January 2025 News
Dixon County 4-H
"To Make The Best Better"
Hello, Dixon County 4-H Families!
UNL Extension Dixon County
57905 866 Road
Concord, NE 68728
(402) 584-2234
Email: dixon-county@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/dixon/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064661410461
4-H and Extension Calendar
Dec. 23 - Jan. 1 UNL Holiday Closedown (Haskell Offices Closed)
Jan. 14........... Coffee & Conversation, at Haskell
Jan. 20........... Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Haskell Offices Closed)
Jan. 27........... 4-H Council Meeting
Jan. 31........... 4-H Club & Council End of the Year Reports are due
February......... Nebraska 4-H Month
Feb. 1............. 4HOnline Enrollment Soft Deadline
Feb. 3............. Extension Board Meeting, 7:15 PM at Haskell
Feb. 8............. Beef Weigh-In
Feb. 20........... RSVP Deadline for Achievement Celebration on Feb. 23
Feb. 23........... Achievement Celebration, YMCA South Sioux, 6:00-8:00 PM
Feb. 24........... 4-H Livestock Advisory Meeting
Feb. 26........... Omaha Fashion Week 4-H Collection Show
Dixon County Website Updated
We are excited to introduce you to our updated website:
Please check it out and bookmark it for future reference.
4-H Enrollment is now OPEN!
By successfully completing the 4-H member enrollment between now and June 15, youth will be eligible to participate and exhibit in any project area, contest, county, and state fairs. While project selection is optional, it is encouraged for youth to select projects they are interested in exploring.
The soft deadline is February 1, in order to be on mailing lists and receive news from our office.
Please note:
- 4-H age is based on age as of January 1, 2025.
- Youth are only eligible to exhibit in a project area or contest in a single county.
- Horse and shooting sports projects will continue to require project enrollment due to the parental consent required to participate in these projects.
- Archery is the only shooting sports category in our county. If you are interested in other areas of shooting sports, please contact Wayne or Cedar Counties.
-The Absolute deadline to enroll is June 15, 2025, in order to be eligible to show at the 2025 Dixon County Fair and the 2025 Nebraska State Fair. This is also the deadline to submit what projects are coming to the county fair.
2025 4-H Volunteers Screening Changes & Orientation
Nebraska 4-H has switched to a new company to complete background screenings for enrolled 4-H volunteers - Sterling Volunteers. All DIRECT volunteers (those serving on 4-H Council, Club Leaders, Workshop Leaders, Shooting Sports Instructors, or other instructors/volunteers directly teaching and working with youth) must enroll through 4Honline AND be re-screened this year. To complete the process:
- Enroll as a volunteer at v2.4honline.com. At the end of the enrollment process, it will direct you to a Sterling Volunteer website. This is where you will complete the screening portion of enrollment.
- Complete the Sterling Volunteer Screening! You will not be approved as a volunteer until this process is complete. Our office will receive confirmation when you have completed the Sterling Volunteer process. Note, if your birth date is not correct on your enrollment, please contact the office before proceeding with enrollment. The volunteer screening will cost $16, plus fees, which is paid online by the volunteer. The Dixon County 4-H Council will reimburse Dixon County 4-H Volunteers, by submitting proof of payment to our office.
- After you complete the Sterling Volunteer screening, you will be directed to complete a volunteer orientation.
If you have questions about the volunteer enrollment process or whether or not you need to enroll as a direct volunteer, please contact the office.
Screening and Orientation needs to be completed by March 15, 2025.
Club Year-End Treasurer's Report Due January 31, 2025
4-H Club Leaders - Please make sure to turn in your club's Year End Treasurer's Report and Inventory Report for the 2024 4-H year. The form to be completed was mailed to each club leader this week. This is required every year, even if you have had a zero balance all year. If you have any questions about this, please call the Extension Office.
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA)
Nebraska 4-H requires all youth enrolled in livestock projects to complete annual quality assurance certification through Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA). YQCA is a national multi-species quality assurance program focused on three core pillars: food safety, animal well-being, and character development. YQCA certification is required for all 4-H members enrolled in any of the following projects:
· Beef (bucket calf, feeder calf, breeding beef, market beef)
· Dairy Cattle
· Goat (breeding meat goat, dairy goat, meat goat)
· Poultry
· Rabbit
· Sheep (breeding sheep, market sheep)
· Swine (breeding swine, market swine)
YQCA is required annually.
Face-to Face Training In-person YQCA training courses cost $3 per individual regardless of age. Dates can be found on the YQCA website!
Web-based Training at https://yqcaprogram.org/ The online YQCA course costs $12 per individual regardless of age.
