Lea Little Cat News

February Lea Little Cats
Three Claps and a Woo for our Lea Little Cats for the month of February. These students exhibit characteristics of a Wildcat Champion! We are proud of our Lea Little Cats.
Borunda - Mateo Contreras
Cabello - Arayza Saenz
Casas - Amiyaa Vallanueva
Castellanos - Marina Medina
Chavez - Addilyn Muniz
DeLaO - Ambar Lira
Lopez - Parker Norton
Murillo - Mila Tapia
Pierson - Johnnie Sims
Rodriguez - Pablo Campos
Stoneman - Marie Ayala
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Science Habitats
In Science, we have been studying various habitats, including the desert, ocean, Arctic, rainforest, and grassland. Students conducted research to discover interesting facts about the animals that live in each habitat and created beautiful art pieces to decorate our space!
Spotlight on Student Work
A Message from our Wildcat School Nurses
Many parents ask, “When is my child sick enough to stay home from school?”
This is not always an easy question to answer! We hope that these tips can help!
A child who is sick will not be able to perform well in school and is likely to spread the illness to other children and staff. We suggest making a plan for childcare ahead of time so you will not be caught without a comforting place for your child to stay if he/she is ill.
Our school guidance states that you should not send your child to school if he/she has:
- Fever in the past 24 hours ***If your child has a fever, please DO NOT medicate your child and send them to school***
- Active vomiting (more than twice in a day) in the past 24 hours
- Diarrhea in the past 24 hours
- Chills
- Cough-A child with deep or uncontrollable coughing belongs at home even without a fever.
- Strep Throat (must have been taking an antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school)
- Bad cold, with a very runny nose or bad cough, especially if it has kept the child awake at night
- Head lice – until your child has been treated according to the nurse or doctor’s instructions
If your child becomes ill at school and the teacher or school nurse feel the child is too sick to benefit from school or is contagious to other children, you will be called to come and take him/her home from school. It is essential that your child’s school has a phone number where you can be contacted during the day and an emergency number in the event you cannot be reached. Please be sure that arrangements can be made to transport your child home from school and that childcare is available in case of illness. If your daytime or emergency phone number changes during the year, please notify your child’s school immediately.
If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse.
Thank you!
Important Dates
February 7th - Pickle and Popcorn Day
February 10 - 14th - Spring Book Fair
February 12th - Early Release
February 14th - Early Release
District Calendar
The Lovington Municipal Schools 2024-2025 calendar shows an at-a-glance look at important dates such as holidays, parent/teacher conferences, and early release day. It can also be found on the lovingtonschools.net home page.
RED: Holidays - No School for students or staff
PURPLE: Professional Development - Training for staff, no school for students
ORANGE: Parent Conferences - Scheduled meetings with teachers, no school for students
GREEN: Early Release - Students will be released at 1:45
BLUE: Community Learning Days
**The District has EARLY RELEASE each WEDNESDAY dismissing students @ 1:45pm.