Welcome to TPMS AVID Ohana
What does AVID look like at Twin Peaks Middle School?
What is AVID?
An AVID student:
- Has academic potential for a four-year college
- Has a 2.5—4.0 GPA
- Wants to be organized & get better grades
- Has good citizenship and attendance
- Wants to be a leader
AVID is purpose-built with the need to connect to others. We help create a world of limitless opportunities
How has AVID helped me this school-year?
Feedback from our 2020-2021 AVID ROCKSTARS:
"Avid helped me during virtual learning by keeping me organized and prioritizing the important stuff like my homework. It also helped me with my teamwork skills, when we do TRF's and escape rooms we socialize with other classmates."
"AVID has really helped me with time management and learning new ways to stay focused and motivated. It has especially helped me note-taking. I think that this is important because If I hadn't learned these things I would have had an even harder time at virtual learning. I also feel very supported by my AVID class."
What does a typical week look like in AVID?
Did we mention that AVID at TPMS is a top ranked program?
Schoolwide Site of Distinction is the highest rating that a school can achieve on the AVID certification rating scale and demonstrates schools’ outstanding commitment to their students by ensuring equity and opportunity for all, providing rigorous academic opportunities, and implementing superb instructional practices to ensure success for first-generation college students. For the last three years, Twin Peaks Middle School was indicated as a School Site of distinction.
Teacher Testimonies
- Mrs. Matautia (AVID Coordinator/6th & 8th grade elective teacher: mmatautia@powayusd.com
- Ms. Fixsen (7th grade elective teacher): kfixsen@powayusd.com