Test-out options are only available to youth in the first year of Intermediate (age 12) and Senior (age 15) age levels. There is no test-out option for Juniors. Participants will have only one chance to take the test-out option. If youth fail, they will not be provided with another opportunity to test out of that age level.
Test-out costs are:
Intermediate: $36 ($12 x 3 years of certification)
Senior: $48 ($12 x 4 years of certification).
4-H Families will register and pay online
Winter Break would be an excellent time to complete YQCA certification!
YQCA Scholarship Applications Now Open!
YQCA is excited to launch a new scholarship program for certified youth, ranging from high school seniors to age 21, pursuing an agriculture degree or trade.
We will provide a total of $30,000 in scholarships to selected youth in 2025! Individual scholarships will be awarded in the following amounts:
One recipient - $10,000
Two recipients - $5,000
Four recipients - $2,500
How to Apply:
Scholarship applications are open from January 1st – February 17th. Recipients will be announced in May.
Link for application and more information: https://yqcaprogram.org/local/scholarship-program.php
Please reach out to help@yqcaprogram.org with any questions.
Nebraska Extension will be hosting a round of the Fundamentals of Feeding the Cow webinar series in January! Learn more and register at https://go.unl.edu/feedingthecow.
2025 Nebraska 4-H Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort
Registration is now open for the 2025 Nebraska 4-H Farrowed and Owned Swine Cohort! Please share the attached flyer with any families who may be interested. Please note the added opportunities for youth who exhibit swine at the county level. **NEW for 2025**: Exhibit their Farrowed and Owned project animals at any Nebraska county fair. Exhibiting at the 2025 Nebraska State Fair is optional. All cohort members will participate in an interview at the 2025 Nebraska State Fair. Join the first session in February for more details! Refer to the cohort webpage at: https://4h.unl.edu/farrowed-owned.
Apply by February 1, 2025
2025 Price for EID ear tags and 4-H ear tags are $3.00 each, with tax included. Please have your payment ready at the weigh-in. Receipts available upon request. Make checks payable to “University of Nebraska – Lincoln”.
Hard copies of affidavits will be available, or download, print, and prepare them before. Signatures of a parent and at least one child are needed to make the affidavit valid. Affidavit link: https://go.unl.edu/dixoncounty4h-mktbf-affidavit
DNA envelopes will be completed at the weigh-in, for those showing beyond the county fair. These need to be signed by a parent, and every child exhibiting at the State Fair or AKSARBEN.
We have new DNA envelopes for this year. Any you have saved up from last year will not be accepted.
4-H Horse Stampede - March 29-30, 2025
The Nebraska 4-H Horse Stampede offers a variety of 4-H horse contests that do not require live animals, including public speaking, demonstration, quiz bowl, art, photography, horse judging, and hippology contests. Youth have the opportunity to display their equine knowledge through these contests both as an individual and as part of a team. The 4-H Horse Stampede is held annually at the UNL Animal Science Complex in Lincoln, Nebraska. This year's event will be held Saturday and Sunday March 29 & 30, 2025.
2025 Special Garden Project - Goldie Husk Cherry
The 2025 Special Garden Project will focus on the Goldie Husk Cherry. This old-fashioned fruit from the tomato family has sweet berries inside golden husks. The fruits have many uses and can be eaten raw, dried, frozen, canned, or made into tasty treats like pies, desserts, or preserves. (I assure you the husk cherry is different than a groundcherry, which is a weed in Nebraska, that looks very similar, but isn’t edible). For more information visit: https://4h.unl.edu/special-gardening-project
If you or your club is interested, please be sure to add it to your projects!
Order your 2025 SGP seeds by March 1st to ensure your order is placed.
2025 Special Agronomy Progect - Sunflowers
We're thrilled to announce the Nebraska Extension Special Agronomy Project, providing a unique experience for 4-H members to delve into the world of crops in our state.
About the Project: Youth participants will receive seeds and resources to cultivate a crop, explore its traits, and assess its viability in their region. This year, we're celebrating the 5th year of the special agronomy project by spotlighting sunflowers.
Why Participate?
• Grow something fun, new, and different.
• Be eligible to showcase your project at the County and/or State Fair in the agronomy category.
How to Get Involved:
• Enroll for the 2025 Special Agronomy Project through 4-H Online by selecting the Agronomy project.
• Contact the Nebraska Extension Office to order your seeds by March 1.
2025 Online Horticulture Judging Contest
The Nebraska 4-H Online Horticulture Judging Contest provides youth an opportunity to test their knowledge of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants. The contest is open to all youth, as well as adults. Youth do not need to be enrolled 4-H members to participate. The contest will be available from 8:00 AM on Tuesday, June 10, 2025, through 8:00 AM on Tuesday, June 24, 2025.
