Peek at Our Week September 30, 2024
Paonia K-8 School
Paonia K-8 School Info
Email: sam.cox@deltaschools.com
Website: pk8.deltaschools.com
Location: 846 Grand Avenue, Paonia, CO, USA
Phone: 970-527-4882
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pk8.ppo
Our parent teacher conferences are coming up this week. Parents play a crucial role in a child's education, and your collaboration with your child's teacher can make a significant difference in their personal and academic growth.
One way to foster this collaboration is through regular communication with teachers, including parent-teacher conferences. Here are some ways that parent-teacher conferences help support students:
- A Partnership for Success: Parents and Teachers
- By working together, parents and teachers can create a supportive environment where children can thrive academically and socially.
- Understanding Your Child's Progress
- Parent-teacher conferences offer an opportunity to gain insight into your child's progress and development. During these meetings, teachers can provide you with a comprehensive overview of your child's academic achievements, strengths, and areas where they may need extra support. This information is invaluable in helping you understand your child's learning style and their individual needs.
- Addressing Concerns Early
- One of the key benefits of parent-teacher conferences is the chance to address any concerns or questions you may have about your child's education. Teachers are there to listen, provide guidance, and collaborate with you to find solutions. Whether it's a struggling subject, behavioral issues, or any other matter, early intervention can make a significant difference in your child's success.
- Setting Goals Together
- During conferences, parents and teachers can set academic and behavioral goals for the child. These goals provide a roadmap for both home and school to work together in achieving specific milestones. When parents and teachers align their efforts toward these objectives, the child receives consistent support and encouragement, leading to greater success.
- Open Communication is Key
- Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful parent-teacher partnership. Parents should feel comfortable reaching out to teachers throughout the school year, not just during formal conferences. Teachers, in turn, value and encourage open communication with parents. If you have questions, concerns, or simply want to check in on your child's progress, don't hesitate to contact the teacher. Remember, you are a team, and working together is the best way to support your child's education.
- Building Trust and a Supportive Community
- By actively participating in parent-teacher conferences and maintaining open communication, you not only support your child but also help build trust and a supportive community within the school. This positive atmosphere benefits all students and enhances the overall educational experience.
Thank you!
Student Count Week
The first week of October every year, is official student count week. This is the time period when the state records official student enrollment at each school. The student count from this week will determine the amount of school funding Delta County School District receives from the State of Colorado. It is critical that every student is accounted at school this week! To promote attendance this week, our Student Council has created an attendance contest:
Next week Student Council is hosting a class attendance contest. Starting Tuesday, October 1st and each day thereafter the percentage of students who are here from each class will be posted in the commons and the doors to each classroom. At the end of the week, the percentages will be averaged and the winning class will receive a popsicle party from student council.
Please send your student to school this week!
Upcoming School Events:
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday, September 30
K-5: No School - Conferences from 1:00-7:30
6-8: Regular School Day - Conferences from 4:00-7:30
7th/8th Grade Football
Away game at Gunnison Middle School
6th/7th/8th Grade Cross Country Meet
Wednesday, October 2nd
Away meet in Montrose
Thursday, October 3rd @ 1:00
School Safety Drill focused on Alert and Inform
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 3rd
K-5: Regular School Day - Conferences from 4:00-7:30
6-8: Regular School Day - Conferences from 4:00-7:30
6th/7th/8th Grade Cross Country Meet
Friday, October 4th
Away meet in Delta
Upcoming Field Trips - Turn in Your Permission Slips!!
Tuesday, October 1st
4th Grade visit the Ute Museum
Tuesday-Wednesday, October 8th-9th
7th Grade Overnight Aquatic Ecology Trip to Erickson Springs
Thursday, October 10th
4th Grade visits Maroon Bells
A Peek at our Weekly Activities
4th Grade at Lost Lake
4th Grade at Lost Lake
4th Grade at Lost Lake
7th Grade River Ecology Studies
7th Grade River Ecology Studies
6th Grade at Cottonwood Days
6th Grade Highway Clean-Up
Visiting the NFHS Homecoming Parade
1st Grade Celebrates Mrs. Homedew
3rd Grade at Bike Safety Day
3rd Grade Home Building Challenge
3rd Grade Puzzle Activity
Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up the week of September 30th.
K-5 students will NOT have school on September 30th as teacher's prepare student work for the conferences.
K-5 conferences will be held on Monday, September 30 from 1:00-7:30 and Thursday, October 3 from 4:00-7:30pm. K-5 conferences are scheduled by appointment, make sure to send back your conference form.
6th-8th grade students will have a normal school schedule on September 30th.
6-8 conferences will be held on Monday, September 30 from 4:00-7:30 and Thursday, October 3 from 4:00-7:30pm. 6-8 conferences are drop-in appointments, so you may visit any of the middles school teachers during the conference times.
This is a great time to also visit the Scholastic Book Fair!
Paonia Parents Organization (PPO) Happenings
Next PPO Meeting: Monday, September 16th at 3:45 in the school library - see you there!
Friday Teacher Snack Sign-Ups
PPO is preparing a teacher meal of soup/salad/bread/desert for Parent/Teacher conferences on Monday, September 30th. Please sign up below to bring items for a soup/salad bar for the teachers.
PT Conference Dinner Sign-Up Genius Link
PPO is also looking for volunteers to help man the Book Fair table the week of September 30th. Please sign up below.