
CEW South "In the Know!"
CEW South Volunteer
Please complete the form below if you are interested in volunteering at CEW South.
CEW South Open House
Doors will open at 5:45 PM. Encore will set up in an exhibit style in the cafeteria at the beginning of the evening. Afterward, we will begin classroom rotations for parents to attend teacher presentations according to their child's core content schedule. Please know your child's schedule so you are able to follow the Open House class rotation schedules.
The rotation times for Open House can be found below.
Message from Our Neighbors at the Bees Ferry Library
There have been ongoing issues with the use of the library parking lot as a pickup site for students. Some parents are stopping their cars in the middle of the parking lot and creating makeshift pickup lanes, despite instructions from library and security staff. Recently, this led to a few near-miss situations, with cars almost colliding because they were waiting in non-parking spaces.
They are ask for your cooperation in ensuring the safety of all by following the designated pickup areas and parking rules.
Thank you for your understanding.
We have also received complaints from residents about cars are blocking driveways and major thorough which is becoming dangerous for the residents that live there.
Mass Notification System Check from CCSD September 18
CCSD will be sending out a mass notification at approximately 5 pm on September 18 to determine the phone call, email, and text message deliverable rates of the Mass Notification system.
Picture Day!
CEW South Picture Day October 17, 2024
Picture Day is Coming - Picture Day is coming! It will be held on October 17 at CEW South. It will be a dress down day (please see dress down guidelines). Get ready to say “cheese” and don’t forget – please don’t wear green.
🚀Give Teachers a BOOST!🚀
PSAT-8th Grade Only
Greeting Parents/Guardians and students,
Welcome Back!! I hope that you all had a great restful summer. As we prepare our scholars for the road ahead, the school counseling department of C. E. Williams South would like to extend the invitation for your scholar to participate in the PSAT testing. On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, your scholar will have the opportunity to take the PSAT/NMSQT® (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test).
This is an important test that provides many benefits that can help your scholar along the path to college. The PSAT/NMSQT is great practice for the SAT® . They’ll also get personalized feedback on their performance to help improve their skills before taking the SAT as well as improve their skills currently.
In addition, students receive free college planning tools to help them start their college search and feedback on the types of AP courses for which they may be particularly well prepared. Taking these college-level classes can help students earn college credit while still in high school and provide them with a competitive advantage in the college admission process.
If you are interested in your scholar participating in this opportunity, please use this link https://forms.gle/4gwy2QTv8SrfVejn7 to register. Due dates are included in the registration form.
Parents D.E.N.
Join us for our first Parents D.E.N. of 24-25 on September 18th at 8:00! This series is sponsored by CEWS Student Support Team and will have a mix of structured topics and open discussion. Please use the QR code to submit any questions or topics you would like us to discuss.
Early Pick Up for Students Ends at 1:50 PM
If you need to pick up your child early, please arrive by 1:50 PM. This will allow us time to prepare for our normal dismissal. Thank you in advance.
Education Thrives When You Keep It Under 5!
Please review the CEW South cell phone expectations with your child.
2024-2025 CEW South Cell Phone Policy
- Cell phones and *other devices must be off and out of sight during school hours until dismissal.
- Homeroom teachers will have lock boxes where students are strongly encouraged to turn in their devices until dismissal.
- Cell phones will not be permitted during lunch/recess.
*This includes smart devices and listening devices such as headphones, earbuds, etc.
2024-2025 CEW South Cell Phone Violation Consequences
- 1st Offense: Phone confiscated, returned at the end of the day.
- 2nd Offense: Phone confiscated, returned at the end of the day, parent contacted.
- 3rd Offense: Phone confiscated, returned at the end of the day, parent contacted (next offense, parent will be required to pick up the phone - referral for cell phone violation).
- 4th Offense: Phone confiscated, returned to parent (conference held, review next steps with parent/student, referral for cell phone violation).
- 5th Offense: Phone confiscated, returned to parent (conference held, referral for cell phone violation, student placed on school probation, next referral will be for RTO).
2024-2025 CEW South Uniform Policy
2024-2025 CEW South Uniform Policy
- Solid Royal Blue, Black, Navy Blue, Grey, or White collared Polo-Style Shirt, crew neck sweatshirt, or solid jacket.
- No hooded items allowed.
- Official CEW tops (clubs or organizations, team shirts, or school-sponsored events) with black or blue denim jeans with no rips showing skin above the mid-thigh and no inappropriate writing.
- Khaki, Navy, or Black pants.
- Skirts, Skorts, dresses, and shorts at mid-thigh
- Bottoms to be at least mid-thigh.
- Bottoms are to be worn at the waist.
Not Permitted
- No pajamas, leggings/ jeggings, spandex, pajama bottoms, bike shorts, sweatpants/sweatsuits, or athletic shorts.
- No crop tops or spaghetti strap tops.
- No hats, hoods, bandanas, hair picks, rags, hair caps, or scarves.
- No Crocs (or Crocs-style shoes), backless shoes, open-toed shoes, bedroom slippers, flip-flops, or slides.
- No clothing, jewelry, or accessories will be permitted that display profanity, weapons, violence, suggestive, disruptive, or inflammatory phrases, alcohol, tobacco, or drug advertisements.
- Students may not wear accessories or jewelry that may be considered unsafe, as determined by the school administration.
*Students who violate the uniform policy will contact parents/guardians and report to a designated area until the item arrives.
*Dress Down days may allow for some of these items-details for dress
Official CE Williams tops can be ordered from CK Printing at