MTSD Board of Education
Board Briefs
The Mequon-Thiensville School District Board of Education
(L-R): Andy Hopkins, Jason Levash, Kate Barikmo, Wendy Francour, Shelley Burns, Dr. Mary Gavigan & Dr. Michael Stadler
Please Join Us!
All Mequon-Thiensville community members, MTSD families, and staff members are encouraged to attend meetings of the MTSD Board of Education. As a reminder, all Board of Education meeting agendas and video recordings of past meetings can be found on the MTSD Board of Education website. For detailed agendas and PDFs of Board presentations, please visit BoardDocs.
Board Engagement Opportunities
July Board Recap
The Mequon-Thiensville Board of Education has been hard at work in July and August with several regular business, working, policy committee, and legislative committee meetings, and closed sessions.
July 22 Regular Business Meeting
The Board approved fast track policies: #0141 - Membership - Number, #5120 - Assignment Within District.
The Board heard a Treasurer’s Report from Mary Gavigan, Superintendent’s Report from Dr. Joynt, and a Legislative Committee Report from Shelley Burns.
Dr. Lauren Croix, Executive Director of Educational Services, presented the Board with the annual Notice of Pupil Academic Standards in the Mequon-Thiensville School District.
The Board approved base wage increases for educator positions within the Mequon-Thiesnville Education Association (MTEA).
The Policy Committee presentated a second reading of new policies: #2210.1 - Library Materials Selection, #2211 - Parent Rights in Relation to District Programs/Activities and Student Privacy, #5111.02 - Children in Foster Care, and #8420 - Emergency Evacuation of Schools.
The Board voted to approve Legislative Committee membership for the school year. Board Members Shelley Burns, Kate Barikmo, and Michael Stadler will serve on the Legislative Committee for the 2024-25 school year.
The Board discussed a first reading of new policies: #2230 - New Reading and Literacy Development, #8530 - New Management of School Meal Accounts, and #8531 - Free and Reduced-Price Meals
The Board continued discussion around consideration of a possible operating referendum.
July 22 Annual Meeting & Budget Hearing
The community showed support for our public schools by voting to approve the 2024-25 proposed budget and tax levy with a vote of 64-21 and 2 community members abstaining.
Public comment was made by several community members speaking on the topic of the budget and potential operating referendum.
August Board Recap
August 5 Working Meeting
The Board heard an update on Employee Benefits from Sarah Viera, Executive Director of Business Services and Operations, Amanda Sievers, Chief of Staff, and Scott Fuller of USI Insurance Services.
The Board continued discussion around consideration of a possible operating referendum and ranked budget priorities.
The Board heard a presentation on the MTSD Fundraising Guide from Dr. Joynt and Molly Loucks, Chief of Communications.
August 12 Special Business Meeting & Closed Session
The Board continued discussion around consideration of a possible operating referendum and reviewed potential non-recurring referendum options and dollar amounts.
The Board heard public comment in support of a possible operating referendum.
The Board of Education convened into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85 (1)(d) for the purpose of Reviewing the Written Evaluations of Safety Drills at the following District Schools: Homestead High School, Steffen Middle School, Lake Shore Middle School, Oriole Lane Elementary School, Wilson Elementary School, and Donges Bay Elementary School per Wisconsin Act 143.
August 15 Policy Committee Meeting
Policies reviewed included: #2230 - Reading and Literacy Development, #8530 - Management of School Meal Accounts, #8531 - Free and Reduced-Price Meals, #6910 - Gifts, Planned Giving, and Bequests, #6920 - Fundraising on Behalf of the District, #5420 - Reporting Student Progress, #2260 - Nondiscrimination Statement, #0114 - Official Description - Address, and #0121 - Powers and Philosophy - Authority.
Policies discussed included: #0155 - Organization - School Board Committees and #2020 - Title IX-Sexual Harassment.
August 19 Closed Session
The Board of Education convened into Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 19.85(1)(f).
August 19 Regular Business Meeting
The Board approved fast track policies - #0114 - Official Description - Address, and #0121 - Powers and Philosophy - Authority.
The Board heard the Treasurer’s Report from Mary Gavigan, the Superintendent’s Report from Dr. Joynt, and a report from the Legislative Committee.
The Board saw presentations on and engaged in three discussion items: MTSD Academic Proficiency & Growth (by the ECRA Group), School Improvement Plan System (SIPs), and policies #5420 - Reporting Student Progress and #2260 - Nondiscrimination Statement.
The Board approved two resolutions relating to an operational referendum ballot question for the November 5 general election:
Resolution Authorizing the School District Budget to Exceed Revenue Limit for Four Years for Non-Recurring Purposes
Resolution Providing for a Referendum Election on the Question of the Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the School District Budget to Exceed Revenue Limit for Four Years for Non-Recurring Purposes
The Board took action to approve Board of Education Engagement with School District Auxiliary Organizations and School District Community Groups for the 2024-2025 School Year.
The Board approved second readings of policies: #2230 - Reading and Literacy Development, #8530 - Management of School Meal Accounts, #8531 - Free and Reduced-Price Meals, #6910 - Gifts, Planned Giving, and Bequests, #6920 - Fundraising on Behalf of the District.
August 20 Legislative Committee Meeting
The Legislative Committee discussed report topics and charters.
August 27 Special Business Meeting & Closed Session
The Board approved Employee Transactions, including the hire of new Homestead Assistant Principal, Adam Bold.
The Board of Education convened into Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 19.85(1)(f).