SHS Spartan News
Week of September 9, 2024
No School For Students Tuesday 9/10/24 District PD Day
A reminder that there will be no school for students on Tuesday due to the teacher and staff professional development day.
Emergency Drills at SHS
Thank you to our school community for doing an amazing job last Friday as we practiced a lock-down drill During Passing time at the high school and middle school. All students, teachers, and staff sprang into action and we were able to clear every room and stop the drill within seventeen minutes!
Below is information on our drills and what is required each year per state law. Please reach out with any questions!
Scituate High School Second Annual College Fair- Thurs. 9/12/24
Thursday, Period 9
Our annual College Fair is this week! Representatives from more than 40 colleges, universities and military branches will be in attendance to meet our amazing students! Juniors and Seniors will be called down to the gymnasium during period 9 on Thursday to visit the fair. In preparation for the fair, students in grades 11 and 12 will have a brief assembly on Wednesday from 1:50-2:18 PM in the HS cafeteria.
Click Below to See the List of Attendees!
College Fair Guide for Students
College Fair September 12th Per 9
Report to your period 9 class and wait for an announcement to report to the gym. Do not go right to the gym at the start of period 9.
College Fair “Do’s & Don’t’s”
DO Dress to impress.
DO Bring a notepad and pen to jot down notes.
DO Visit every table at the fair.
DO Speak clearly and use proper English when speaking with admissions reps
DO Ask questions
DO Ask for a business card and send a follow-uip “Thank you” email (Seniors only)
DON’T Gather in the middle of the gym and socialize with your friends
DON’T Assume you know enough about any school
DON”T Leave the gym for any reason until dismissed at 10:45am
Questions to ask College Admissions Representatives
Where is your school located?
What is the setting of the campus? City? Small Town?
How many students attend your school?
What is your student retention rate?
What is your graduate rate?
What are your most popular majors?
What is the cost of attendance?
What percentage of students receive financial aid?
What do you love about working at ________?
What Division are you (NCAA)?
Do you have Greek Life?
New Scituate Athletic Booster Club Concession Stand!
We owe thanks to so many for making this happen, the original boosters who started this, those that raised the funds, all of the community who bought bricks, all the school and town council members and school administrators who supported the vision, DPW and RoxBox. All of the current boosters had a hand in it too. A special shout out to Matt Scanlon, Booster Treasurer, for organizing the entire thing. He was the organizer, mediator, the planner and the install overseer. The process may have aged him greatly, but we are so thankful for his unwavering work on this project!
We cannot thank Kirk and the Scituate DPW crew enough for their help this morning. We could not have gotten this in place without them. Interesting fact, they are all Scituate High School Alumni.
Please Consider Donating
Please consider donating to the Dan Casey Memorial Scholarship Fund. (The scholarship awards graduating Scituate High School seniors on it’s wrestling team, where he taught, coached and was a director of guidance)
Kindly use the below link, (it’s easy) typing in ‘Dan Casey Memorial Scholaship Fund’ in the ‘in memory of’ box. Thank you so much for your support and for your generosity for these students and for helping his legacy live on.
From the School Counseling Department
Schedule Update
Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we worked through scheduling changes. At this time, all schedule change request form submissions should have been addressed. The add/drop period ends on Friday, September 13th. If you have any concerns about your schedule, please contact your school counselor to make an appointment as soon as possible!
Mrs. Lennon: Last names A-KA
Mrs. Trainor: Last names KE-Z
Meet our Student Assistance Counselor- Ms. Coria
P. E. Fitness Instructor Pathway :
In ‘Introduction to Sports Medicine’ we have begun our Bio-mechanics Unit, starting with the topic of equilibrium. The students completed a lab focusing on the Center of Mass, Base of Support, Line of Gravity, and their effects on stability.
From the Academy of Biomedical Science
Members of the biomedical pathway have had a busy first two weeks of school. Our newest members received letters of encouragement from the juniors and seniors. Human Body Systems students began the year by creating a honeycomb puzzle that showed relationships between body systems.