4-H Livestock Achievement Program
Through the Nebraska 4-H Livestock Achievement Program, youth can receive recognition as Members of Excellence for engaging in various project-related activities. Applications are due June 15, 2025. This can be started anytime, but why wait?
Haskell Happenings Newsletter
If your interested in Haskell Ag Lab events and news, you can stay up to date by subscribing to their e-newsletter! Follow the link to read past issues and subscribe to the email list.
Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 8, the 2025 Nebraska Crop Production Clinics will feature live presentations and present research updates and information tailored to regional crop issues and grower interests. Sponsored by Nebraska Extension, the programs will be held on eight days throughout January, with the final clinic offered on Tuesday, Jan. 28. The clinic on Jan. 28 will be in partnership with the Nebraska Agribusiness Association Expo and will include free admission to the Expo trade show.
2024 Clinic Dates and Locations:
• Jan. 8 — Panhandle Research Extension and Education Center, Scottsbluff
• Jan. 9 — West Central Research Extension and Education Center (WCREEC), North Platte
• Jan. 14 — Northeast Community College, Norfolk
• Jan. 15 — Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center (ENREEC), Ithaca
• Jan. 17 — Holiday Inn Express, Beatrice
• Jan. 22 — Lochland Country Club, Hastings
• Jan. 24 — Holthus Convention Center, York
• Jan. 28 — Younes Conference Center, Kearney at the Nebraska Agribusiness Association Expo
Individual clinics will be customized to address topics specific to that area of the state, allowing attendees to engage with research-based information on the issues that may be faced locally.
Visit the Crop Production Clinics 2025 website (https://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc/) for the most up-to-date information.
Registration is available online for each location. Pre-registration is required and costs $95.
Certified Crop Advisor credits will be available in crop production, nutrient management, integrated pest management, soil and water management.
Pesticide Applicator Recertification
The clinics will offer commercial and non-commercial pesticide applicators an opportunity to renew their licenses in the general standards, ag plant and demonstration/research categories.
@unl_extension Nebraska Extension
Remote Pilot Exam Prep Course
This course is a valuable educational opportunity for anyone interested in flying drones for commercial or public application, including emergency management, law enforcement, real estate and land management, photography and agriculture.
“The course is geared toward professional pilots who intend to make drone flying an aspect of their career or work duties,” said Dr. Dirk Charlson, Nebraska Extension educator and course instructor, who has 10 years of experience flying drones and teaching drone courses. “If you are just curious about drones, this course might not be for you.”
Registration and details at https://cropwatch.unl.edu/2024/remote-pilot-exam-prep-course-resumes-january-2025-nebraska?fbclid=IwY2xjawHP-yVleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHVyegqiTMlEB3YGtv8svPWVQ7Chyh7-2o_Ce5rWJhR3-mEoJHMSwvt3JTQ_aem_ntNrn0JBfHSRdgsE1i29xQ
Registration is OPEN for our 2025 NE Soil Health Conferences; reserve your seat before it is too late! These events will strengthen our connections with stakeholders and our Soil Health community. Join us to explore key topics in sustainable agriculture, including: Carbon Stocks, Crop-Livestock Integration, Nitrogen Management, Cover Crop Resources. Gain insights from leading experts and discover practical strategies for enhancing soil health. More details below. Pre-registration is required. Feel free to forward this invitation within your network.
Registration & Details: https://cropwatch.unl.edu/soil-health-program/events
Angela Abts
Nicole Luhr
Extension Educator - Water and Cropping Systems
Address: 57905 866 Road, Concord, NE 68728, USA
Email: nicole.luhr@unl.edu
Phone: (402) 584-3853
Monica Ebmeier
Office Manager
Address: 57905 866 Road, Concord, NE 68728, USA
Email: mebmeier2@unl.edu
Phone: (402) 584-2234
Dixon County Extension is a Division of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln cooperating with the Counties and the United States Department of Agriculture.
The 4-H Youth Development program abides with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.
Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made in advance to the Dixon County Extension Office.
As an EO/AA employer, qualified applicants are considered for employment without regard to race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, and/or political affiliation. See http://www.unl.edu/equity/notice-nondiscrimination.
"4-H is about building better citizens, teaching values and developing the skills necessary to leading a good and profitable life. And it doesn't matter if you're from a farm environment or from a big city. 4-H worked for me and I've continued to work for it." - Orville Redenbacher, California. 1983 Alumni Winner