Adjustment Counselor
Erika Morrison Elementary Occupational Therapist
Ryan Otto Elementary Physical Education
Priscilla Dennis School Nurse
Amanda Hinckley First Grade Substitute
January Hancock Instructional Assistant
Boosterthon t-shirt order (Please complete today Friday, September 6th)
Registration Requirement for ALL FAMILIES
All families are required to sign into Aspen and review your contact information, and review and sign off on our current polices. Please log into your Aspen account and click "Initiate" on the left side of the screen to start the review process. Full instructions can be found here:
If you need assistance, please send an email to
Our summer reading challenge has concluded. Please have your student return any bingo pages or illustrations (Grades 1-2) or postcards (Grade 3) to Mrs. Enos if you have not done so already.
RLM Birthdays!
As a friendly reminder for some and an introduction to others, I want to share information about our birthday traditions here at school. The night before each student's birthday, Mrs. Enos (our Reading Specialist) emails families a short video where she initiates the birthday celebration and reads a special birthday story. Then, kiddos' birthdays are announced over the intercom during morning announcements on their day (Saturday birthdays are celebrated on Fridays and Sunday birthdays are celebrated on Mondays; vacation birthdays will be announced on the Friday before vacation break starts). Students will not only hear their names and birthdays announced but they will also be invited to visit Mrs. Enos's room during snack or recess break to receive birthday gifts (a book of their choice and some birthday trinkets). Birthdays are a big deal at this age and deserve to be treated as such!
Because school is not in session during the summer for those with a summer birthday (mid-June through the beginning of September, when morning announcements started), we have opted to celebrate those particular kiddos on their HALF BIRTHDAY instead. It helps balance the number of announcements and includes them a bit more instead of celebrating all of the summer birthdays on one day at the end of the school year.
Parents - please be on the lookout for an email as messages can sometimes get lost in the junk folder.
Elsa and Cole were our first students to celebrate their birthdays this school year. Happy birthday Elsa and Cole!
Early Literacy Screener
School Council
Please consider being part of the continuous effort to improve our school. Community input is needed in determining the direction of education for our young people. We are in need of parent volunteers for our RLM School Council this year. If you have a child at the school and would like to serve as a representative on the council, please contact us. Meetings generally last an hour or less and take place after school. It is a good way to be involved in the improvement of our school.
Wildcat Cafe
- Breakfast and Lunch are free to all students
- Ala Carte items are an additional choice. Students must have money on their My School Bucks Lunch account to pay.
- Currently, the only Ala Carte item at RLM is milk, at a cost of $0.75.
- Lunch cards are organized by classroom and hung in pocket carts around the cafe. If students can't locate their card, they simply should get into line and their name will be entered manually.
- Snack/Breakfast is offered daily. We offer daily specials and always have cereal and graham or cheese crackers available. Students also take fruit/juice and milk is available.
- Lunch: students order their lunch in the morning with their teacher. In the cafe, as they come through the line, they choose their fruit and vegetables. We typically have at least one fresh fruit and a canned fruit plus 1-2 vegetables. Each student needs to take at least 1 of those items. Milk is always available.
- Water is available in the cafe at a filtered water bottle filling/bubbler station. Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to meals.
- If you have additional questions, please reach out to AnnMarie Grinder, Food Service Director at
Join us on September10th for our first PTO meeting at RLM 7pm
October 15th Boosterthon Fun Run
Stay connected on facebook @WBridgewaterPTO
After School Enrichment
Contact Info:
Location: 1 Steppingstone Drive, West Bridgewater, MA, USA
Phone: (508)894-1240
Twitter: @rlmschool