From Visual Arts
Here's a snippet of what's happening in Art this week! We're so excited to be back and creating!
From the Science Department
How difficult is it to dissolve sugar, salt or baking soda in cold or hot water? It's not. However, students in Physical Science are investigating these phenomena using the scientific method within a guided inquiry format. That can be difficult. Developing a scientific question, hypothesis and procedures in a novel situation is one of the foundations for success in this and future science courses.
From the Social Studies Department
The AP US Government and Politics class acing their Summer Constitution reading assessment.
Project Close Up
Want to travel to Washington D.C.? Contact Ms. Grundt!
2024-2025 Yearbook!
Yearbooks are on sale www.jostens.com
The last day to order a personalized cover is January 5th.
Attention senior parents:
If you would like to place an ad for your senior please visit the site below and follow the directions!
- click yearbook
- click recognition ads
- create a student ad
Due by December 24th
If you need any help reach out to Mrs. Terceira sharon.terceira@scituateschoolsri.net
Seniors- Upload Your Yearbook Picture
2024-2025 Lunch Schedules
Free/Reduced Application
My School Bucks
2024-2025 Bus Lists
Below are the first student bus lists for the school year. Please use the contacts below should you have any questions.
Late Buses September 17th
Late buses run from leave the campus around 3:45-4:00 PM, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday only and will begin on September 17th
Advisory 24/25
Student Parking Pass Request Form
Scituate High Schedule
Freshmen and New Student Presentation
Scituate High School Open House!
Thursday, Sep 19, 2024, 06:00 PM
Scituate High School, Trimtown Road, Scituate, RI, USA
2024 Homecoming!!
Save the Date! 2024 Homecoming will be held the week of September 23rd. Details to follow! The Homecoming Dance will be Saturday, September 28th
Tickets Now on Sale!
Homecoming Dance Tickets now on Sale! Print the form or head to the high school office to bring home a copy!
Scituate High School Supplies
High School Supplies
Scituate High School does not compile an official supply list as we have minimal materials that families need to purchase. Each course will have a syllabus which is given to students during the first few days of school. Families will have a few weeks to get those supplies.
Any family with a financial need should reach out to Mr. Hassell
From Social Worker Ms. Ricci
Thanks to a wonderful donation from the Scituate Rotary Club we have school supplies available to be distributed to our students in the Middle and High School!
Supplies include: Backpacks, Stationary and Art Supplies, Gift Cards (limited amount)
Please fill out the google form below if you are interested/ in need of school supplies for your child/ student(s)! All requests are confidential and will be handled by our School Social Worker, Jennifer Ricci, LCSW.
NEASC Accreditation Visit Dec. 8th
What is NEASC?
The primary goal of the NEASC public school accreditation process is to provide support and opportunities to develop realistic improvement and growth plans to enhance teaching and learning in order to maintain a quality education for the entire student population.
Senior Immunization Requirement Class of 2025
Please see the welcome back letter with important info and requirements from School Nurse Makowski!
Thank you,
Sarah Makowski RN, BSN
School Nurse
Phone: 401-647-4120
School Nurse Handbook Updates 24/25
From Northwest Special Education - Mark Your Calendars!
Northwest SELAC (Sp Ed Local Advisory Committee) meeting schedule for the 24/25 School Year. All are welcome to attend!
Dec 10, 2024
Feb 11, 2025
May 13, 2025
Meeting Location: Ponaganset Middle School, Room 150
Meeting Time: 6:00pm
2024-2025 School Calendar
Support the Scituate Garden Club and Senior Scholarship!
Dear Scituate Public Schools Community,
The Gentian Garden Club, which has been beautifying Scituate since 1935, endeavors to grant scholarships each year to graduating seniors. We are having our second annual bulb sale fund-raiser toward this effort through September 14. All profits from the sale will go toward two scholarships for college-bound students: one from Scituate High School and one from Ponaganset High School. Last year we were able to award a $1,000 scholarship to a student from each school.
