Mr. Middleton's Sunday Message
February 9, 2025
Dear TBE Families,
I hope you all had a fantastic Super Sunday and enjoyed the game, the commercials, the halftime show, or all of the above!
This week is Spirit Week, starting tomorrow with “Show Your Team Some Love!”—wear your favorite team’s jersey or shirt. Check out the full lineup of spirit days below!
A quick reminder:
• No school on Friday, February 14th
• No school on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents’ Day
In our PTC announcements, tomorrow's PTC meeting will be rescheduled to another date, but look for more information about our exciting upcoming events below.
• Family Movie Night – February 21st (see below for details)
• Family Glow Dance – March 8th (see below for details)
Let’s make it a great week!
Go Tigers!
Mr. Middleton
Principal's Message
Family Movie Night!
Join Us for Movie Night!
Friday, 2/21 | 6 PM
TBE Movie Night – Featuring The Wild Robot
Reserve your spot today and enjoy free popcorn! Plus, purchase pizza & drinks from Old Town Pizza (while supplies last).
Doors open at 5:30 PM – bring blankets and low chairs for a cozy viewing experience.
Volunteers & Donations Needed! Help make this event special by bringing sweet treats for the kids or signing up to volunteer. Sign up here!
Don’t miss out on a fun-filled evening!
Clothing Donations Needed!
We are in need of clothing donations for our younger children who experience accidents and are in need a change of clothing. We ask that every parent pack their students a change of clothes in a gallon size Ziplock bag, this way they always have a spare change of clothing in case of accidents, slips and falls where their clothes get dirty. We also ask that if your child has been sent home with "loaner clothing" that you wash and return it to the office. We have given out all of our loaner clothing and it hasn't been returned.
If you have clothing that your children have out grown and would like to donate them to the office that would be great! We need primarily XS-S sizes of pants and shorts.
TBE Glow Dance
Hello TBE Families,
This year's school dance tickets are on sale now. The theme is GLOW Dance and will take place on Saturday, March 8, 2025. Wear your best outfit to glow and dance the evening away. The dance will feature a DJ, 360 degree photo station, a digital photo booth including prints, and a frozen yogurt station complete with toppings. Please be sure to purchase your tickets early! See the flyer below for more information, along with the link to purchase tickets. Please note this dance is for TBE students (TK-5th Grades) and their adult guest(s) only. Contact the PTC at TBEPTC@gmail.com with any questions. We look forward to a glowing evening full of memory making.
5th Grade dedication ads are due by March 1, 2025 (available online only)
You can order your yearbook today!! Yearbooks cost $20
To order yearbooks online go to: buytheyearbook.com
Enter 725157 in the School Code
Save the Date - Lunch on the Lawn! 4/10/25
We invite TBE families to come to the field (the grassy area next to the school at Twelve Bridges Park) to have lunch on the lawn with their student(s). The book fair will be open as well for those parents who would like to go shopping with their student(s).
Thursday, April 10th
Lunch times:
Kindergarten: 10:30-11:10 AM
PM TK: 11:00-11:20 AM
AM TK: 11:20-11:40 AM
1st Grade: 11:00-11:40
2nd/3rd Grades: 11:45-12:25 PM
4th/5th Grades: 12:25-1:05 PM
Baby Wipes Needed
Our Art teacher, Ms. Tara, is asking for donations of baby wipes. If you have baby wipes that you would like to donate, please bring them to the office. Thanks!
E-Scooters No Longer Allowed on Campus!
Hello WPUSD Students, Staff and Families,
We are seeing an increase in the use of e-scooters as a mode of transportation to and from school. E-scooters, while convenient, must be operated within the law to ensure the safety of both riders and others. We are partnering with the Lincoln Police Department to help educate our students and families about the laws surrounding e-scooter use. Through this collaboration, we aim to raise awareness, promote safe practices, and ensure everyone understands their role in keeping our community safe.
Under California Vehicle Code 407.5(a), an e-scooter is defined as:
A “motorized scooter” is any two-wheeled device that has handlebars, has either a floorboard that is designed to be stood upon when riding or a seat and footrests in place of the floorboard, and is powered by an electric motor.
The law also places clear restrictions on e-scooter operation under Vehicle Code 21235, including:
Riders are REQUIRED to have a valid driver’s license or learner’s permit.
E-scooters cannot be operated on sidewalks, except as may be necessary to enter or leave adjacent property.
No passengers are permitted on an e-scooter.
Riders under 18 must wear a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet.
Additionally, California Education Code requires schools to take responsibility for student safety during their travel to and from campus. Unfortunately, we have seen an increase in incidents involving e-scooters, some resulting in serious injuries. To address these safety concerns and ensure compliance with the law, e-scooters will no longer be permitted on elementary and middle school campuses starting in January. All high school students riding an e-scooter to or from school must have a valid driver’s license or learner’s permit.
With the holiday season fast approaching, we know that e-scooters are a popular gift item and mode of transportation for students. While they can be a fun and practical choice, we ask families to consider these laws and safety guidelines before allowing their use.
Thank you for partnering with us to keep safety at the forefront as we head into the new year.
Kerry Callahan
WPUSD Superintendent
Need Parenting Help?
BrightLife Kids is here! For those quick parenting questions or for ongoing support working through a bigger issue, BrightLife Kids is here to help. This no-cost program is for kids ages 0-12 who live in California. Sign up at brightlife.kids/ca today to access live, 1:1 video coaching sessions with a dedicated expert and on-demand digital resources.
Travel Study
Travel Studies will NOT be approved for the 1st week of school, last 2 weeks of the school year (anything beyond May 23rd) or during state testing for 3rd-5th graders (May12th-23rd).
