Duval Dispatch
Growing a Garden!
Week of Nov. 18th
Hello Duval Community!
We had another fun filled week at Duval! Last week we celebrated World Kindness Day. Each student at school received a red heart. They were challenged with conducting an act of kindness throughout the day and writing it down on the heart. At the end of the day, each POD came outside to spell out the world 'KIND" on our playground! It was a fun way to celebrate being kind to one another! Many thanks to Marcus Casey, WHRHS teacher, for his drone expertise!
Throughout the week last week, students were also able to purchase tickets for the classroom basket raffles. Thank you everyone for your participation! It was a big hit and the students had a blast walking through and looking at the baskets. Then on Friday night, the PTO hosted the raffle fundraiser! A fun night was had by all!
Also, a reminder that we are collecting book donations for our Readcycle event next Monday. See the flyer below for more details!
Have a great week!
Dr. Marcus and Ms. Craig
Important Info
Dismissal Changes
Last notification:
1- Except in rare emergencies, ALL dismissal changes MUST be announced to the classroom teacher with a physical note. Please do not rely on email or phone calls during the day to get the message to staff.
2- We have stopped any early dismissals after 3:10pm. With less than 5 minutes notice, and with the real need for the office to pay close attention to the safety of children leaving, we can not safely pull teachers and our admin assistant away from that task. Please plan accordingly. If folks do arrive at 3:10 or later, students will be called to come to the office when the bell rings at 3:15pm.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found still has many sweatshirts and jackets! We will be donating everything before December break!
Please put names on EVERYTHING! It's the best way for us to get things back to you.
Dolphin TV
Dolphin TV Channel is HERE to see all broadcasts.
Please click on Subscribe so our livestreams can be seen by more people!
We took a break this past week, but hope to be up and running again this week!
Last Week at Duval
Our KIND pod picture!
Mrs. Foscaldo's class holding up their kindness hearts
Upcoming Events
Nov. 18 - Book Swap Collection Begins
Nov. 22 - Book Swap Collection Ends
Nov. 25 - Readcycle Book Swap
Nov. 27-29 - School Closed for Thanksgiving Break
Calendar Items for the Year. We'll have a link HERE permanently and update it frequently.
Hello Dolphins!
The season of gratitude is here and we are first and foremost thankful for everyone who helped make Friday's Basket Raffle a smashing success! Thanks to you, we raised $15,000 to fund field trips, classroom improvements, scholarships, and so much more! From the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU!
From here until the end of 2024, we turn our eyes to acts of kindness and giving to others.
We are once again partnering with the Raise Right program to offer gift card sales for the holiday season. For those of you who buy gift cards, this program donates a portion of the sales directly back to Duval, while still giving you the full value at no extra cost. Please see the flyers below for more information.
The beginning of December will also mark our annual Food Drive to benefit the Whitman Food Pantry. Requests will be coming via classrooms soon. Sharing with the community around us is one of the most valuable lessons we learn at Duval.
Finally, our students will soon get the chance to show their appreciation for their friends and family at our Holiday Shop. From December 16th-20th, they will be able to purchase small gifts for those they care for right at school. Each item is $1, to help keep their spending reasonable, but still meaningful. Keep your eyes posted for more on that coming soon.
On behalf of the board, and with all of our gratitude,
Marshall Ottina
President, Duval PTO
Community Corner
Helpful Links
Families can log into Infinite Campus for classroom information. Need an Infinite Campus Parent Portal Account? Please contact the Technology Department at 781-618-8100
The WHRSD and Duval School PTO Facebook pages are excellent social media resources for staying connected and informed.
WHRSD Academic Calendar includes holidays, vacations, and early release date.
About Us
John H. Duval Elementary provides a safe, supportive environment where children are able to reach for the stars!
Email: john.marcus@whrsd.org
Website: https://whd.whrsd.org
Location: 60 Regal Street, Whitman, MA 02382
Phone: 781-618-7055
Twitter: @DuvalElementary