February 2025
Beechwood Knoll School Newsletter
Principal Mrs. Marisa Rodriguez 617-984-8781 marisarodriguez@quincypublicschools.com
Secretary Mrs. Katie DeLancey 617-984-8781 kaitlindelancey@quincypublicschools.com
Guidance Mrs. Maura Hurst 617-984-8631 maurahurst@quincypublicschools.com
Nurse Mrs. Debbie Cerone 617-984-8632 deborahcerone@quincypublicschools.com
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 8:15 AM - 2:30 PM
Wednesday - Early Release 8:15 AM - 11:55 AM
BKS Info
225 Fenno Street, Quincy, MA 02170
Telephone: 617-984-8781
Fax: 617-984-8636
February Events
- Monday, February 3 Raising Multicultural Kids Gr 4-5: Sit in (Advocacy)
- Tuesday, February 4 Grade 4 Field Trip to Gillette
- Wednesday, February 5 PBIS Virtual Assembly
- February 10-14 Kids Heart Challenge in PE classes
- Monday, February 10 QPS Citywide PTO Meeting 7 PM
- Wednesday, February 12 QPS School Committee 6:30 PM
- Thursday, February 13 Grade 5 Leadership Summit
- February 17-21 No School ~ February Recess
- Monday, February 24 Raising Multicultural Kids Gr 4-5: Lailah's Lunchbox (Advocacy)
- Thursday, February 27 BKS PTO BINGO Night 6-7 PM
- Thursday, February 27 Session 2 Extended Day Programs End
February Days of Recognition
- February is Black History Month
- February 3-7 National School Counseling Week
- Friday, February 14 Valentine's Day
- Monday, February 17 Presidents' Day
- Friday, February 28 Ramadan begins
QPS 24-25 Calendar www.quincypublicschools.com
Valentine’s Day Reminder
Please keep an eye out for information from your child’s teacher regarding any celebrations they may be having for Valentine’s Day. Please note: There is no food allowed to be shared or consumed within the classroom, but feel free to send your child with an extra fun snack that day if you so choose! If a Valentine that you purchased happens to have candy attached, we will send it home in a sealed envelope or bag to be consumed at your discretion. Valentines with school-supply items (pencils, stickers, fidgets, etc) or a kind note are some great ideas! Additionally, please be mindful of Valentine item size. All Valentines distributed must be able to fit inside of a child's backpack to go home. No large items or balloons. Thank you!
Event Fliers
BKS Celebrates 100 days of school! To celebrate being 100 days smarter, we are inviting our BKS community to dress like they are 100 years old on Monday, February 10th. It is voluntary if your child would like to participate. Our Kindergarten friends will be celebrating their 100th day later in February.
Kids Heart Challenge: Physical Education
The Kids Heart Challenge is an annual event in Physical Education classes each year, spearheaded by our PE teacher, Ms. Fran. This program has two purposes: builds education for students around healthy hearts and also serves as a fundraiser for the American Heart Association. We encourage all families to register their child online as students will receive a Heart Hero wrist band for registering! If your family chooses to fundraise or donate, there are additional "Quack Pack" prizes students can earn.
All students will participate in the challenge during their regularly scheduled PE classes during the week of February 10th, regardless of registration or donation status! Each day, Ms. Fran will will share with students some facts about our bodies and hearts to give them an extra background to understand the human body.
To register and/or donate, please see the information below:
Nurse's Message
February is American Heart Month. A time when we spotlight cardiovascular health. The younger we adopt healthy habits the more benefit we gain and the more likely the habits will stick.