If your student is going to be out of town and absent from school (maximum of 14 days allowed), you will need to inform the front office of this absence no later than five school days (2 weeks notice is appreciated) prior to leaving (the more time the better).
NEW: It is preferred that you come into the office to request a travel study but if you aren't able to you can fill out the request form here: https://forms.gle/SEQtVs3r2ReSjrWB9
Once Maritza Pisik has been informed, she will email you a travel study contract to electronically sign. The teacher will be notified of the absence and will put together all of the class work they will miss.
Teachers are very busy getting together needed work, so please be patient and give ample time before going on vacation.
Office Staff Contact Information
We look forward to getting to know your families this school year. If you have questions or need anything, please don't hesitate to email our staff or call the office at (916)434-5220.
Secretary - Rosanne Johnson rjohnson@wpusd.org
Attendance Clerk (Travel Studies) - Maritza Pisik mpisik@wpusd.org
Health Clerk - Alyssa Taylor ataylor@wpusd.org
ROAR Store Volunteers Needed!
Ask the School Psychologist
Emergency Standard Response Protocols
Please respect our staff who are out on the driveline doing their best to keep the traffic flowing and safe. Our goal is to get your students on campus and dismissed from school safely and promptly.
Please remember there is no drop-off or pick up at the side gate unless you are in the designated classes that have been allowed to use it. No parking or stopping along the curb that is alongside the park. It only takes 10 minutes to get through the driveline. Avoid the hassle of parking by the park and use the driveline! Please help us alleviate traffic congestion by not driving all the way down by the park and then to the multi as parking there is very limited and creates issues with us being able to safely cross students and keep traffic flowing smoothly.
Please note that during pick-up and drop-off times, the back gate entrance on Arroyo Madrone is not for dropping off or picking up students by car, but rather for walkers and bike riders only. Parents must drop-off or pick up their children at the corner of Arroyo Madrone and Briarton as it is a easier drop-off/pick-up location, much safer for our walkers and bikers, and does not cause traffic congestion for our back gate neighbors.
How to clear an absence...
If you need to clear your student's absence please choose one of the following ways:
- If your student is absent, after 10AM, you will get an automated attendance text/email via Parent Square. Simply reply to that with the reason of your student's absence.
- If you call before 7:30AM you can leave a message on our attendance line at 916-434-5210
- You can email mpisik@wpusd.org and ataylor@wpusd.org (Please include BOTH emails as sometimes our attendance clerk is out).
- If you are unable to do any of the methods above, you can all the attendance line at 916-434-5210 and between 7:30-4:00PM an office staff member will answer. Due to the number of incoming phone calls and limited staff we ask for this to be a last resort option.
**Please note that emailing/communication with your student's teacher does NOT clear a student's absence.**
WPUSD is offering a Student Chromebook Service Plan for families to purchase to cover damage or replacement of the student’s Chromebook for the school year. For more information or to register, click here.
Birthday Marquee Message
DEADLINE for February birthdays is January 25th!
See Your Child's Name in LIGHTS on our Electronic Marquee!!!
For only $10 you can add your student's name to our marquee for the day of their birthday...and you're welcome to take a picture of them with the sign as well.
How to sign up?
YOU MUST PURCHASE BY THE 25TH OF THE MONTH. (i.e. if your student's birthday is on February 25th you would need to order and pay for their message by January 25th in order for their message to be included. We are excited to be able to add this as a special thing for our students.
Next time you drive by the school, check out the marquee for all the messages!
We are so excited to welcome back volunteers on campus! We look forward to seeing you.
Some important reminders on what is needed in order to volunteer in the classroom or on fieldtrips.
You need:
- To come into the office and pick-up a volunteer packet.
- Have a negative TB test on file (bring proof to office) within the last 4 years
- Be live scanned through the district office (this only has to be completed once and lasts forever with WPUSD).
For questions regarding becoming a volunteer, please reach out to Maritza Pisik at mpisik@wpusd.org.
Important/Frequently Used Links & Information
Custom Spirit Wear Ordering
Annual Registration Update - REQUIRED
Annual Registration Update (formerly Emergency Contact Update)
All students attending WPUSD schools for the 2024-2025 school year must have their registration, emergency contact and health information reviewed and updated. Please ensure all required forms are e-signed before the school year begins.
To simplify the process for parents, we've consolidated several forms and procedures into the new 'Annual Registration Update' accessible through your PowerSchool Parent Portal. This comprehensive update includes the annual Parents' Rights Notifications, Emergency Contact Update, and more. Our goal is to provide a one-stop shop within your Parent Portal to complete all necessary updates and revisions before the start of the school year.
**Anytime you need to update your contact information you can do so via the PowerSchool Parent Portal. (See link above).
Information & Instructions
PowerSchool Parent Portal Log In Link
The Annual Registration Update Now Includes:
- Additional Services Survey *New
- Student/Parents Rights Annual Notification *New
- Residence Verification Form *New
- Technology Use and Waiver Agreements
- Student Health Insurance Option
- Photo Release Opt-Out
- Universal Free Meals and Funding Formula Data Collection *New
Need Assistance?
- Contact our office with any questions, (916) 434-5220.
- If you don’t have a Parent Portal account, you should have received an email or letter with setup instructions.
- Forgot your student’s Access ID/Password?
- Before August 6: Contact the Technology Department at 916-434-3737 for assistance.
- After August 6: Contact your child’s school for assistance.
- For technical support with your Parent Portal account, email HelpDesk@wpusd.org
- If you forgot your username or password, use the 'Forgot Password' link on the log-in screen.
Ensure your child's information is up-to-date to start the school year smoothly!