February Family Update
The Learning Center 2024
Winter is Here
Greetings TLC Families.
Well, we had our first dose of winter weather in January with several non traditional instructional (NTI) days and one old fashioned snow day. Please remember to review the weather guidelines and NTI process at TLC: NTI and FCPS Weather Guidelines
In January, we really focused on our schoolwide behavior expectations with regards to cell phones and Chromebooks. Our students have stepped up and we have had very few issues. We know that we could not have accomplished this without your support. Please refer to our Behavior Matrix if you have an questions or need any specific details.
Academically, we have focused on ensuring that students are on track for graduation. We met with each grade level individually and communicated our expectations. Students that are not on track for graduation have been scheduled for academic support during the school day in A4 and or B4 blocks. In addition, we have ESS (after school tutoring) available on Monday and Tuesday from 4:15-5:15. Please take advantage of this opportunity if your student needs extra help.
Please make sure you have access to Canvas, EOS, and Infinite Campus, so you can support your student behaviorally and academically. If you need assistance or have questions, please access our school website or call the school @ 381-0597.
If you or anyone else you know is interested in volunteering and partnering with TLC, please review the following website and fill out a volunteer application: FCPS Volunteer Information.
Finally, please take the time to nominate a staff member that made a difference for your student(s):
TLC February Staff Member of the Month
Please email me if you need anything: bryan.kennedy@fayette.kyschools.us
Bryan Kennedy
Program Director
The Learning Center
TLC School Improvement Update
ATTENDANCE--We want every student to have a minimum of 85% attendance for the entire school year.
ACADEMIC GROWTH--We want every student to meet or exceed their MAP Reading and Math Growth Goal.
LIFE READINESS--We want every student to meet the requirement for post secondary readiness according to the Kentucky Department of Education.
Last year our average daily attendance was 79.96% and this year our average daily attendance is over 82%. We are proud of this progress, but we still have work to do, since our goal is 85%. The 9th graders and the 12th graders still have the highest percentage of attendance out of all the grade levels.
For the rest of the Spring Semester, we will be encouraging our students to complete the "TLC Ten." Every two weeks (10 days) for the rest of the year, we will reward students that have 0 unexcused absences over each two week period. Please continue to support our attendance efforts.
How can you help?
- Don't hesitate to reach out to your student's Advisory teacher if they are struggling with attendance. We are here to support you.
- Make sure excuse notes are returned within three days of your student's return to school.
- Refer your student for mental health services if that is affecting their attendance: Counseling Consent Form
- Help your student create healthy habits with regards to diet, sleep, and exercise.
- Schedule appointments on days in which school is not in session. Here is the FCPS calendar.
Academic Growth
As we transition from the Fall to the Spring Semester and grades are finalized, we need to ensure that all of our students are on track to graduate.
For any students that aren't on track to graduate, we have created plans and shared these plans with all of their teachers. Advisory teachers have conferenced with each student and reviewed these plans.
During the school day we have dedicated two blocks (A4 and B4) for students to receive small group and individual assistance with credit recovery and failing grades. We are focusing on the core subjects, but Math and English are the number one priority.
In addition, as I mentioned before, we have after school tutoring available on Monday and Tuesday: TLC ESS Schedule
How can you help?
- Make sure you are using Infinite Campus to check grades on weekly basis.
- Make sure you are checking student progress on EOS on a weekly basis.
- Reach out to your student's Advisory teacher if they are struggling academically.
- Make sure your student is attending after school tutoring if they need extra support: TLC ESS Schedule
Life Readiness
The most important focus for all of the TLC community is to ensure that our students graduate "life ready." In particular at TLC, we want all students to have the opportunity to attend college after they graduate.
On March 12th, all 10th and 11th graders will be taking the ACT at TLC free of charge. The ACT is a national exam that colleges use for both the admissions process and scholarship opportunities. It is extremely important that our students are prepared and take this exam seriously.
As a school, we have already started to prepare for this important exam and will continue to prepare through March. Here are resources and the details of our schoolwide plan for you to review: TLC ACT Schoolwide Plan
- Review the following resource with your student(s): ACT for Parents and Students
- Help your student(s) schedule time to practice the ACT: Free Online ACT Prep
- Reach out to your student's Advisory teacher for any assistance in preparing for the ACT.
Breaking It Down
Important Dates
February 1st--First Day of Black History Month
February 2nd--January PBIS Reward Celebration
February 2nd--Groundhog Day
February 2nd--PBIS Rewards
February 5th--UK Nurses on Campus
February 5th--One Lexington Mentoring Group on Campus
February 5th--ESS (After School Tutoring) 4:15-5:15
February 6th--UK Nurses on Campus
February 6th--UK Street Law on Campus
February 6th--TLC Tour @ 10:00
February 6th--OMAC Mentoring Group on Campus
February 6th--ESS (After School Tutoring) 4:15-5:15
February 7th--Working Wednesday
February 12th--UK Nurses on Campus
February 12th--One Lexington Mentoring Group on Campus
February 12th--ESS (After School Tutoring) 4:15-5:15
February 13th--UK Nurses on Campus
February 13th--UK Street Law on Campus
February 13th--OMAC Mentoring Group on Campus
February 13th--ESS (After School Tutoring) 4:15-5:15
February 14th--Ash Wednesday
February 14th--Valentine's Day
February 14th--D-Day (Portfolio Work)
February 14th--Berea Trip
February 19th--President's Day (No School)
February 20th--UK Nurses on Campus
February 20th--UK Street Law on Campus
February 20th--OMAC Mentoring Group on Campus
February 20th--ESS (After School Tutoring) 4:15-5:15
February 21st--Working Wednesday
February 21st--Superintendent's Advisory Council
February 21st--Senior Pictures
February 21st--Senior Kyote Math Test
February 23rd--Progress Reports Sent Home
February 26th--UK Nurses on Campus
February 26th--One Lexington Mentoring Group on Campus
February 26th--ESS (After School Tutoring) 4:15-5:15
February 27th--UK Nurses on Campus
February 27th--UK Street Law on Campus
February 27th--OMAC Mentoring Group on Campus
February 27th--ESS (After School Tutoring) 4:15-5:15
February 28th--D-Day
March 1st--PBIS Reward Celebration
The Learning Center
Email: bryan.kennedy@fayette.kyschools.us
Website: https://tlc.fcps.net/
Location: 475 Price Road, Lexington, KY, USA
Phone: (859)381-0597
Facebook: https://facebook.com/groups/TLCWhiteTigers/
Twitter: @TLCWhiteTiger