Healthy food intake equals healthy hearts. A heart healthy diet focuses on whole foods. Increasing fruits and vegetables will provide you and your child with good fiber, vitamins and minerals. Whole grains, lean protein and low fat dairy round out the balanced diet. Reduce processed food to the extent possible aiming to avoid high fat baked goods and foods with saturated fats. Keeping healthy foods available and limiting access to snack foods can make a huge difference in caloric intake. One good resource with tips and recipes is https://www.myplate.gov/eat-healthy/what-is-myplate
A strong heart is a healthy heart. Exercise is recommended for all age groups. A simple walk once daily for 30 minutes can be a great start. Studies have shown exercise can still be beneficial even if broken up into smaller increments (ie. 3 ten min walks daily). If you are truly sedentary make sure you stand up and walk around every hour you are awake for a few minutes. Limiting or earning screen time by being active can help the whole family get moving. As the routine takes hold, challenge yourself to increase your minutes or intensity. Family activities to get everyone moving include bike rides, nature walks, swimming, and outdoor games. Another great resource with exercise tips is
If you need help or are in need of suggestions to help your child, please feel free to call the health office. My phone number is 617-984-8632 or email deborahcerone@quincypublicschools.com
I greatly appreciate your help in keeping me informed and keeping our kids healthy and learning.
Mrs. Cerone, MSN, RN
Counselor's Corner
Hello BKS families,
In my classroom lessons, your children continue to learn about their brain, how it responds to stress, and eventually how we can become the “boss of our brains.” Part of becoming the boss of your brain is to:
A- Take a quick pause
B- Be curious
C- Choose wisely.
Learning to pause before we react is a skill that children (and adults) need to practice. Our “Downstairs Brain” wants to react automatically- without thinking. If we learn to pause, we can give our “Upstairs Brain” a chance to catch up and think about a solution to our problem, rather than just reacting.
Here are a resource for those who are interested in learning more about dealing with stress:
This link provides examples of breathing techniques kids can learn to help them take a pause:
As always, please reach out if I can be of support to you or your family.
Happy February!
Maura Hurst, School Counselor
February expected behavior: Respect for others in the classroom
- Allow others to learn
- Help others
- Cooperate
BKS Website Highlight
Attendance: Absences Policy & Procedure
If your child is absent from school, please call Beechwood Knoll at 617-984-8781 or email our secretary before 8:30 a.m. If your child is absent and we have not heard from their family, we will call you to confirm their absence. An absence will be medically excused if a doctor's note is submitted to the office. Please send any documentation to school with your child upon their return.
Please keep your child home if they have any of the following symptoms:
Temperature of 100.5 or higher within the last 24 hours
Vomiting or diarrhea (must be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school)
Coughing that is uncontrolled
Please do not give your child medication to come to school. If a child needs medication to come to school, they most likely need to stay home. If you are unsure about whether or not your child's symptoms are serious enough to keep them home, please feel free to call the health office. Symptoms can be reviewed over the phone and an informed decision can be made. The nurse can be reached at 617-984-8632 or email deborahcerone@quincypublicschools.com.
I am sure you agree that the success your child attains in school is directly related to their daily attendance. We understand there are times when children are ill and unable to attend school or a special circumstance may come up; however, each time your child is absent, late or dismissed they are missing opportunities to learn. Furthermore, student attendance rates continue to be a focus of the Massachusetts Dept. of Education and the Quincy Public Schools. If you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance with supporting your family, please do not hesitate to reach out.
All BKS protocols, can be found on our BKS website:
Ways to Support our PTO
Thursday, February 27th from 6:00-7:00PM
Available to purchase: Pizza $2 per slice, Water $1 and more!
Quincy Public Schools: District Information
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open! Please see the registration packet included below. A link to the Quincy Public Schools website is also provided with more information.
QPS Family DEI Newsletter
Please use the link below to access the Winter newsletter from Kim Connolly, Quincy Public Schools Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging.
Quincy Public Schools is Hiring!
For more information, go to: https://www.quincypublicschools.com/our_district/academic_support/human_resources_department/current_employment_opportunities or call the QPS Human Resources Department at 617-984-8767
Interested or have questions?
Reach out to Beechwood Knoll's Secretary, Mrs. Katie DeLancey at 617-984-8781 or kaitlindelancey@quincypublicschools.com
MA Department of Education 2024 School Reports
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education recently made the 2024 school and district report cards available. Please use the link below to review Beechwood Knoll:
BKS Apparel Store
Free shipping on orders over $75
February Sales:
2/1 - 2/9: 25% off pajama pants
2/10 - 2/16: 25% off water bottles
2/17 - 2/23: $8 off all long sleeve tees
🔵 Show your BKS pride by wearing Beechwood gear
or the color "Beechwood Blue" (royal blue) every Wednesday all school year long! 🔵