Jag News
Easton School Newsletter (Volume 3, Edition 71)
Week of Sept 23-27
Superintendent Information
Dear Jaguar Friends & Families,
Please join us this week at our Fall Open House on Thursday, September 26th at 5:00 pm followed by a home volleyball match vs. Thorp at 6:00 pm which will also be "live streamed" for those that are interested. See below for more information.
Looking to improve our communications, last Spring we launched the Easton School App. The app contains our website information(menus, calendars, schedules, and more) in a mobile version. The app also allows families to receive weather and news notifications from the school.
If you would like to use the app, please use the QR to the left to download.
The Jags have been fantastic in following our updated cell phone policy with just a couple of "reminders" since implementation. Even with the short time under the updated phone policy, teachers have noticed less distractions in the classroom! The updated cell phone policy can be found at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rKXO-9hLBtBbu4euYvVylsqykO465ZBY/edit
If you have questions regarding the 2019-22 Accountability Audit or Fraud Investigation involving former Easton employees, please contact me at 509.656.2317 or superintendent@easton.wednet.edu
Lastly, If you are aware of any families searching for much smaller class sizes than nearby school districts, personalized learning in a caring environment, a focus on outdoor education/learning, along with college credit courses, and athletic opportunities then Easton is the place. Please have them contact us at 509.656.2317 or cummingsr@easton.wednet.edu for enrollment materials.
Go Jags!
Aaron Kombol
Food Service Info Needed
We need your help to keep school breakfast and lunch free for all students at Easton!
Easton currently qualifies as a Community Eligibility Program(CEP) school with the State of Washington which allows us to feed ALL STUDENTS at no cost to any family.
To maintain our CEP status, we are required to obtain parent information. Please be on the lookout for our state required food service applications arriving in the mail soon. Please fill out completely and return to the office ASAP!
Thank you and GO JAGS!
Open House September 26
Weekly Calendar
Jag Athlete of the Week
Our "Athlete of the Week" for September 16-20 is Jade Knox.
Jade was selected by her coaches for her hard work, ongoing team leadership and outstanding sportsmanship on the court.
Well Done Jade!
Live Steam of Lady Jags Volleyball
All home varsity volleyball matches and basketball games will now be available via the NFHS Live Stream.
Our first live stream event will be Easton Lady Jags vs. Thorp High School varsity volleyball match on Thursday, Sep 26th, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
If you are interested, please sign up at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/easton-senior-high-school-easton-wa/gam5e26e5b84a.
Monthly subscription is $11.99 for viewers or $79.99 per year.
A Generous Gift to Our School Library
Recently, our school library received a fantastic donation of 166 books, valued at nearly $3,000, thanks to the kindness of Lisa Libraries.
Lisa Libraries is an organization started by the author of the Babysitters Club, Ann M. Martin. This generous contribution will significantly enhance our library's collection, providing students access to various reading materials, including fiction, non-fiction, and reference books. With these new additions, students will have more opportunities to explore different genres, improve their reading skills, and discover the joy of reading. The donation enriches our library, encourages a love for learning, and supports our goal of fostering a strong reading culture within our school. We are excited to see how these new books will inspire curiosity and creativity among our students!
Huge THANK YOU to our 4th/5th grade teacher, Mrs. Paula Burton would made this donation to the Easton School library possible! Mrs. Burton has the Easton Mojo!
The Counselor's Corner with Mrs. Kline
Our new School Counselor, Mrs. Sadie Kline, will be contributing to Jag News from time to time with updates and important information for families.
Come meet me during our Open House September 26th from 5:00 pm-6:00pm. I am looking forward to meeting you and answering any questions you might have.
Elementary students have had the opportunity for Lunch Bunch Groups with me. I have enjoyed getting to know all the students in small groups.
Be on the lookout on our Easton Website for updates to the counseling section, inform to come!
