GPPSS Update

On Friday, October 4, South hosted their Homecoming parade. The Class of 2025 enjoyed celebrating with the community!
South celebrates Homecoming
Grosse Pointe South had a great time celebrating Homecoming this past weekend. The Grand Marshall was Mrs. Jenna Roebuck. The Pep Assembly was full of spirit and students enjoyed activities, like musical chairs and tug of war. Thank you to everyone who celebrated with our Blue Devils!
Fun Runs across the District
Kerby hosted its exciting "Fall into Kerby" Fun Run on October 4th, with five awesome activity stations for the Cougars to enjoy! The stations included an obstacle course run, pumpkin games, Candyland fun, pumpkin decorating, and a sweet treat of donuts and cider. The kids had a blast, soaking in the music and the camaraderie of the afternoon. Even better, the PTO has raised an impressive $43,850 so far, all of which will go back to benefit Kerby students. What a fantastic day for the community! Keep up the great work—this kind of support makes a big difference!
Defer and Pierce celebrated our community's generous support for their fun runs with the 3rd annual Rumble on Kercheval! Students, together with parents from both schools lined the street in front of Defer and Pierce. Principal Dirkse and Principal Rheaume lead teams from each school to compete in a race between the Pierce driveways. It was a great time! After the event, Pierce held their color fun run, while Defer held their circus fun run.
Maire held their 2024 Maire-a-thon last Friday! Their most important fundraiser of the year raised over $23,000. All of the funds will be used towards field trips, busing, supplies for staff and students, ongoing projects, etc. Shout out to our work-based learning students for learning elementary education skills at Maire and one student even got a chance to be the Maire Bear on Friday!
Monteith has a week to go before their Fun Run on October 11th, and they have raised over $25,000 heading to their goal of $30,000! They have been celebrating all along the way especially with their Hilarious Hair Day last week!
Quiz Bowl at North
North's High School Quiz Bowl Team won the Jonesville Jamboree Tournament on Saturday, October 5th. They went undefeated and have now qualified for both the PACE Nationals and the NAQT Nationals tournaments. The team included seniors Maggie D., Jack M., Jack R., and Memphis W. Captain, Jack M., was the highest scoring competitor of the tournament. Each player contributed tremendously to the team's success!
Maire visits Real Life Farm
As part of their study of the Needs of Plants and Animals the Kindergarten classrooms from Maire went to the Real Life Farm in Canton Michigan. The students got to ride horses, pet baby animals, feed goats and sheep, and milk a cow. They finished their day with a fun hayride around the farm.
North's Marching Band at MSBOA
North Marching Band earned a High 2nd Division Rating at MSBOA on Tuesday evening. This is the first time that North Marching Band has represented at this event in more than 30 years. Way to go Norsemen!
5th Grade Camp at Brownell
Fifth graders at Brownell visited Bair Lake Camp and enjoyed a variety of activities, like ziplining and climbing. Students had an amazing time with their peers!
Apple Week at Monteith
Kindergarteners at Monteith worked together to make apple sauce, did an apple taste test, and finished out their apple week at the Apple Orchard! Thank you Ms. Banaszewski for sharing!
Parcells' Choir sings to the Community
Mrs. Saroli's 5th grade choir walked to Sunrise today to sing some "baseball game" tunes for the Sunrise of Vernier residents during class today. Our baseball tunes included Centerfield, Take Me Out To The Ballgame, We Are The Champions, YMCA and a few more! We enjoyed our afternoon of singing and spreading cheer to our community.
Finding Bears at Mason
Students at Mason had fun participating in a scavenger hunt around the school.
AP School Honor Roll at North
Congratulations to Grosse Pointe North High School for earning Silver recognition on the 2024 AP School Honor Roll.
Congratulations Charles!
Charles White, GPN's Class of 2024, auditioned for and was accepted into the Michigan State University Pep Band. He is sitting 5th chair out of 33 Trumpets. Way to go Charles!!
Guest Author reads at Ferry
A talented Grosse Pointe graduate, now a published author, Grace Reyes, visited Ferry to share their latest Halloween-themed book with their students on October 4th. The students had the wonderful opportunity to meet a local author and hear about their creative process. It was a memorable event filled with Halloween fun!
North Senior participates in the Biomedical Careers Advancement Pipeline
Tejas D. is a senior at North in Applied Med this year. Over the summer, he participated in the BCAP (Biomedical Careers Advancement Pipeline) and was guided by a mentor at the College of Pharmacy through the Wayne State University School of Medicine to research nanotechnology. Specifically, Tejas prepared his own project on the identification and synthesis of peptides to target blood brain barrier. One possible outcome of the project was to be able to use gene therapy using these peptides to target the brain to treat neurodegenerative diseases. Tejas presented his research to the 2nd period AP Biology class on Monday, Oct 7th.
Join our Team!
GPPSS is hiring! We have multiple positions available. Click the link for more information and to apply!
Looking for Business and Industry Professionals
The GPPSS CTE Department is seeking business and industry professionals to serve on district Advisory Board committees for the 24/25 school year. Please fill out this form if you are able to help us prepare our students for their future careers.
Off & Out of Sight Reminder
All secondary students are to have access to a technology learning device. The GPPSS BYOD Handbook supports the district's strategic plan for student learning and growth. Students use their technology learning device to access Schoology -- the GPPSS's Learning Management System.
Additionally, cell phones are OFF AND OUT OF SIGHT all day for middle school, and during class time for high school students. If students need to be reached during the school day, please continue to contact the main office.
Middle school students may use their phones before the first school bell and after the final school bell. High school students may use their phone during passing time and at lunch, as well as before and after school.
Board of Education Recap
Meeting Summary
On Tuesday, Oct. 8, the Board of Education held a regular meeting where they approved the following:
- Regular Meeting Minutes for September 10, 2024
- HR Report
- 2024 Audit Report-Financial Report/Federal Awards
- Neighborhood Club Agreement
You may review each item on the Board of Education agenda by visiting the district calendar and clicking the date of the meeting, then clicking the agenda, then each hyperlinked action item.
Please watch the district calendar on the website for the latest information on board and committee meetings. Upcoming BOE meetings now include:
- BOE Regular Meeting, TUESDAY, October 22, 2024, 6:30 pm, Brownell
Upcoming Events
Oct. 14- Communities United in Diversity at Defer
Oct. 25- North/South Tailgate
Nov. 3- District Open House