Random Acts of Kindness Week
LP Panthers Passing Along Kindness
Next Week Is RAK!
Activities for the Week
Each morning an announcement will be made sharing some kindness inspiration and the Kindness Challenge of the Day.
Throughout the Week, encourage students to write their kind act on a heart and turn it into the office. Their heart 'leaves" will be added to a Kindness Tree in the Oak Room Stage.
Themes for Each Day:
Thank You Tuesday
Students are encouraged to visit the Appreciation Station at lunch to write Thank You cards
What Can I Do To Help? Wednesday
Thoughtful Thursday
Kindness Inspirations
Looking for More Ideas?
Open the RAK folder and click on your grade level. It is filled with tons of lessons ideas from "What does it mean to be kind?' to "Rumors and gossiping." An awesome resource from the Random Acts of Kindness Organization!
Peace, Love, Kindness
Email: ablack@moraga.k12.ca.us
Website: https://lpes-msd-ca.schoolloop.com/
Phone: 925-631-0105
Twitter: @MSD_LPES