Tests that are coming up:
SAT October 9th, 2024 for Seniors
PSAT October 10th, 2024 for Juniors
ASVAB October 30th, 2024 for 10th-12th grade students
Please contact me with any questions at 509.656.2317 or klines@easton.wednet.edu
Friday Early Release(starts Friday October 4th)
Friday Early Release for Students will begin next Friday, October 4. Students will be released at 1:00 pm for staff professional development and collaboration time.
The 24/25 Easton School calendar is found below.
Community Outreach Center(COAL) Weekly Nutrition Bags
Community Outreach Center (COAL) in Upper County Kittitas County is offering a weekly delivery of nutrition/food bags for students and their families who may be food insecure .
There is no cost to families to join the program.
If you would like to participate in this program this year and receive weekly nutrition/food bags or know of a family that may need food assistance, please email District Secretary Rachel Cummings at cummingsr@easton.wednet.edu or call 509-656-2317.
Thank You to The Summit at Snoqualmie!
The recent "Wildside Auction" sponsored by The Summit at Snoqualmie rasied a total of $1180.
Proceeds from auction will go to Easton's Associated Student Body (ASB) fund. ASB pays for student activities, athletics, and events.
Thank you again to The Summit at Snoqualmie for including Easton School District!Easton Character Values
Each month, led by our ASB and Jag Leadership students, Easton School will highlight a different "Character Value of the Month". This list of character values were developed by our own Easton students. In the classrooms, teachers will provide examples of these values and hold classroom discussions.
For September, the "Character Value of the Month" is Self Discipline.
Updated Family Contact Information
In the event of an emergency, it is essential that Easton School has up to date parent/family/guardian contact information. If there has been a change in cell numbers, emails or address change, please make sure to contact us so we can up date our records.
Our contact information is only as good as what parents and families provide. To review your contact information or to make updates, please contact us at 509.656.2317 or cummingsr@easton.wednet.edu
September Penny Drive
Penny Drive Leader Board as of September 20
1st: 6-8 with -1701 points
2nd: 9/10 with -2340 points
3rd: 11/12 with -3165 points
4th: Staff with -3672 points
5th: K/1 with -4693 points
6th: 4/5 with -6193 points
7th: 2/3 with -6598 points
"Home" Football Games now at Cle Elum High School
Easton High School home football games will now be held at Cle Elum High School instead of Thorp.
Thank you to Thorp SD for hosting us last year and a big thank you to Cle Elum for hosting the Jags this year.
Game dates and times remain the same, only location has changed.
Easton Jaguar "Home" football games are:
Saturday September 21 at 1:00 pm vs. Wishkah Valley
Saturday October 12 at 1:00 pm vs. Evergreen Lutheran
Saturday October 19 at 1:00 pm vs. Clallam Bay
Easton Staff Contacts
Nate Aceves: Teacher, Paraeducator, Football Coach
Marchel Allenbaugh: Technology, MS Social Studies, Outdoor Education
Paula Burton, Grades 4&5
Kayla Bielanin: PreSchool
Jeff Brenning: Director of Operations
Rachel Cummings: District Secretary
Lisa Eyerly: Pre School Paraeducator
Maddie Flaig: Special Education, Basketball Coach
Mary Forry: Transportation & Student Supervision
Hayley Frey: Grades 2&3
Kayla Engelhartdt, School Nurse
Kyle Hickman: PE, Athletic Director
Becky Houle: Grades K&1
Jenny Jensen: Custodial
Sadie Kline, School Counselor
Aaron Kombol: Superintendent
Jessica Lewis: English, History, HS Art
Caitlyn Loyd: Secondary Math, ASB Advisor
Haley McLaughlin: Paraeducator
Patrick Penoyar: Secondary Science, Outdoor Education
Katherine Renton: Accounts Payable & Human Resources
Melissa Sandby: Transportation & Custodial
About Us
Email: cummingsr@easton.wednet.edu
Website: www.easton.wednet.edu
Location: 1893 Railroad Street, Easton, WA, USA
Phone: (509)656-2317
Facebook: www.facebook.com/K12JauguarPride