The specially-curated package contains thirty bulbs of three varieties of daffodils for $30. Participants in this fundraiser can place their order at the Foster Farmer’s Market on Sunday, September 1 (9 AM - 12:30 PM), the Gentian Garden Club Plant Sale, Saturday, September 7 (North Scituate Community House) from 9 AM to 1 PM), and the North Scituate Farmer’s Market, Saturday, September 14 (9 AM - 12 PM).
Customers pick-up the bulbs later at the North Scituate Community House (Tuesday, October 15 from 5 - 7 PM or Saturday November 2 from 9- 11 AM).
Isn’t this a BEAUTIFUL way to support college scholarships? Thank you for helping us to get the word out!
Carol Horta
Gentian Garden Club
SCITUATE SPARTANS 2024 Fall Athletic Registration
Contact our Athletic Director, Sal Gelsomino with any questions!
Scituate Athletic Booster Club
Consider Supporting our Fall Teams!
The Spartans had their Injury Fund game on Friday. It was 7-7 against last year's division IV champions, North Providence.
Vote for Coach Damon! Closes Sept. 10th
Girls Tennis
Another 2-5 result vs. Bay View for the Lady Spartans of Tennis
Wins by Keyliah Casasola at 4th singles
& the 2nd doubles duo, Samantha Duarte & Sydney Saccucci
The girls brought in September with their first match against Division I Mt. Hope.
The final score was 2-5.
Libby Chapralis
Girls Soccer
The Lady Spartans traveled to Moses Brown last week ultimately taking the loss 0-1. Onto the next!
Lady Spartans with the 5-0 win against North Smithfield! The Spartans keep on rolling through the start of the season! Way to go ladies!
Boys Soccer
The Boys Soccer Team played Times 2 Academy at Caito Thursday. The boys came out with a bang and ended with a 14-0 win!
Vote for Austin Simas- Player of the Week! Closes Sept. 12th
Girls Volleyball
Varsity Spartans held their first match, hosting Mt Pleasant. They left victorious with a score of 3-0!
Spartan Track
On the last day of August the Girls and Boys had their Cross Country Injury Fund.
West Nile Virus in Rhode Island
Reduce the risk of West Nile virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) after mosquitoes tested positive for the diseases. WNV is most commonly spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito, and mosquito season in Rhode Island runs from summer through fall. Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk, in the shade, and when temperatures are above 55°F.
Here are some precautions that everyone can take to reduce the risk of WNV:
- Use protective clothing
Have students wear long-sleeved shirts and pants.
Use bug spray
Use an EPA-approved bug spray with DEET (20–30% strength), picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or paramenthane. Don't use bug spray with DEET on children under two months old.
Maintain screens
Ensure that window and door screens are in good condition and don't have holes or be loose.
Reduce standing water
Remove standing water from containers like buckets, pots, wheelbarrows, boats, and pools.\
Clogged rain gutters and puddles on tarps can also support mosquito larvae.
Visit our Athletic Website
The Scituate School Department has released an updated non-discrimination policy. Please note that our Scituate High School 2018-2019 student and parent handbook was printed before the new statement was released. Therefore, the non-discrimination policy in this year's handbook is out of date. The current policy with updates is as follows:
The Scituate School Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, religion, national origin, color, creed, political affiliation or disability in any of its educational programs and activities, and in employment and application for employment, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1965, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and other federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Equal Employment Officer, P.O. Box 188, North Scituate, Rhode Island 02857, Telephone: (401) 647-4100; Email: EEO@ScituateSchoolsRI.net. You may also direct inquiries directly to: Office for Civil Rights (Boston Office), U.S. Department of Education, 8th Floor, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109-3921, Telephone: (617) 289-0111; Facsimile: (617) 289-0150; Email: OCR.Boston@ed.gov. If you require an accommodation to attend a meeting or program at a school, call the Equal Employment Officer at least two business days in advance of the meeting or program.