Longacre Weekly News
November 2, 2020
Dear Longacre Families,
Special thanks to Jaclyn Arslanian for coordinating our 1st Halloween Book Stroll last Wednesday and to all the parent volunteers who made it possible. It was a safe, fun way for our students and families to celebrate Halloween and the fall season together.
A district letter was sent to families last Friday explaining changes to our calendar for this week. Here is a copy of the communication:
Letter to families- changes in the calendar 10-29-20
Also, here is a link to Dr. Herrera's letter to elementary families last Friday:
Elementary Return to In-Person Learning Letter
Parent/Teacher Conferences provided you and your child’s teacher that very important one-on-one opportunity to have an open dialogue about your child’s progress, both as a learner and a leader. You saw firsthand the level of planning our teachers engage in, along with the tremendous commitment they have to ensure your child’s academic and social emotional growth. Our Kindergarten parent teacher conferences will be scheduled during the month of November. Please look for specific details from your child's teacher.
As we prepare for in-person learning on November 9th, we realize that the transition will create changes in routines for you and your family. We are confident that students remaining with their Longacre teachers will provide consistency for your child and enable teachers to maintain instructional continuity. We remain focused on our circle of control and what is best for students during these unprecedented times.
As always, feel free to contact me at rhonda.henry@fpsk12.net or call the main office at (248) 489-3733 should you have any questions.
With Longacre Pride,
Rhonda Henry
In-Person Learning Safety Protocols
Please click on the links below to view In-Person Learning Safety Protocols. I will share arrival and dismissal procedures as well as daily health screener protocols with you as soon as they are finalized. Additional information can be found on the FPS website: https://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/moving-forward-learning
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Cleaning and Ventilation Protocol
Get Creative with PTA Program Reflections
Thank you to Evann Guthrie, our Longacre PTA Reflections Chairperson, for organizing and coordinating our PTA Reflections this school year!
Students will use the arts to share their personal Reflections on this year’s theme:
I Matter Because…
Please click on this link for the official rules and entry form:
Reflections Official Rules and Entry Form
Submissions are due to mailto:longacreptareflections@gmail.com by 11/13/2020.
Experienced artists will review your work for interpretation of theme, creativity and technique. We look forward to celebrating your artistry and achievement in the arts!
Dining Days Out
Parent Canvas Account Reminders
- Parents/guardians can create a Parent Canvas account at https://fpsk12.instructure.com. To do this, parents/guardians along with their student(s) need to first generate a pairing code within the student account. This pairing code then allows a observer account to be linked to the student’s account.
- Here are directions Links to an external site.for creating the parent account and linking it to your student’s account. Once you have created your parent account via https://fpsk12.instructure.com, you can also access Canvas via the Parent Canvas Account Links to an external site.app on your phone.
- Video on how to find the pairing code and create your accountLinks to an external site.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, November 3rd- No school for students. All day Professional Development for teachers.
Wednesday, November 4th- Half-day of school
Thursday, November 5th- Half-day of school
November 9, 2020- Return to In-Person Learning begins and Remote Learning continues based on family preference
November 13, 2020- PTA Reflection entries are due
Tuesday, November 17th- Dining Days out at Bellacino's Pizza. See flyer pictured above.
Thursday, November 19th- Virtual PTA meeting 7:00 p.m.
Friday, November 20th- 1/2 Day Records Day- November Pride Circle
Wednesday, November 25th- No School for students, staff reports
Thursday, November 26 & Friday, November 27- Thanksgiving Break
Longacre Elementary School
Email: rhonda.henry@fpsk12.net
Website: https://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/lon
Location: 34850 Arundel Street, Farmington, MI, USA
Phone: 248- 489-3733
Facebook: facebook.com/longacreleopards/
Twitter: @LongacreElem